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32. 1997 Economic Census

1354. Foreign or Foreign-Born Population and Labor Force in Selected OECD Countries

[In Australia, Canada, and the United States the data refer to people presentin the country who are foreign born. In the European countries and Japanthey generally refer to foreigners and represent the nationalities ofresidents; as a result, persons born in these countries may be countedamong the foreign population, whereas others, who are foreign born, mayhave acquired the host-country nationality.

Foreign population 1 Foreign labor force 2
COUNTRY Number Percent of Number Percent of
(1,000) total population (1,000) total labor force
1987 1997 1987 1997 1987 1997 1987 1997
United States 3 4 14,080 5 24,600 6.2 9.3 4 7,077 5 14,300 6.7 10.8
Australia 3 3,247 5 3,908 20.8 21.1 1,901 5 2,239 25.4 24.6
Austria 326 733 4.3 9.1 158 326 5.4 9.9
Belgium 863 903 8.7 8.9 6 270 333 6.8 7.9
Canada 3 3,908 5 4,971 15.4 17.4 2,359 7 2,681 18.5 18.5
Denmark 136 5 250 2.7 4.7 63 5 88 2.1 3.1
Finland 18 81 0.4 1.6 (NA) 19 (NA) 0.8
France 8 3,714 9 3,597 6.8 6.3 1,525 1,570 6.3 6.1
Germany 4,241 7,366 6.9 9.0 1,866 2,522 6.9 9.1
Ireland 77 114 2.2 3.1 33 52 2.5 3.4
Italy 572 1,241 1.0 2.2 7 285 10 332 1.3 1.7
Japan 884 1,483 0.7 1.2 (NA) 11 660 (NA) 1.0
Luxembourg 103 148 26.8 34.9 12 64 12 125 37.6 55.1
Netherlands 592 678 4.0 4.4 176 208 3.0 2.9
Norway 124 158 2.9 3.6 1314 49 14 60 2.3 2.8
Portugal 13 95 175 1.0 1.8 13 46 88 1.0 1.8
Spain 335 610 0.9 1.5 13 58 176 0.4 1.1
Sweden 401 522 4.8 6.0 215 220 4.9 5.2
Switzerland 979 1,341 14.9 19.0 15 588 15 693 16.6 17.5
United Kingdom 1,839 2,066 3.2 3.6 815 949 3.3 3.6

NA Not available.
1 Data are from population registers except for France (census), Ireland, and the United Kingdom(labor force survey), Japan and Switzerland (register of foreigners) and Italy, Portugal, andSpain (residence permits).
2 Includes unemployed except for Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway and United Kingdom.Data for Austria, Germany, and Luxembourg are from social security registers, for Denmark from the register of population, for Norway from the register of employees. Data for Italy, Portugal,Spain, and Switzerland are from residence or work permits. Figures for Japan and Netherlandsare estimates. Data for other countries are from labor force surveys.
3 Census data, except 1996 data for United States from Current Population Survey.
4 1980 data.
5 1996 data.
6 1986 data.
7 1991 data.
8 1982 data.
9 1990 data.
10 1995 data.
11 Includes those of Japanese descent, students and illegal workers.
12 Includes cross-border workers.
13 1988 data.
14 Excluds self-employed.
15 Foreigners with an annual residence permit or a settlement permit who engage in gainfulactivity. Seasonal and cross-border workers are excluded.

Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France,Trends in International Migration (1999 Edition) (copyright).

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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