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32. 1997 Economic Census

811. Mortgage Debt Outstanding, by Type of Property and Holder

[In billions of dollars (474 represents $474,000,000,000). As of Dec. 31. Includes Puerto Rico and Guam]

For an update, see: Worksheet 2009

    TYPE OF PROPERTY AND HOLDER 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
       Mortgage debt, total 474 525 598 674 734 794 880 1,012 1,165 1,330 1,465 1,590 1,676 1,869 2,113 2,378 2,664 3,002 3,320 3,591 3,808 3,959 4,073 4,212 4,391 4,593 4,881 5,185 5,683 6,319
Residential nonfarm 358 397 450 502 541 583 653 758 879 1,006 1,110 1,187 1,235 1,371 1,535 1,738 1,976 2,230 2,483 2,731 2,932 3,097 3,254 3,413 3,596 3,784 4,011 4,261 4,657 5,131
  One- to four-family homes 298 327 367 409 441 483 547 644 755 872 969 1,048 1,094 1,217 1,358 1,533 1,738 1,970 2,206 2,443 2,647 2,815 2,984 3,147 3,330 3,510 3,722 3,960 4,328 4,760
    Savings institutions 167 185 213 236 250 274 314 369 419 460 487 501 458 482 529 554 559 602 672 669 600 538 490 470 478 482 514 521 534 549
    Mortgage pools or trusts 1 3 7 11 14 19 28 42 61 76 101 125 147 201 271 322 407 536 682 758 887 1,046 1,230 1,400 1,519 1,658 1,771 1,941 2,106 2,381 2,697
      Government National Mortgage Assoc 0 3 5 8 11 18 30 44 53 74 92 103 116 156 176 207 257 310 331 358 392 416 411 405 441 461 494 523 522 565
      Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 6 10 12 13 20 43 57 70 100 167 206 220 266 308 352 402 443 488 512 552 577 643 745
      Federal National Mortgage Association (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (X) 1 14 25 36 54 96 138 172 220 291 363 436 487 521 570 633 688 804 925
      Private mortgage conduits 2 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4 5 8 12 19 24 17 28 35 43 55 100 152 185 209 228 262 318 411 463
    Commercial banks 43 49 58 69 76 78 87 106 130 151 160 169 172 180 194 211 232 269 323 373 430 452 479 532 590 647 678 746 797 879
    Individuals and others 3 37 38 39 43 45 48 52 58 71 90 117 146 169 181 202 239 272 284 316 370 403 419 411 387 367 372 363 367 392 421
    Federal and related agencies 22 23 24 27 33 38 36 36 44 53 61 68 78 87 97 110 125 120 126 131 153 163 194 230 228 229 220 213 217 206
      Federal National Mortgage Assoc 15 17 18 20 24 26 27 29 38 45 52 56 67 73 82 92 89 85 88 91 94 101 124 151 159 164 155 150 148 141
    Life insurance companies 27 25 22 20 19 18 16 15 14 16 18 17 17 15 14 12 13 13 11 12 13 11 11 9 9 9 7 7 7 7
  Five or more units 60 70 83 93 100 101 106 114 125 135 141 139 141 154 177 205 238 261 277 288 286 282 270 266 266 273 289 302 329 371
Non-farm, non-residential 86 96 113 132 148 160 172 191 212 237 258 297 330 385 466 534 592 684 753 780 797 783 740 718 712 725 783 833 930 1,086
Farm 30 32 35 40 45 50 55 64 73 87 97 107 111 114 112 106 95 88 83 80 79 79 80 81 83 85 87 90 97 103
Savings institutions 208 236 274 305 324 356 405 469 528 575 603 619 578 627 710 760 778 860 925 910 802 705 628 598 596 597 628 632 644 669
Commercial banks 74 83 100 120 134 138 153 181 216 247 264 287 303 332 381 431 505 595 677 771 849 881 901 948 1,013 1,090 1,145 1,245 1,337 1,496
Life insurance companies 74 75 77 81 86 89 92 97 106 118 131 138 142 151 157 172 194 212 233 254 268 260 242 224 216 213 208 207 214 229
Individuals and others 3 79 84 93 102 108 110 114 125 144 174 206 253 289 313 356 408 435 444 506 535 562 573 564 534 523 532 560 574 608 649
Mortgage pools or trusts 1 5 10 14 18 24 34 50 70 89 119 146 168 224 297 351 440 550 702 787 923 1,088 1,274 1,453 1,581 1,728 1,852 2,044 2,241 2,588 2,955
  Government National Mortgage Assoc 0 3 6 8 12 18 31 45 54 76 94 106 119 160 180 212 263 318 341 368 404 425 420 414 451 472 506 537 537 582
  Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 7 12 15 17 20 43 58 71 100 171 213 226 273 316 359 408 447 491 515 554 579 646 749
  Federal National Mortgage Association 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (X) 1 14 25 36 55 97 140 178 228 300 372 445 496 530 583 651 710 835 961
  Farmers Home Administration 4 4 6 8 9 11 14 17 19 22 28 32 37 40 42 45 48 (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) 0
  Private mortgage conduits (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4 5 8 12 19 25 19 32 41 54 68 118 181 225 256 282 333 415 570 662
Federal and related agencies 34 37 40 47 58 67 67 70 82 97 115 126 139 148 159 167 202 189 192 198 239 266 286 326 316 309 295 286 293 322
  Federal National Mortgage Association 16 18 20 24 30 32 33 34 43 51 57 61 72 78 87 98 96 92 95 99 105 112 137 166 174 179 169 161 158 153
  Farmers Home Administration 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 48 43 42 41 41 42 42 41 42 42 42 41 41 74
  Federal Land Banks 7 8 9 11 14 17 19 22 26 31 38 47 51 52 52 47 40 34 32 30 29 29 29 28 29 28 30 31 33 35
  Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp (Z) 1 2 3 5 5 4 3 3 4 5 5 5 8 10 14 12 13 17 22 22 27 34 47 42 44 47 48 57 57
  Federal Housing and Veterans Admin 4 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 9 11 13 12 11 10 6 4 4 4
  Government National Mortgage Assoc 5 5 5 4 5 7 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 1 (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) (Z)
  Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 14 8 4 2 1 (Z) (Z)
  Resolution Trust Corporation (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 33 46 32 17 10 2 (X) (X) (X) (X)

NA Not available.X Not applicable.Z Less than $500 million.
1 Outstanding principal balances of mortgage pools backingsecurities insured or guaranteed by the agency indicated.Includes other pools not shown separately.
2 Includes securitized home equity loans.
3 Includes mortgage companies, real estate investment trusts,state and local retirement funds, noninsured pension funds,state and local credit agencies, credit unions, and finance companies.
4 FmHA-guaranteed securities sold to the Federal Financing Bankwere reallocated from FmHA mortgage pools to FmHA mortgage holdingsin 1986 because of accounting changes by the Farmers HomeAdministration.

Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,Federal Reserve Bulletin, monthly.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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