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32. 1997 Economic Census

767. Purchasing Power of the Dollar

[Indexes: PPI, 1982=$1.00; CPI, 1982-84=$1.00. Producerprices prior to 1961, and consumer prices prior to 1964, exclude Alaskaand Hawaii. Producer prices based on finished goods index. Obtained bydividing the average price index for the 1982=100, PPI; 1982-84=100,CPI base periods (100.0) by the price index for a given period andexpressing the result in dollars and cents. Annual figures are based onaverage of monthly data]

Annual average as
measured by
Producer Consumer
prices prices
1950 3,546 4,151
1951 3.247 3.846
1952 3.268 3.765
1953 3.300 3.735
1954 3.289 3.717
1955 3.279 3.732
1956 3.195 3.678
1957 3.077 3.549
1958 3.012 3.457
1959 3.021 3.427
1960 2.994 3.373
1961 2.994 3.340
1962 2.985 3.304
1963 2.994 3.265
1964 2.985 3.220
1965 2.933 3.166
1966 2.841 3.080
1967 2.809 2.993
1968 2.732 2.873
1969 2.632 2.726
1970 2.545 2.574
1971 2.469 2.466
1972 2.392 2.391
1973 2.193 2.251
1974 1.901 2.029
1975 1.718 1.859
1976 1.645 1.757
1977 1.546 1.649
1978 1.433 1.532
1979 1.289 1.380
1980 1.136 1.215
1981 1.041 1.098
1982 1.000 1.035
1983 0.984 1.003
1984 0.964 0.961
1985 0.955 0.928
1986 0.969 0.913
1987 0.949 0.880
1988 0.926 0.846
1989 0.880 0.807
1990 0.839 0.766
1991 0.822 0.734
1992 0.812 0.713
1993 0.802 0.692
1994 0.797 0.675
1995 0.782 0.656
1996 0.762 0.638
1997 0.759 0.623
1998 0.766 0.614
1999 0.752 0.600

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Monthly data in U.S.Bureau of Economic Analysis, Survey of Current Business.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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