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32. 1997 Economic Census

1369. Comparative Price Levels--Selected OECD Countries: 2000

[As of June. Example of data: An item that costs $1.00 in the United States would cost $1.64 (U.S.dollars) in Japan]

United New
COUNTRY States Canada Mexico Australia Japan Korea, Zealand Austria Belgium Czech Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United
(U.S. (Canadian (new (Australian (yen) South (N.Z. (schilling) (franc) Republic (krone) (markka) (franc) (Deutsche (drachma) (forint) (kronur) (Irish (lire) (franc) (guilder) (krone) (zloty) (escudo) (peseta) (krona) (Swiss (lira) Kingdom
dollar) dollar) peso) dollar) (won) dollar) (koruny) mark) pound) franc) (pound)
United States 100 121 143 125 61 161 140 104 110 249 84 92 104 103 135 241 80 113 121 108 111 82 188 147 131 88 80 184 92
Australia 80 97 115 100 49 129 112 83 88 200 67 73 84 83 109 193 64 91 97 86 89 66 151 118 105 71 64 147 74
Austria 97 117 138 120 59 155 135 100 106 240 81 88 101 100 131 233 77 109 117 104 107 80 182 141 127 85 78 177 89
Belgium 91 111 130 114 56 146 128 94 100 227 76 84 95 94 123 220 73 103 110 98 101 75 172 134 119 80 73 167 84
Canada 82 100 118 103 50 132 116 85 90 205 69 75 86 85 111 198 66 93 100 89 91 68 155 121 108 73 66 151 76
Czech Republic 40 49 57 50 24 65 56 42 44 100 34 37 42 42 54 97 32 45 49 43 45 33 76 59 53 35 32 74 37
Denmark 119 145 170 149 73 191 167 123 131 297 100 109 124 123 161 287 95 135 144 128 132 98 224 175 156 105 96 219 110
Finland 109 133 156 136 67 175 153 113 120 272 92 100 114 113 148 263 87 123 132 117 121 90 206 160 143 96 88 200 100
France 96 116 137 120 58 154 134 99 105 238 80 88 100 99 130 231 76 108 116 103 106 79 180 140 126 84 77 176 88
Germany 97 117 138 121 59 155 136 100 106 241 81 89 101 100 131 233 77 109 117 104 107 80 182 142 127 85 78 178 89
Greece 74 90 106 92 45 119 104 77 81 184 62 68 77 76 100 178 59 83 89 79 82 61 139 108 97 65 59 136 68
Hungary 42 50 59 52 25 67 58 43 46 103 35 38 43 43 56 100 33 47 50 45 46 34 78 61 54 37 33 76 38
Iceland 125 152 179 156 76 201 176 130 138 312 105 115 131 130 170 302 100 142 152 135 139 103 236 184 164 111 101 230 115
Ireland 89 108 127 110 54 142 124 92 97 220 74 81 92 92 120 213 71 100 107 95 98 73 167 130 116 78 71 163 81
Italy 83 100 118 103 50 133 116 86 91 206 69 76 86 85 112 199 66 93 100 89 92 68 156 121 108 73 66 152 76
Japan 164 199 235 205 100 263 230 170 180 408 138 150 171 170 222 395 131 185 199 176 182 135 309 240 215 145 132 301 151
Korea, South 62 76 89 78 38 100 87 64 68 155 52 57 65 64 84 150 50 70 75 67 69 51 117 91 82 55 50 114 57
Luxembourg 93 113 133 116 57 149 130 96 102 231 78 85 97 96 126 224 74 105 113 100 103 77 175 136 122 82 75 171 85
Mexico 70 85 100 87 43 112 98 72 77 174 59 64 73 72 95 168 56 79 85 75 78 58 132 102 92 62 56 128 64
Netherlands 90 110 129 113 55 145 127 93 99 225 76 83 94 93 122 217 72 102 109 97 100 74 170 132 118 80 72 166 83
New Zealand 71 87 102 89 43 114 100 74 78 177 60 65 74 74 96 172 57 80 86 77 79 59 134 104 93 63 57 131 66
Norway 121 147 174 151 74 195 170 126 133 302 102 111 127 125 164 292 97 137 147 131 134 100 229 178 159 107 97 223 112
Poland 53 64 76 66 32 85 74 55 58 132 45 49 55 55 72 128 42 60 64 57 59 44 100 78 70 47 43 98 49
Portugal 68 83 98 85 42 110 96 71 75 170 57 63 71 71 92 164 54 77