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1439. Utilities--Establishments, Revenue, Payroll, and Employees, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997

Revenue Annual payroll Paid
Kind of business for pay
Estab- Per Per period
NAICS lish- paid paid First-quarter including
code 1 ments Total employee Total employee payroll March 12
(number) ($1,000) (dol.) ($1,000) (dol.) ($1,000) (number)
    Utilities 22 15,513 411,713,327 585,899 36,594,684 52,077 9,619,411 702,703
Utilities 221 15,513 411,713,327 585,899 36,594,684 52,077 9,619,411 702,703
Electric power generation,
transmission, & distribution   2211 7,935 269,095,239 476,676 30,439,772 53,921 8,073,831 564,525
  Electric power generation 22111 1,745 73,375,323 493,492 8,369,366 56,289 2,212,684 148,686
    Hydroelectric power generation 221111 353 3,073,908 416,519 394,135 53,406 98,922 7,380
      Electric services (hydroelectric power generation) 2211111 302 2,651,104 417,892 341,334 53,804 84,877 6,344
      Electric & other services combined (hpg) 2211112 49 (D) (NA) (D) (NA) (D) (1)
    Fossil fuel electric power generation 221112 1,009 48,324,008 515,374 5,048,597 53,843 1,329,419 93,765
      Electric services (fossil fuel power generation) 2211121 834 37,041,869 518,743 3,829,528 53,630 1,008,378 71,407
      Electric & other serv. combined (fossil fuel power generation) 2211122 174 (D) (NA) (D) (NA) (D) (2)
    Nuclear electric power generation 221113 67 13,966,616 406,231 2,201,922 64,045 593,607 34,381
      Electric services (nuclear power generation) 2211131 56 9,808,861 370,034 1,673,481 63,131 453,070 26,508
      Electric & other services combined (npg) 2211132 11 4,157,755 528,103 528,441 67,121 140,537 7,873
    Other electric power generation 221119 316 8,010,791 608,723 724,712 55,069 190,736 13,160
      Electric services (other electric power generation) 2211191 268 6,864,322 624,597 612,726 55,753 154,266 10,990
      Electric & other serv. combined (other epg) 2211192 44 1,139,389 533,422 110,468 51,717 36,161 2,136
  Electric power transmission, control & distrib. 22112 6,190 195,719,916 470,663 22,070,406 53,074 5,861,147 415,839
    Electric bulk power transmission & control 221121 120 955,984 395,361 115,706 47,852 31,087 2,418
      Electric services (electric power trans. & control) 2211211 99 523,508 319,407 66,484 40,564 18,466 1,639
      Electric & other serv. combined (elec. power trans. & control) 2211212 18 (D) (NA) (D) (NA) (D) (3)
    Electric power distribution 221122 6,070 194,763,932 471,103 21,954,700 53,105 5,830,060 413,421
      Electric services (electric power distribution) 2211221 4,653 112,894,143 465,837 12,580,294 51,910 3,357,665 242,347
      Electric & other serv. combined (electric power distrib.) 2211222 1,387 81,442,099 477,958 9,322,355 54,710 2,455,887 170,396
      Other combination utilities (epd) 2211223 30 427,690 630,811 52,051 76,771 16,508 678
Natural gas distribution 2212 2,747 136,995,356 1,331,629 5,109,542 49,666 1,287,668 102,878
  Natural gas distribution 22121 2,747 136,995,356 1,331,629 5,109,542 49,666 1,287,668 102,878
    Natural gas distribution 221210 2,747 136,995,356 1,331,629 5,109,542 49,666 1,287,668 102,878
      Natural gas transmission & distribution 2212101 713 18,266,506 629,034 1,534,377 52,838 381,259 29,039
      Natural gas distribution 2212102 1,682 87,105,150 1,387,135 2,955,079 47,059 747,581 62,795
      Mixed, manu., or LP gas pro &/or dist. 2212103 86 (D) (NA) (D) (NA) (D) (2)
      Electric & other serv. combined (natural gas distrib.) 2212104 145 28,110,297 4,193,063 412,733 61,565 104,745 6,704
      Gas & other serv. combined (natural gas distrib) 2212105 119 2,852,525 915,151 148,697 47,705 41,810 3,117
Water, sewage, & other systems 2213 4,831 5,622,732 159,284 1,045,370 29,614 257,912 35,300
  Water supply & irrigation systems 22131 4,052 4,453,835 159,447 825,408 29,550 203,319 27,933
    Water supply & irrigation systems 221310 4,052 4,453,835 159,447 825,408 29,550 203,319 27,933
      Water supply 2213101 3,721 4,347,227 163,448 800,537 30,099 198,099 26,597
      Irrigation systems 2213102 331 106,608 79,796 24,871 18,616 5,220 1,336
  Sewage treatment facilities 22132 696 595,834 106,399 138,967 24,816 34,129 5,600
    Sewage treatment facilities 221320 696 595,834 106,399 138,967 24,816 34,129 5,600
  Steam & air-conditioning supply 22133 83 573,063 324,314 80,995 45,838 20,464 1,767
    Steam & air-conditioning supply 221330 83 573,063 324,314 80,995 45,838 20,464 1,767

