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32. 1997 Economic Census

1303. Service Industries -- Summary of Tax-Exempt Firms, by Kind of Business

[(175.8 represents 175,800). Covers establishments with payroll

1987 1992 1997
Receipts or Annual
Establish- or Annual Paid revenues payroll Establish- Revenues Annual Paid Establish- Revenues Annual Paid
Kind of Business 1987 SIC ments 2 revenues 3 payroll employees 4 per per ments 2 payroll employees 3 ments 2 payroll employees 3
code 1 (1,000) (mil. dol.) (mil. dol.) (1,000) establish- employee
ment 3 (dol.) (1,000) (mil. dol.) (mil. dol.) (1,000) (Number) ($1,000) ($1,000) (Number)
    Firms exempt from Federal income tax 4 (X) 175.8 267,490 117,976 6,736.7 1,521.3 17,513 208.9 446,256 186,672 8,109 224,980 569,583,863 224,131,319 8,563,199
Organization hotels, camps and other lodging 70, 703, 3.5 604 156 17.0 171.0 9,198 3.2 807 204 18 2,169 562,297 114,585 10,935
  places 7041
Amusement and recreation services 79 15,695 13,540,652 5,035,318 301,895
  Producers, orchestras, entertainers 5 792 2.1 1,781 728 56.5 848.1 12,885 3.1 2,820 1,123 73 3,925 4,312,904 1,525,104 84,603
    Membership sports and recreation clubs 7997 6.5 3,694 1,467 116.4 564.0 12,607 7.5 5,610 2,190 134 8,591 7,860,389 3,135,205 186,975
Health services 80 33,146 411,458,724 172,583,968 5,814,763
  Nursing and personal care facilities 805 4.1 8,201 4,264 371.5 1,995.5 11,479 5.9 15,220 7,591 498 13,657 27,819,012 13,109,351 745,146
  Hospitals 806 5.9 172,001 82,342 3,964.1 29,137.9 20,772 5.7 279,735 126,202 4,566 5,340 339,031,933 141,909,969 4,421,454
    Hospitals, excluding government 806 3.8 123,533 55,318 2,773.6 32,508.7 19,945 3.6 203,360 87,062 3,252 5,340 339,031,933 141,909,969 4,421,454
  Home health care services 808 1.8 2,103 1,241 118.7 1,189.0 10,455 2.2 5,714 3,237 193 3,375 10,104,243 5,426,172 267,484
Legal aid societies and similar legal services 81, 8111 1.4 665 373 16.2 475.0 23,025 1.7 1,161 629 21 2,532 1,496,807 796,671 23,316
Educational services 82 5,881 (D) (D) (4)
Selected educational services 823, 24, 29 4.7 1,753 615 49.3 370.8 12,476 6.3 2,973 981 63 5,881 (NA) (D) (NA)
Social services 4 83 63.0 31,552 11,617 1,109.5 500.8 10,470 81.7 53,672 19,331 1,407 92,156 75,682,312 25,998,954 1,586,186
  Individual and family social services 832 21.9 8,585 3,629 312.7 392.7 11,606 28.9 16,046 6,381 434 42,427 30,460,289 11,695,542 692,454
  Job training and related services 833 5.0 3,664 1,741 238.2 732.0 7,307 6.1 5,642 2,579 270 5,668 6,461,745 3,093,266 269,738
  Child day care services 835 13.8 2,233 1,239 155.4 161.6 7,973 16.0 3,692 1,941 185 18,099 5,756,666 3,015,027 239,981
  Residential care 836 10.5 6,125 2,768 240.5 584.8 11,507 15.0 10,615 4,830 319 10,869 9,416,096 4,417,356 240,732
Museums, botanical, zoological gardens 84 2.7 2,597 778 52.1 961.9 14,933 3.1 3,199 1,180 66 4,781 6,277,474 1,713,627 84,417
Membership organizations 86 65,075 (D) (D) (6)
Business associations 861 12.3 6,756 1,996 87.5 549.3 22,819 14.3 11,068 3,157 102 15,238 14,439,846 4,045,343 109,354
Professional membership organizations 862 5.6 4,110 1,133 49.3 732.6 22,981 5.7 5,744 1,620 54 7,239 8,292,364 2,264,642 62,376
Civic, social, and fraternal associations 864 40.4 8,569 2,779 322.9 212.0 8,604 41.8 13,176 3,657 355 36,099 (D) (D) (6)
Eng, acctg, research, mgt, & related services 87 3,543 15,377,737 5,484,689 131,904
Research, development & testing service 873 3.2 8,303 3,088 107.8 2,623.5 28,643 3.8 12,535 4,511 126 3,292 14,211,703 5,226,070 125,149
(Exc noncomm resch org.)

