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32. 1997 Economic Census

869. Major Industries: Private Firms, Establishments, Annual Payroll, and Estimated Receipts by Firm Size

[5,369.1 represents 5,369,100. Firms are an aggregation of all establishments owned by aparent company within an industry. Employment is measured in March andpayroll is annual leading to some firms with zero employment]

1995 1995
All industries employment size of firm
Industry and data type
Unit Less than More than
Total 0 1-4 5-9 10-19 20-99 100-499 500 500
  Firms 1,000 5,369.1 688.6 2,561.0 981.1 576.9 469.9 76.2 5,353.6 15.4
  Establishments 1,000 6,612.7 690.8 2,569.0 998.3 618.3 638.6 284.0 5,798.9 813.8
  Employment 1,000 100,314.9 0 5,395.4 6,440.3 7,734.1 18,422.2 14,660.4 52,652.5 47,662.4
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 2,665.9 25.8 115.8 137.1 175.4 437.1 361.1 1,252.1 1,413.8
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 15,751.4 129.7 790.0 778.9 965.3 2,678.3 2,062.2 7,404.4 8,347.0
Agric services, forestry, and fishing:
  Firms 1,000 107.3 23.3 49.8 19.3 10.0 4.3 0.4 107.1 0.1
  Establishments 1,000 108.7 23.3 49.9 19.3 10.0 4.5 0.6 107.5 1.2
  Employment 1,000 630.3 0 103.9 126.8 130.5 147.1 52.1 560.3 70.0
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 12.1 0.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.8 0.9 10.5 1.6
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 37.0 1.5 5.7 5.8 6.2 7.8 3.3 30.3 6.6
  Firms 1,000 21.6 2.3 10.0 3.4 2.5 2.5 0.5 21.2 0.4
  Establishments 1,000 27.4 2.3 10.0 3.4 2.6 3.0 1.4 22.8 4.6
  Employment 1,000 627.5 0 20.2 22.4 33.8 91.5 75.2 243.1 384.4
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 25.7 0.1 0.5 0.6 0.9 2.9 2.9 8.1 17.6
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 168.1 1.1 5.3 5.2 5.8 18.1 15.6 51.0 117.1
  Firms 1,000 630.2 100.6 306.9 111.5 62.8 43.4 4.3 629.5 0.7
  Establishments 1,000 636.6 100.6 306.9 111.5 63.0 44.2 5.6 631.8 4.7
  Employment 1,000 5,040.6 0 643.6 729.1 838.5 1,594.1 696.3 4,501.6 539.0
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 147.3 2.8 13.6 16.3 21.8 48.3 23.9 126.7 20.6
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 667.8 13.3 79.1 75.2 92.9 207.5 106.4 574.5 93.3
  Firms 1,000 330.3 28.9 100.7 60.4 52.3 66.2 16.8 325.4 4.9
  Establishments 1,000 390.4 28.9 100.7 60.5 52.6 70.5 28.5 341.8 48.6
  Employment 1,000 18,611.1 0 227.9 405.2 714.8 2,743.2 3,073.0 7,164.0 11,447.1
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 631.0 1.8 4.9 9.1 17.6 74.1 86.8 194.2 436.7
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 3,417.7 9.5 24.7 40.6 74.8 339.3 460.3 949.1 2,468.6
Transportation, communications
& public utilities:
  Firms 1,000 209.0 29.7 96.3 34.2 22.5 20.7 3.9 207.3 1.7
  Establishments 1,000 285.7 29.9 96.5 34.7 23.8 27.0 13.0 224.8 60.9
  Employment 1,000 5,924.7 0 199.5 223.9 302.3 798.0 628.7 2,152.4 3,772.3
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 200.9 1.2 3.9 4.6 6.7 19.5 17.6 53.5 147.4
