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32. 1997 Economic Census

1282. Food Sales by Nontraditional Retailers

[268,477,412 represents $268,477,412,000]

1992 1997
Retail Share of Retail Share of
Sales outlet food total retail food total retail
sales food sales sales food sales
($1,000) (percent) ($1,000) (percent)
Traditional foodstores, total 268,477,412 87.7 308,780,000 82.6
Supermarkets 197,042,608 64.3 222,002,648 59.4
Convenience stores 14,674,422 4.8 14,216,118 3.8
Other grocery stores 41,445,824 13.5 50,331,234 13.5
Specialized food stores 15,314,558 5.0 22,230,000 5.9
Nontraditional foodstores, total 37,748,377 12.3 64,867,269 17.4
General merchandise stores:
  Department stores 255,000 0.1 244,000 0.1
  Discount/mass merchandise stores 7,724,000 2.5 26,336,000 7.0
  Variety stores 740,000 0.2 896,000 0.2
  Warehouse club stores 7,166,000 2.3 7,964,000 2.1
  Other general merchandise stores 893,000 0.3 795,000 0.2
Other stores:
  Auto and home supply stores 13,794 (Z) 18,339 (Z)
  Drugstores 3,603,546 1.2 5,007,000 1.3
  Eating and drinking places 771,709 0.3 923,000 0.2
  Furniture stores 84,692 (Z) 133,280 (Z)
  Gasoline service stations 8,567,422 2.8 10,398,000 2.8
  Hardware stores 28,668 (Z) 34,089 (Z)
  Lawn and Garden supply stores 27,154 (Z) 41,331 (Z)
Miscellaneous stores:
  Bookstores 9,014 (Z) 14,270 (Z)
  Florists 31,124 (Z) 44,116 (Z)
  Fuel dealers 15,714 (Z) 20,011 (Z)
  Gift, novelty, and souvenir shops 140,351 (Z) 198,938 0.1
  Hobby, toy, and game shops 187,780 0.1 266,165 0.1
  Jewelry stores 18,103 (Z) 25,660 (Z)
  Liquor stores 1,098,404 0.4 1,234,000 0.3
  Pet shops 1,517 (Z) 2,150 (Z)
  Sporting goods 24,029 (Z) 36,780 (Z)
  Tobacco stores and stands 28,356 (Z) 41,140 (Z)
Nonstore retailers, total
  Catalog and mail order 736,000 0.2 1,008,000 0.3
  Vending machine operators 2,478,627 0.8 4,133,700 1.1
  Direct sales (mobile, door to door) 3,104,373 1.0 5,052,300 1.4

Z Less than 0.05 percent.

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Census of Retail Trade, Merchandise Line Sales, 1992;U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, 1998, Food Marketing Review, annual.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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