X Not applicable.NA Not available.D Withheld to avoid disclosure.
1 Based on 1987 Standard Industrial Classification;see text, Section 13, Labor Force.
2 Represents the number of establishments in business at any timeduring year.
3 For pay period including March 12.
4 Excludes motion picture producers.
5 50,000 to 99,999 employees.
6 Includes other kinds of business, not shown separately.
7 100,000 or more members.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 1987 Census of Service Industries, Geographic Area Series, SC87-A-52; 1992 Census of Service Industries, SC92-A-52, SC92-N-1 andEC97X-CS2 Core Business Statistics Series: Comparative Statistics.**********************************************************************CENSUS OF SERVICE INDUSTRIES


To provide periodic and comprehensive data about service establishments and their activities. The United States Code, Title13, requires this census and provides for mandatory responses.


Domestic establishments that provide services to consumers, businesses, governments, and other organizations. Theseinclude all taxable establishments and tax-exempt establishments with payroll classified in SIC Division I except: academicand professional schools (SIC 821-2); labor, political, and religious organizations (SIC 863 and 865-6); and households(SIC 88). In 1992, over 8.7 million employer and nonemployer establishments reported receipts or revenues of some $1.6trillion.


Basic data obtained for all establishments include kind of business, Federal income tax status, geographic location, taxableoperating receipts (revenue for tax-exempt establishments), annual and first quarter payroll, and employment for the payperiod including March 12. Establishments receiving a census form provide additional data on operational andorganizational status, sources of receipts, business characteristics, and industry specific measures such as exports and thenumber of hotel accommodations. Other measures for tax-exempt organizations include gifts and endowment income.


Every 5 years since 1972, for years ending in "2" and "7." From 1933 through 1967, selected service industries statisticswere published periodically as part of the census of business. Industry coverage has broadened over time; a major expansionin 1977 added coverage of many tax-exempt activities. Data collection begins at the end of December of the census year andresponses are due in about 8 weeks. Data are requested for activities taking place during the census calendar year.


A mail-out/mail-back data collection of all establishments of multi-unit companies, all large single-unit employer firms, andselected small employers; plus administrative records data for non-selected employers and taxable nonemployers. Allestablishments of multi-unit firms and single-establishment employers with annualized payroll above a size cutoff (cutoffsvary by industry, but include all employers with 10 or more employees) receive a census form. A sample of small employersalso receive a census form and are selected using a stratified sample based on industry and geography. Basic data fornon-selected small employers and taxable non-employers are obtained from Federal administrative records. Estimates forindustry-specific data are based partly on small employer sample results.


Geographic Area Series reports consist of 52 publications, one for the U.S., each state, and the District of Columbia. Thesereports summarize data by kind of business and Federal income tax status for the U.S., states, and metropolitan areas and forcounties and places having 2,500 inhabitants or more. Tabulations present basic data compiled from establishments withpayroll.

The ZIP Code Statistics Series summarizes basic statistics on service industry totals for taxable employers by 5-digit ZIPCode and gives limited industry detail for number of employer establishments by receipts size and employment sizecategories. It is only available on CD-ROM and public use sales tapes.

Nonemployer Statistics Series reports include data on the number of establishments and receipts by kind of business,establishments with and without payroll, and number of proprietorships and partnerships. Data and detail vary by geographicarea for the U.S., states, and metropolitan areas. Similar data are available only on CD-ROMs for counties and places with2,500 or more inhabitants.

Subject Series reports consist of 5 volumes presenting special interest tabulations for the U.S. with additional geographicdetail for some topics. Titles include: Hotels, Motels, and Other Lodging Places; Establishment and Firm Size (IncludingLegal Form of Organization); Miscellaneous Subjects; Capital Expenditures, Depreciable Assets, Sources of Receipts orRevenue, and Operating Expenses.


Businesses compare their sales to census totals for their industry or area to make plans and evaluate performance.Companies use census data to lay out territories, allocate advertising, and locate new stores or offices. Firms supplyinggoods and services to other businesses use census data to target industries for marketing. Consultants and researchers usecensus data to analyze changes in economic structure and location.

Important measures of economic activity, such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), are based on census data. Associationsand news media study census data to find key business facts and project trends. Legislators use census data in thepreparation and evaluation of new laws. State and local governments monitor census data to understand their economic baseand attract new business. The Census Bureau uses census data in sampling and benchmarking for surveys.


The only source of detailed industry statistics for small geographic areas and industry-specific measures.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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