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 1,026.8 5.0 23.3 21.0 28.2 82.7 75.8 236.1 790.6
Wholesale trade:
  Firms 1,000 405.4 41.8 171.7 77.7 54.8 47.8 8.3 402.1 3.3
  Establishments 1,000 518.4 41.9 172.3 79.3 59.7 70.0 29.3 452.5 65.9
  Employment 1,000 6,606.5 0 370.1 513.7 733.1 1,738.2 1,074.2 4,429.3 2,177.2
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 227.0 1.7 10.7 14.6 21.8 53.2 34.9 137.1 89.9
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 3,849.0 30.3 246.3 260.6 345.8 969.4 584.3 2,436.6 1,412.4
Retail trade:
  Firms 1,000 1,099.6 135.7 466.5 224.4 141.0 115.7 13.3 1,096.7 2.9
  Establishments 1,000 1,571.1 136.8 469.5 230.0 154.1 167.3 78.8 1,236.4 334.7
  Employment 1,000 21,086.6 0 1,043.3 1,481.6 1,881.0 4,349.8 2,209.0 10,964.6 10,122.0
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 300.1 3.4 12.9 18.1 23.3 62.5 34.3 154.5 145.5
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 2,292.7 23.1 129.4 147.5 176.3 519.5 285.0 1,280.7 1,012.0
Finance, insurance & real estate:
  Firms 1,000 433.8 53.6 260.4 58.1 28.6 24.4 5.7 430.8 3.0
  Establishments 1,000 629.5 53.7 261.3 60.1 33.5 46.5 30.1 485.1 144.4
  Employment 1,000 6,984.8 0 501.7 373.5 377.7 934.4 815.3 3,002.7 3,982.2
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 255.9 2.3 11.3 10.2 11.7 29.3 27.9 92.6 163.2
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 2,094.2 11.8 75.6 50.1 55.8 169.1 205.1 567.5 1,526.7
  Firms 1,000 2,114.1 246.9 1,077.1 390.2 204.0 154.9 32.6 2,105.7 8.5
  Establishments 1,000 2,392.0 247.4 1,079.7 396.2 217.9 205.2 96.8 2,243.2 148.8
  Employment 1,000 34,709.6 0 2,248.0 2,543.3 2,707.7 6,012.7 6,034.0 19,545.8 15,163.9
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 864.4 11.4 55.7 61.2 69.0 144.1 131.9 473.4 391.0
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 2,188.8 30.9 197.8 171.6 178.8 364.3 326.2 1,269.6 919.3
  Firms 1,000 53.0 26.0 22.2 3.3 1.1 0.4 (Z) 53.0 (Z)
  Establishments 1,000 53.0 26.0 22.2 3.3 1.1 0.4 (Z) 53.0 (Z)
  Employment 1,000 93.1 0 37.1 20.8 14.7 13.3 2.7 88.7 4.4
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 1.6 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 (Z) 1.5 0.1
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 9.4 3.4 2.7 1.2 0.8 0.7 0.2 9.0 0.4
  1996 1996 1996
  All industries employment size of firm
Industry and data type
  Unit Less than More than
  Total 0 1-4 5-9 10-19 20-99 100-499 500 500
  Firms 1,000 5,478.0 718.0 2,609.8 996.4 585.8 476.3 76.1 5,462.4 15.6
  Establishments 1,000 6,738.5 720.2 2,617.8 1,013.4 624.6 636.3 280.6 5,892.9 845.5
  Employment 1,000 102,187.3 0 5,485.7 6,541.3 7,854.5 18,643.2 14,649.8 53,174.5 49,012.8
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 2,848.6 27.6 123.2 144.7 185.5 465.2 384.0 1,330.3 1,518.4
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 16,654.6 138.0 841.3 819.0 1,006.9 2,817.2 2,168.5 7,790.9 8,863.8
Agric services, forestry, and fishing:
  Firms 1,000 111.5 24.9 51.1 19.7 10.6 4.7 0.4 111.4 0.1
  Establishments 1,000 113.1 24.9 51.1 19.8 10.6 4.8 0.6 111.8 1.3
