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32. 1997 Economic Census

666. Displaced Workers, by Selected Characteristics

[In percent, except total (4,553 represents 4,553,000). As of February.For persons 20 years old and over withtenure of 3 years or more who lost or left a job between January 1991 and December 1993 for 1994 data,January 1993 and December 1995 for 1996 data,January 1995 and December 1997 for 1998 data, andJanuary 1997 and December 1999 for 2000 data because of plant closings or moves, slack work, or the abolishment of their positions. Data revised since originally published. Based on Current Population Survey and subject to sampling error; see sourceand Appendix III]

Total Employed Unemployed Not in company Slack Position
(1,000) the labor closed down work or shift
force or moved abolished
    Total, 1994 1 4,553 67.8 19.1 13.1 42.3 29.9 27.7
20 to 24 years old 156 63.6 24.4 12.1 45.6 36.2 18.2
25 to 54 years old 3,602 72.8 18.7 8.5 41.4 30.5 28.1
55 to 64 years old 623 53.1 22.2 24.7 47.2 25.3 27.5
65 years old and over 172 20.0 12.2 67.8 40.9 29.4 29.7
  Males 2,666 71.2 20.1 8.6 41.0 32.9 26.1
20 to 24 years old 79 58.8 35.5 5.7 43.9 42.0 14.1
25 to 54 years old 2,138 75.7 19.4 4.9 40.8 32.8 26.5
55 to 64 years old 390 56.7 21.4 21.9 42.9 30.9 26.1
65 years old and over 58 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)
  Females 1,887 63.0 17.7 19.3 44.3 25.7 30.1
20 to 24 years old 77 68.4 12.9 18.6 47.3 30.2 22.4
25 to 54 years old 1,464 68.6 17.7 13.7 42.4 27.1 30.5
55 to 64 years old 233 47.1 23.4 29.5 54.4 15.9 29.7
65 years old and over 113 19.5 9.3 71.2 46.0 23.4 30.6
  White 3,926 69.1 17.9 13.0 41.2 30.3 28.5
Male 2,336 73.1 18.5 8.4 40.2 33.2 26.6
Female 1,591 63.4 17.0 19.6 42.7 25.9 31.4
  Black 437 60.7 26.4 12.9 52.0 24.3 23.7
Male 224 57.9 32.9 9.2 52.0 23.3 24.6
Female 213 63.7 19.6 16.7 52.0 25.3 22.7
Hispanic origin 3 367 55.4 30.4 14.2 49.1 35.5 15.4
Male 248 57.7 34.0 8.4 44.8 42.2 13.1
Female 119 50.8 23.1 26.1 58.0 21.7 20.2
    Total, 1996 1 4,171 73.6 12.5 13.9 44.0 24.2 31.8
20 to 24 years old 149 71.3 17.9 10.7 52.9 30.0 17.1
25 to 54 years old 3,397 78.5 12.0 9.5 43.1 25.3 31.6
55 to 64 years old 487 52.1 16.6 31.3 45.3 15.1 39.7
65 years old and over 139 31.6 4.1 64.3 50.4 22.5 27.1
  Males 2,358 77.8 13.1 9.1 42.8 27.3 29.9
20 to 24 years old 82 77.4 17.1 5.4 53.5 34.9 11.6
25 to 54 years old 1,929 82.0 13.2 4.8 42.4 28.6 28.9
55 to 64 years old 276 60.7 12.6 26.7 41.5 14.8 43.7
65 years old and over 71 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)
  Females 1,813 68.2 11.8 20.0 45.5 20.2 34.4
20 to 24 years old 67 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)
25 to 54 years old 1,468 73.9 10.6 15.6 44.0 21.0 35.1
55 to 64 years old 211 40.8 21.9 37.3 50.1 15.5 34.4
65 years old and over 67 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)
  White 3,632 74.1 12.0 13.9 43.0 24.7 32.4
Male 2,087 79.0 12.0 9.0 41.3 28.1 30.5
Female 1,545 67.5 11.9 20.6 45.2 20.0 34.8
  Black 420 67.4 17.1 15.5 51.8 20.0 28.2
Male 230 67.3 21.3 11.3 52.2 19.6 28.1
Female 191 67.4 12.1 20.5 51.2 20.4 28.4
  Hispanic origin 3 383 66.5 22.8 10.7 49.5 37.0 13.4
Male 248 74.6 19.5 5.8 48.1 43.2 8.6
Female 135 51.7 28.6 19.7 52.1 25.6 22.3
    Total, 1998 3,578 75.9 10.0 14.1 47.2 21.2 31.6
20 to 24 years old 108 61.2 11.8 27.0 43.1 38.7 18.2
25 to 54 years old 2,835 81.5 9.9 8.5 47.1 20.9 32.0
55 to 64 years old 471