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32. 1997 Economic Census

1109. Farm Income--Cash Receipts From Farm Marketings

[In millions of dollars (188,055 represents $188,055,000,000).Represents gross receipts from commercial market sales as well asnet Commodity Credit Corporation loans.The source estimates and publishes individual cash receipt values only formajor commodities and major producing states. The U.S. receipts forindividual commodities, computed as the sum of the reported States, mayunderstate the value of sales for some commodities, with the balanceincluded in the appropriate category labeled "other" or "miscellaneous."The degree of underestimation in some of the minor commodities can be substantial]

Commodity 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
      Total 169,526 167,864 171,322 177,893 181,264 188,055 199,138 207,611 196,761
    Livestock and products 89,220 85,786 85,637 90,446 88,179 87,101 92,956 96,535 94,539
  Meat animals 51,242 50,132 47,748 50,969 46,661 44,865 44,154 49,682 43,604
Cattle and calves 39,302 38,697 37,272 39,487 36,252 34,044 30,977 36,000 33,724
Hogs 11,525 11,036 10,017 10,948 9,898 10,255 12,565 13,054 9,396
Sheep and lambs 414 399 460 533 511 566 612 628 484
  Dairy products 20,153 18,007 19,736 19,262 19,983 19,880 22,785 20,940 24,312
Milk, retail 260 254 276 263 377 393 477 444 441
Milk, wholesale 19,893 17,753 19,460 18,998 19,606 19,487 22,308 20,496 23,871
  Poultry/eggs 15,289 15,154 15,524 17,349 18,461 19,051 22,432 22,234 22,806
Broilers 8,365 8,383 9,177 10,416 11,372 11,762 13,905 14,159 15,147
Farm chickens 90 67 83 96 73 60 59 71 76
Chicken eggs 4,010 3,901 3,384 3,779 3,790 3,893 4,776 4,540 4,350
Turkeys 2,393 2,353 2,397 2,510 2,643 2,769 3,124 2,881 2,662
Ducks 8 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13
Other poultry 422 441 474 539 574 556 557 571 560
  Miscellaneous livestock 2,537 2,494 2,629