  Employment 1,000 664.4 0 106.4 129.7 138.7 158.6 53.5 586.9 77.4
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 13.3 0.5 1.9 2.2 2.6 3.2 1.0 11.5 1.8
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 40.7 1.6 6.0 6.2 6.7 8.5 3.6 32.8 7.9
  Firms 1,000 21.1 2.4 9.8 3.2 2.4 2.3 0.5 20.7 0.4
  Establishments 1,000 26.9 2.4 9.9 3.3 2.5 2.8 1.5 22.4 4.5
  Employment 1,000 574.3 0 19.8 21.2 32.0 86.3 78.0 237.4 336.9
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 26.5 0.2 0.5 0.6 1.0 3.0 3.3 8.6 17.9
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 163.9 0.9 5.2 5.2 6.0 18.4 18.9 54.4 109.4
  Firms 1,000 651.9 106.7 317.0 113.6 64.3 44.9 4.6 651.3 0.7
  Establishments 1,000 658.4 106.7 317.1 113.7 64.4 45.6 6.1 653.7 4.7
  Employment 1,000 5,207.5 0 663.8 742.6 858.6 1,643.8 750.7 4,659.5 548.0
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 160.9 3.2 14.9 17.5 23.5 52.5 27.3 138.9 22.0
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 726.9 14.7 86.1 80.3 99.9 224.0 121.0 625.9 101.0
  Firms 1,000 332.6 29.0 101.0 61.2 52.9 67.1 16.5 327.6 4.9
  Establishments 1,000 393.4 29.0 101.1 61.3 53.2 71.4 28.2 344.2 49.2
  Employment 1,000 18,558.5 0 229.2 410.8 722.4 2,775.7 3,005.0 7,143.1 11,415.4
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 659.7 2.1 5.1 9.6 18.7 78.9 90.3 204.7 455.0
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 3,546.3 12.6 25.8 42.8 79.1 361.2 480.8 1,002.3 2,544.0
Transportation, communications
& public utilities:
  Firms 1,000 217.7 31.2 101.7 35.6 22.8 20.8 3.9 216.1 1.7
  Establishments 1,000 295.5 31.3 102.0 36.0 24.1 26.6 12.6 232.6 62.8
  Employment 1,000 6,057.3 0 208.9 232.8 307.2 797.3 635.9 2,182.0 3,875.3
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 211.9 1.1 4.2 5.0 7.1 20.4 18.7 56.6 155.3
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 1,078.8 4.9 25.4 22.5 29.9 86.1 81.2 250.1 828.7
Wholesale trade:
  Firms 1,000 417.0 43.4 181.6 78.7 54.5 47.2 8.2 413.6 3.4
  Establishments 1,000 531.5 43.5 182.2 80.2 59.0 68.9 29.0 462.8 68.7
  Employment 1,000 6,664.9 0 388.7 520.0 728.2 1,713.3 1,044.5 4,394.6 2,270.2
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 240.3 1.8 11.6 15.4 22.5 55.4 36.0 142.7 97.6
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 4,045.2 32.2 265.0 273.4 353.5 1,004.2 602.3 2,530.6 1,514.6
Retail trade:
  Firms 1,000 1,103.5 138.4 465.2 225.4 141.9 116.3 13.3 1,100.5 3.0
  Establishments 1,000 1,579.3 139.5 467.9 231.2 154.4 165.0 77.0 1,234.9 344.4
  Employment 1,000 21,487.3 0 1,039.2 1,488.8 1,894.1 4,367.1 2,221.3 11,010.5 10,476.9
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 317.7 3.6 13.3 18.8 24.3 65.7 36.3 161.8 155.8
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 2,424.8 23.7 133.5 152.2 182.4 546.2 302.8 1,340.8 1,084.0
Finance, insurance & real estate:
  Firms 1,000 453.3 58.1 271.5 60.6 29.6 24.7 5.8 450.2 3.1
  Establishments 1,000 650.1 58.3 272.5 62.4 34.2 44.9 29.6 501.8 148.3
  Employment 1,000 7,185.3 0 523.4 389.2 391.2 942.7 821.0 3,067.5 4,117.8
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 284.8 2.4 12.5 11.1 12.6 31.6 29.8 100.1 184.7