(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data of individualcompanies; data are included in higher level totals.(f) 500 to 999 employees.(g) 1,000 to 2,499 employees.
1 North American Industry Classification System code. For definitions of each industry, see "North American IndustryClassification System--United States, 1997" available from the National Technical InformationService and the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.For a short description available on the Internet, see also

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census, Utilities,Series EC97T22A-US, issued December 1999.

*The Utilities sector comprises establishments engaged in theprovision of the following utility services: electric power, naturalgas, steam supply, water supply, and sewage removal. Within thissector, the specific activities associated with the utility servicesprovided vary by utility: electric power includes generation,transmission, and distribution; natural gas includes distribution;steam supply includes provision and/or distribution; water supplyincludes treatment and distribution; and sewage removal includescollection, treatment, and disposal of waste through sewer systems andsewage treatment facilities.

Excluded from this sector are establishments primarily engaged inwaste management services classified in Subsector 562, Waste Management and Remediation Services, which also collect, treat, and dispose of waste materials; however, they do not use sewer systems or sewage treatment facilities.


An establishment is a single physical location at which business is conducted and/or services are provided. It is notnecessarily identical with a company or enterprise, which may consist of one establishment or more. Economic censusfigures represent a summary of reports for individual establishments rather than companies. For cases where a census reportwas received, separate information was obtained for each location where business was conducted. When administrativerecords of other Federal agencies were used instead of a census report, no information was available on the number oflocations operated. Each economic census establishment was tabulated according to the physical location at which thebusiness was conducted. The count of establishments represents those in business at any time during 1997.

When two activities or more were carried on at a single location under a single ownership, all activities generally weregrouped together as a single establishment. The entire establishment was classified on the basis of its major activity and alldata for it were included in that classification. However, when distinct and separate economic activities (for which differentindustry classification codes were appropriate) were conducted at a single location under a single ownership, separateestablishment reports for each of the different activities were obtained in the census.

Sales, Shipments, Receipts, Revenue, or Business Done

Includes the total sales, shipments, receipts, revenue, or business done by establishments within the scope of the economiccensus. Utilities sector - Includes revenue from all business activities whether or not payment was received in the census year.

Revenue does not include sales and other taxes collected from customers and remitted directly by the firm to a local, state,or Federal tax agency.Annual Payroll

Payroll includes all forms of compensation, such as salaries, wages, commissions, dismissal pay, bonuses, vacationallowances, sick-leave pay, and employee contributions, to qualified pension plans paid during the year to all employees.For corporations, payroll includes amounts paid to officers and executives; for unincorporated businesses, it does notinclude profit or other compensation of proprietors or partners. Payroll is reported before deductions for social security,income tax, insurance, union dues, etc. This definition of payroll is the same as that used by the Internal Revenue Service(IRS) on Form 941.Paid Employees

Paid employees consists of full-time and part-time employees, including salaried officers and executives of corporations.Included are employees on paid sick leave, paid holidays, and paid vacations; not included are proprietors and partners ofunincorporated businesses. The definition of paid employees is the same as that used on IRS Form 941.

Utilities sector. Includes all employees who were on the payroll during the pay period including March 12.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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