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32. 1997 Economic Census

222. Disability Status of Persons 15 Years Old and Over

[In thousands, except as noted (202,368 represents 202,368,000). 1994-95, for period October 1994 through January 1995;1997, for period August through November 1997.Covers civilian noninstitutional population and members ofthe Armed Forces living off post or with their families on post. Thecriteria for presence of disability varied by age. In general, adisability is considered a reduced ability to performtasks one would normally do at a given stage in life. Basedon the Survey of Income and Program Participation; for details, see source]

1994-95 1994-95 1997 1997
STATUS Total 15 to 21 22 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 to 79 80 years Total 15 to 21 22 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 to 79 80 years
years years years years years and over years years years years years and over
  Total 202,368 25,146 95,002 30,316 20,647 24,471 6,785 208,059 26,477 94,307 33,620 21,591 24,827 7,237
With any disability 48,481 3,047 14,105 7,412 7,497 11,568 4,853 47,836 2,965 12,157 7,566 7,693 12,141 5,314
  Percent of total 24.0 12.1 14.9 24.5 36.3 47.3 71.5 23.0 11.2 12.9 22.5 35.6 48.9 73.4
With a severe disability 25,309 813 6,071 3,472 4,528 6,798 3,627 30,576 1,396 7,292 4,647 5,208 7,874 4,160
Difficulty with one or more ADLs 1 8,194 154 1,425 952 1,235 2,565 1,864 8,661 115 1,364 1,292 1,335 2,616 1,939
  Needs personal assistance 3,806 91 663 324 509 1,181 1,039 4,048 90 613 514 527 1,215 1,089
Difficulty with one or more IADLs 2 12,260 385 2,364 1,360 1,662 3,747 2,743 12,912 305 2,291 1,691 1,724 3,925 2,977
Needs personal assistance with one
  or more ADLs or IADLs 1 2 9,473 318 1,777 984 1,268 2,814 2,312 10,224 262 1,788 1,295 1,345 2,923 2,611

1 ADL's are activities of daily living and include getting around insidethe home, getting in or out of a bed or chair, taking a bath or shower,dressing, eating, and using the toilet.
2 IADL's are instrumental activities of daily living and include goingoutside the home, keeping track of money and bills, preparing meals,doing light housework, and using the telephone.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau,Current Population Reports, P70-61 and unpublished data.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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