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32. 1997 Economic Census

571. Arms Trade in Constant (1997) Dollars--Selected Countries

In millions of dollars. Because some countries excludearms imports or exports from their trade statistics andtheir "total" imports and exports are therefore understatedarms transfers maybe estimated independently of trade data, the ratio of arms to total imports or exports maybe overstatedmay even exceed 100 percent]

        Country     1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
  Exporters: 1
Australia 70 23 55 43 286 52 295 30
Belarus (NA) (NA) 0 0 5 176 203 490
Belgium 223 91 432 54 42 124 325 110
Bulgaria 94 125 133 86 85 145 112 120
Canada 732 651 970 648 582 647 559 550
China: Mainland 2,694 1,586 1,219 1,188 740 673 635 1,100
Czech Republic (NA) (NA) (NA) 227 328 104 102 90
France 6,090 2,379 2,328 1,728 2,750 2,692 3,558 5,900
Germany 1,874 2,832 1,330 1,836 1,692 1,760 1,322 750
India 12 6 0 11 11 5 5 90
Israel 820 850 693 675 846 906 763 370
Italy 234 340 521 410 243 228 163 700
Korea, North 246 249 188 194 74 62 112 701
Netherlands 234 113 200 270 307 352 366 500
Poland 269 125 22 11 74 41 71 60
Russia (NA) (NA) 2,772 3,779 1,798 3,935 3,152 2,300
Singapore 35 57 33 22 21 31 41 90
South Africa 59 11 100 205 243 166 356 370
Spain 410 125 200 184 402 414 224 525
Sweden 849 736 942 918 899 1,010 1,220 900
Switzerland 70 272 831 130 328 145 203 50
Ukraine (NA) (NA) 0 54 95 249 203 500
United Arab Emirates 6 0 0 0 0 10 81 40
United Kingdom 5,387 5,550 6,873 4,967 5,499 5,488 6,303 6,600
United States 25,650 29,680 27,830 27,430 23,480 23,710 23,380 31,800
  Importers: 1
Algeria 375 159 11 22 169 249 132 480
Australia 1,405 1,246 998 1,296 1,058 1,346 1,322 925
Brazil 199 430 233 216 190 269 346 430
China, Mainland 468 385 1,441 648 338 854 1,627 500
China, Taiwan 1,171 1,473 1,219 1,080 1,058 1,553 1,728 9,200
Egypt 1,522 1,812 1,774 2,159 1,798 2,174 1,728 1,600
Germany 2,694 3,172 2,772 1,728 1,031 880 915 750
Greece 849 453 998 1,188 740 497 661 850
Iran 2,225 1,812 942 1,512 412 342 356 850
Israel 1,640 1,812 1,774 1,728 1,163 802 940 1,100
Italy 492 476 377 367 529 404 488 430
Japan 1,874 2,379 2,217 2,052 2,327 1,864 2,440 2,600
Korea, South 1,113 1,473 1,330 1,836 2,221 1,967 1,322 1,100
Kuwait 316 374 1,109 1,080 412 1,346 1,728 2,000
Malaysia 82 170 277 410 1,005 854 203 725
Netherlands 995 878 582 486 486 425 686 460
Pakistan 1,405 623 693 675 349 570 275 600
Qatar 117 23 1,552 11 1,375 52 5 625
Saudi Arabia 8,900 9,968 9,312 8,962 8,143 10,350 9,862 11,600
Spain 703 442 466 507 767 425 661 430
Thailand 457 680 532 281 518 777 635 950
Turkey 1,522 1,699 1,663 1,944 2,115 1,760 1,627 1,600
United Arab Emirates 1,874 532 804 891 793 1,346 1,118 1,400
United Kingdom 1,522 3,625 3,215 1,728 1,163 984 1,525 2,100
United States 2,108 2,152 1,774 1,512 1,163 1,035 1,220 1,600

NA Not available. 1 Includes countries not shown separately.

Source of tables: U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency,World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers, annual.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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