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Resident Population of States: 1980 to 2000

Population 2000 Change, 1990 to 2000
    Area April 1, 1980 April 1, 1990 April 1, 2000 Population Rank Numeric Percent
United States 226,545,805 248,790,925 281,421,906 (X) 32,630,981 13.1
    Alabama 3,893,888 4,040,389 4,447,100 23 406,711 10.1
    Alaska 401,851 550,043 626,932 48 76,889 14.0
    Arizona 2,718,215 3,665,339 5,130,632 20 1,465,293 40.0
    Arkansas 2,286,435 2,350,624 2,673,400 33 322,776 13.7
    California 23,667,902 29,811,427 33,871,648 1 4,060,221 13.6
    Colorado 2,889,964 3,294,473 4,301,261 24 1,006,788 30.6
    Connecticut 3,107,576 3,287,116 3,405,565 29 118,449 3.6
    Delaware 594,338 666,168 783,600 45 117,432 17.6
    District of Columbia 638,333 606,900 572,059 (X) -34,841 -5.7
    Florida 9,746,324 12,938,071 15,982,378 4 3,044,307 23.5
    Georgia 5,463,105 6,478,149 8,186,453 10 1,708,304 26.4
    Hawaii 964,691 1,108,229 1,211,537 42 103,308 9.3
    Idaho 943,935 1,006,734 1,293,953 39 287,219 28.5
    Illinois 11,426,518 11,430,602 12,419,293 5 988,691 8.6
    Indiana 5,490,224 5,544,156 6,080,485 14 536,329 9.7
    Iowa 2,913,808 2,776,831 2,926,324 30 149,493 5.4
    Kansas 2,363,679 2,477,588 2,688,418 32 210,830 8.5
    Kentucky 3,660,777 3,686,892 4,041,769 25 354,877 9.6
    Louisiana 4,205,900 4,221,826 4,468,976 22 247,150 5.9
    Maine 1,124,660 1,227,928 1,274,923 40 46,995 3.8
    Maryland 4,216,975 4,780,753 5,296,486 19 515,733 10.8
    Massachusetts 5,737,037 6,016,425 6,349,097 13 332,672 5.5
    Michigan 9,262,078 9,295,287 9,938,444 8 643,157 6.9
    Minnesota 4,075,970 4,375,665 4,919,479 21 543,814 12.4
    Mississippi 2,520,638 2,575,475 2,844,658 31 269,183 10.5
    Missouri 4,916,686 5,116,901 5,595,211 17 478,310 9.3
    Montana 786,690 799,065 902,195 44 103,130 12.9
    Nebraska 1,569,825 1,578,417 1,711,263 38 132,846 8.4
    Nevada 800,493 1,201,675 1,998,257 35 796,582 66.3
    New Hampshire 920,610 1,109,252 1,235,786 41 126,534 11.4
    New Jersey 7,364,823 7,747,750 8,414,350 9 666,600 8.6
    New Mexico 1,302,894 1,515,069 1,819,046 36 303,977 20.1
    New York 17,558,072 17,990,778 18,976,457 3 985,679 5.5
    North Carolina 5,881,766 6,632,448 8,049,313 11 1,416,865 21.4
    North Dakota 652,717 638,800 642,200 47 3,400 0.5
    Ohio 10,797,630 10,847,115 11,353,140 7 506,025 4.7
    Oklahoma 3,025,290 3,145,576 3,450,654 27 305,078 9.7
    Oregon 2,633,105 2,842,337 3,421,399 28 579,062 20.4
    Pennsylvania 11,863,895 11,882,842 12,281,054 6 398,212 3.4
    Rhode Island 947,154 1,003,464 1,048,319 43 44,855 4.5
    South Carolina 3,121,820 3,486,310 4,012,012 26 525,702 15.1
    South Dakota 690,768 696,004 754,844 46 58,840 8.5
    Tennessee 4,591,120 4,877,203 5,689,283 16 812,080 16.7
    Texas 14,229,191 16,986,335 20,851,820 2 3,865,485 22.8
    Utah 1,461,037 1,722,850 2,233,169 34 510,319 29.6
    Vermont 511,456 562,758 608,827 49 46,069 8.2
    Virginia 5,346,818 6,189,197 7,078,515 12 889,318 14.4
    Washington 4,132,156 4,866,669 5,894,121 15 1,027,452 21.1
    West Virginia 1,949,644 1,793,477 1,808,344 37 14,867 0.8
    Wisconsin 4,705,767 4,891,954 5,363,675 18 471,721 9.6
    Wyoming 469,557 453,589 493,782 50 40,193 8.9

X Not applicable.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Redistricting Data (P.L. 94-171) Summary File,Internet Release date: April 2, 2001;1990 Census of Population and Housing, Population and Housing UnitCounts (CPH-2); and"ST-99-3 State Population Estimates: Annual Time Series, July 1, 1990 to July 1, 1999;"published 29 December, 1999; .

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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