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32. 1997 Economic Census

650. School Enrollment and Labor Force Status

[In thousands (37,103 represents 37,103,000), except percent. As of October. For the civilian noninstitutional population 16 to 24 years old. Based on Current Population Survey; see text, Section 1, Population, and Appendix III]

CHARACTERISTIC 1990 1995 1 1996 1997 1 1998 1 1999 1
1980 1990 1995 1 1996 1997 1 1998 1 1999 1 1980 1990 1995 1 1996 1997 1 1998 1 1999 1 1980 1990 1995 1 1996 1997 1 1998 1 1999 1 1980,
total Total Rate 2 Total Rate 2 Total Rate 2 Total Rate 2 Total Rate 2 Total Rate 2
    Total, 16 to 24 years 3 37,103 31,421 32,379 32,452 32,965 33,445 34,173 24,918 20,679 20,794 20,989 20,993 21,691 22,135 21,454 18,317 18,318 18,613 18,810 19,575 20,044 3,464 2,363 11.4 2,476 11.9 2,376 11.3 2,183 10.4 2,116 9.8 2,091 9.4
Enrolled in school 3 15,713 15,210 16,842 17,381 18,140 18,174 18,371 7,454 7,301 8,301 8,749 8,841 9,207 9,199 6,433 6,527 7,346 7,856 7,957 8,241 8,380 1,021 774 10.6 954 11.5 893 10.2 884 10.0 967 10.5 819 8.9
  16 to 19 years 11,126 10,118 11,272 11,759 12,156 12,370 12,451 4,836 4,244 4,931 5,232 5,087 5,533 5,510 4,029 3,645 4,169 4,525 4,406 4,778 4,892 807 599 14.1 762 15.5 707 13.5 681 13.4 756 13.7 618 11.2
  20 to 24 years 4,587 5,092 5,570 5,622 5,985 5,804 5,920 2,618 3,057 3,370 3,516 3,754 3,674 3,688 2,404 2,882 3,178 3,330 3,550 3,463 3,488 214 174 5.7 192 5.7 186 5.3 204 5.4 211 5.7 200 5.4
    Male 7,997 7,704 8,504 8,766 9,059 9,058 9,217 3,825 3,635 4,062 4,246 4,286 4,448 4,516 3,259 3,215 3,555 3,780 3,775 3,927 4,065 566 420 11.6 506 12.5 467 11.0 511 11.9 520 11.7 452 10.0
    Female 7,716 7,507 8,337 8,614 9,081 9,116 9,154 3,629 3,666 4,239 4,502 4,555 4,760 4,682 3,174 3,312 3,791 4,076 4,182 4,313 4,315 455 353 9.6 448 10.6 426 9.5 373 8.2 446 9.4 367 7.8
  College level 7,664 8,139 8,697 8,992 9,373 9,445 9,400 3,996 4,542 4,996 5,273 5,372 5,646 5,503 3,632 4,231 4,639 4,923 5,016 5,250 5,194 364 311 6.9 357 7.1 351 6.6 356 6.6 396 7.0 309 5.6
    Full-time 6,396 6,810 7,211 7,581 7,906 7,939 7,976 2,854 3,376 3,713 4,026 4,083 4,306 4,258 2,554 3,117 3,406 3,726 3,778 3,982 4,022 300 259 7.7 307 8.3 299 7.4 304 7.5 324 7.5 236 5.6
    White 13,242 12,308 13,379 13,823 14,376 14,392 14,523 6,687 6,294 7,030 7,486 7,519 7,721 7,762 5,889 5,705 6,322 6,845 6,862 7,020 7,166 798 588 9.4 708 10.1 641 8.6 657 8.7 701 9.1 596 7.7
      Below college 6,566 5,535 6,251 6,543 6,756 6,759 6,990 3,095 2,374 2,793 2,955 2,951 3,000 3,153 2,579 2,021 2,357 2,577 2,575 2,600 2,765 516 354 14.9 435 15.6 378 12.8 376 12.7 400 13.3 388 12.3
      College level 6,678 6,772 7,128 7,280 7,620 7,633 7,533 3,592 3,919 4,237 4,532 4,568 4,720 4,609 3,310 3,685 3,965 4,269 4,287 4,419 4,401 282 234 6.0 272 6.4 263 5.8 281 6.1 301 6.4 208 4.5
    Black 2,028 2,129 2,431 2,452 2,619 2,653 2,654 595 718 862 837 924 1,098 963 406 576 667 653 732 884 776 189 142 19.7 195 22.6 184 22.0 192 20.8 214 19.5 187 19.4
      Below college 1,282 1,207 1,418 1,427 1,511 1,516 1,470 294 306 376 382 406 454 391 174 212 248 254 278 315 276 120 94 30.8 128 34.0 128 33.5 128 31.6 139 30.5 115 29.3
      College level 747 922 1,013 1,026 1,109 1,137 1,183 300 411 486 454 519 644 572 230 364 419 398 455 569 499 70 47 11.5 67 13.9 56 12.4 64 12.4 75 11.7 72 12.7
Not enrolled 3 21,390 16,210 15,537 15,071 14,825 15,271 15,801 17,464 13,379 12,493 12,241 12,152 12,484 12,936 15,021 11,789 10,972 10,757 10,853 11,334 11,664 2,443 1,589 11.9 1,521 12.2 1,483 12.1 1,299 10.7 1,149 9.2 1,272 9.8
  White 18,103 13,317 12,338 11,971 11,881 12,340 12,700 15,121 11,276 10,131 9,934 9,980 10,332 10,593 13,318 10,193 9,087 8,986 9,095 9,528 9,757 1,803 1,083 9.6 1,043 10.3 948 9.5 885 8.9 804 7.8 836 7.9
  Black 2,864 2,441 2,408 2,435 2,337 2,364 2,463 2,055 1,752 1,745 1,804 1,710 1,733 1,865 1,451 1,298 1,349 1,321 1,333 1,433 1,485 604 454 25.9 396 22.7 483 26.8 377 22.1 300 17.3 380 20.4

1 See footnote 2, table 643.
2 Percent of civilian labor force in each category.
3 Includes other races, not shown separately.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bulletin 2307; News, USDL 91-264, June 6, 1991; USDL 92-395, USDL 96-152, April 25, 1996; USDL 97-240, July 23, 1997,USDL 98-171, May 1, 1998; USDL 99-75, June 25, 1999; and USDL 00-136, May 17, 2000; and unpublished data.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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