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 2,260.6 12.0 82.7 54.3 59.4 177.9 210.4 596.7 1,663.8
  Firms 1,000 2,175.6 267.3 1,101.3 398.0 209.0 158.7 32.6 2,167.0 8.6
  Establishments 1,000 2,461.3 268.0 1,104.0 403.9 221.7 205.8 96.1 2,299.7 161.6
  Employment 1,000 35,747.9 0 2,289.3 2,596.2 2,775.2 6,152.4 6,039.9 19,853.0 15,894.9
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 933.0 12.3 59.1 64.4 73.2 154.5 141.3 504.7 428.2
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 2,363.3 33.4 210.4 181.6 189.7 390.3 347.5 1,353.0 1,010.3
  Firms 1,000 29.0 16.5 10.2 1.5 0.5 0.2 0 29.0 0
  Establishments 1,000 29.0 16.5 10.2 1.5 0.5 0.2 0 29.0 0
  Employment 1,000 40.0 0 17.0 10.0 7.0 6.0 0 40.0 0
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0.7 0
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 4.2 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.4 0.3 0 4.2 0
  1997 1997 1997
  All industries employment size of firm
Industry and data type
  Unit Less than More than
  Total 0 1-4 5-9 10-19 20-99 100-499 500 500
  Firms 1,000 5,541.9 720.0 2,638.1 1,006.9 593.7 487.5 79.7 5,525.8 16.1
  Establishments 1,000 6,894.9 721.8 2,642.6 1,022.9 639.1 682.6 308.6 6,017.6 877.2
  Employment 1,000 105,299.1 0.0 5,546.3 6,610.4 7,962.1 19,109.7 15,316.9 54,545.4 50,753.8
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 3,047.9 29.7 128.7 150.9 193.8 494.6 418.5 1,416.2 1,631.7
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 18,242.6 190.6 848.1 797.2 951.1 2,519.8 2,161.6 7,468.2 10,774.4
Agric services, forestry, and fishing:
  Firms 1,000 115.0 24.9 52.6 20.6 11.3 5.1 0.4 114.9 0.1
  Establishments 1,000 117.0 24.9 52.6 20.6 11.4 5.3 0.7 115.4 1.6
  Employment 1,000 727.5 0.0 109.7 135.3 148.9 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 15.1 0.5 2.0 2.4 2.9 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 51.4 3.0 9.6 8.7 9.1 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Firms 1,000 20.7 2.3 9.7 3.1 2.3 2.3 0.5 20.3 0.4
  Establishments 1,000 26.9 2.3 9.8 3.3 2.5 3.1 1.5 22.5 4.3
  Employment 1,000 586.2 0.0 19.6 20.8 31.0 86.3 75.8 233.5 352.7
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 27.8 0.2 0.6 0.6 1.0 3.2 3.3 8.8 19.0
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 172.8 1.3 3.1 3.5 4.9 16.9 16.0 45.7 127.1
  Firms 1,000 663.1 103.8 322.9 116.9 66.4 47.4 5.1 662.4 0.7
  Establishments 1,000 669.4 103.8 322.9 116.9 66.4 48.1 6.4 664.6 4.8
  Employment 1,000 5,513.4 0.0 678.3 764.4 886.7 1,761.0 832.1 4,922.5 590.9
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 176.0 3.3 15.5 18.6 25.0 58.4 30.6 151.4 24.6
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 835.1 22.9 101.4 89.2 109.2 250.6 138.5 711.8 123.3
  Firms 1,000 333.7 29.1 100.9 60.7 53.0 67.8 17.2 328.7 5.0
  Establishments 1,000 393.8 29.2 100.9 60.8 53.2 72.5 29.1 345.7 48.1
  Employment 1,000 18,633.1 0.0 229.0 407.5 723.3 2,803.8 3,113.6 7,277.1 11,355.9
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 688.7 2.1 5.3 9.9 19.5 83.3 97.4 217.5 471.1
