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31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

1024. New and Used Car Sales and Leases

[In thousands, except as indicated]

Item 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
    Total car sales 46,830 45,465 45,163 46,575 49,132 50,393 49,355 48,542 48,372
New passenger car sales 1 9,300 8,175 8,213 8,518 8,991 8,635 8,527 8,272 8,142
Used passenger car sales 2 37,530 37,290 36,950 38,057 40,141 41,758 40,828 40,270 40,230
Value of transactions (bil. dol.) 219 230 247 279 312 338 337 338 336
Average price (dol.) 5,830 6,157 6,693 7,335 7,781 8,093 8,257 8,399 8,353
New passenger car leases 3 534 667 882 1,197 1,715 1,795 1,808 2,062 1,985

1 Includes leased cars. 2 Includes sales from franchised dealers, independent dealers, and casual sales.
and casual sales.nn3 Consumer leases only.

Source: New passenger car sales: 1970-97, American Automobile Manufacturers Association,Motor Vehicle Facts & Figures, 1998, Detroit, MI, Wards's Communications, personal communication, Apr. 7, 1999; Used passenger car sales: ADT Automotive, 1999 Used CarMarket Report Nashville, TN; Leased passenger cars: CNW Marketing/Research, Bandon, OR,personal communication, Jan. 25, 1999.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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