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32. 1997 Economic Census

1342. Puerto Rico--Merchandise Imports and Exports

[In millions of dollars (2,681 represents $2,681,000,000). Imports are imports for consumption;see text, Section 28, Foreign Commerce and Aid]

Item 1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Imports 2,681 4,885 6,200 6,918 7,834 9,018 9,329 8,167 8,708 10,116 10,162 10,321 11,308 13,096 15,010 16,200 15,079 16,476 16,124 17,152 18,969 19,422 21,928 21,706 26,697
  From U.S 2,070 3,029 3,552 4,391 4,788 5,345 5,801 5,300 5,162 5,738 6,130 6,467 7,307 8,788 10,193 10,792 10,306 11,463 11,179 11,455 12,213 12,220 13,904 13,318 15,949
  From other 611 1,856 2,649 2,527 3,046 3,673 3,528 2,867 3,546 4,378 4,032 3,854 4,001 4,308 4,817 5,408 4,773 5,013 4,945 5,697 6,756 7,202 8,024 8,388 10,748
Exports 1,680 3,000 4,516 5,123 6,539 6,576 7,047 8,888 8,242 9,426 11,087 11,854 12,508 14,436 17,455 20,402 21,128 20,455 20,351 22,711 23,573 22,379 26,653 28,109 37,779
  To U.S. 1,563 2,633 4,009 4,499 5,720 5,643 6,024 7,624 6,936 8,074 9,873 10,524 11,153 12,756 15,334 17,915 18,729 17,990 17,613 20,098 20,986 19,907 25,045 25,610 33,173
  To other 117 367 507 624 819 933 1,023 1,264 1,306 1,352 1,214 1,330 1,355 1,680 2,121 2,487 2,399 2,465 2,738 2,613 2,587 2,472 1,608 2,499 4,606

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the United States, annual; U.S. Trade with Puerto Rico and U.S.Possessions, FT 895; and, through 1988, Highlights of U.S. Exportand Import Trade, FT990; thereafter, FT920 supplement.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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