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 3,991.0 17.8 24.5 42.3 78.8 344.6 481.2 989.3 3,001.7
Transportation, communications & public utilities:
  Firms 1,000 218.7 30.5 103.3 35.4 22.5 21.1 4.2 217.0 1.7
  Establishments 1,000 301.6 30.5 103.5 35.9 24.0 28.5 14.9 237.3 64.3
  Employment 1,000 6,247.0 0.0 211.2 231.9 303.4 806.5 663.9 2,216.8 4,030.2
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 226.1 1.2 4.4 5.1 7.2 21.6 20.1 59.5 166.5
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 1,264.0 7.4 24.2 23.8 31.0 92.9 97.2 276.3 987.6
Wholesale trade:
  Firms 1,000 413.7 40.6 181.2 78.5 54.1 47.4 8.5 410.3 3.4
  Establishments 1,000 531.0 40.7 181.6 80.2 59.2 71.7 30.0 463.3 67.7
  Employment 1,000 6,810.4 0.0 386.8 518.8 721.0 1,709.5 1,076.5 4,412.6 2,397.8
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 255.9 1.9 12.0 16.0 23.1 57.8 38.5 149.3 106.6
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 4,222.6 35.7 235.8 231.7 285.5 685.8 500.0 1,974.6 2,248.0
Retail trade:
  Firms 1,000 1,097.7 133.2 460.6 225.3 143.2 118.4 13.9 1,094.5 3.2
  Establishments 1,000 1,592.3 134.4 461.8 230.0 157.8 177.0 82.1 1,243.0 349.3
  Employment 1,000 22,003.6 0.0 1,034.2 1,487.9 1,909.5 4,436.5 2,281.0 11,149.2 10,854.5
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 330.4 3.8 13.5 19.1 25.1 67.7 38.1 167.3 163.1
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 2,578.2 33.6 135.6 148.7 175.2 540.3 322.6 1,356.0 1,222.2
Finance, insurance & real estate:
  Firms 1,000 460.6 58.7 278.5 60.6 29.0 24.4 6.1 457.3 3.3
  Establishments 1,000 678.1 58.8 279.3 63.3 35.1 50.3 33.8 520.6 157.5
  Employment 1,000 7,367.2 0.0 536.8 388.8 382.2 929.3 860.4 3,097.4 4,269.8
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 313.3 2.9 13.4 11.7 13.2 33.5 32.7 107.4 205.8
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 2,468.1 19.1 95.3 58.9 62.2 176.8 227.6 640.0 1,828.1
  Firms 1,000 2,224.3 273.3 1,122.6 405.7 214.7 164.8 34.3 2,215.4 8.9
  Establishments 1,000 2,553.6 273.8 1,124.1 410.9 229.1 226.1 110.1 2,374.0 179.6
  Employment 1,000 37,384.6 0.0 2,330.1 2,648.1 2,852.8 6,400.0 6,351.5 20,582.4 16,802.2
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 1,014.2 13.5 62.0 67.4 76.8 165.5 156.6 541.7 472.5
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 2,657.0 48.4 218.0 190.1 195.1 400.8 374.7 1,427.1 1,230.0
  Firms 1,000 31.2 23.6 6.2 1.1 0.3 0.1 0.0 31.2 0.0
  Establishments 1,000 31.2 23.6 6.2 1.1 0.3 0.1 0.0 31.2 0.0
  Employment 1,000 26.1 0.0 10.6 6.9 3.5 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Annual Payroll Bil. dol 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Receipts estimated Bil. dol 2.5 1.6 0.5 0.2 0.1 (D) (D) (D) (D)

Z Rounds to less than 50.

Source: U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy, based on data provided by the U.S. Department of Commerce,Bureau of the Census, Statistics of U.S. Businesses.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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