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1041. Traffic Fatalities by State and Highest Blood Alcohol Concentration in the Crash: 1998

Any alcohol (BAC>=0.01 g/dl)
State FIPS Traffic No alcohol Total Low alcohol High alcohol
CODE fatalities, (BAC=0.00 g/dl) number Percent (BAC=0.01-0.09 g/dl) (BAC>=0.10 g/dl)
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
      United States 00000 41,471 25,536 62 15,935 38 3,479 8 12,456 30
Alabama 01000 1,071 665 62 406 38 77 7 329 31
Alaska 02000 71 40 56 31 44 3 4 28 39
Arizona 04000 980 557 57 423 43 89 9 334 34
Arkansas 05000 625 432 69 193 31 48 8 146 23
California 06000 3,494 2,170 62 1,324 38 315 9 1,009 29
Colorado 08000 628 396 63 232 37 43 7 189 30
Connecticut 09000 329 187 57 142 43 29 9 112 34
Delaware 10000 115 70 61 45 39 7 6 37 33
District of Columbia 11000 54 27 49 27 51 8 16 19 35
Florida 12000 2,824 1,899 67 925 33 210 7 715 25
Georgia 13000 1,569 1,060 68 509 32 130 8 380 24
Hawaii 15000 120 64 53 56 47 14 12 42 35
Idaho 16000 265 175 66 90 34 15 6 75 28
Illinois 17000 1,393 794 57 599 43 122 9 477 34
Indiana 18000 978 599 61 379 39 72 7 307 31
Iowa 19000 449 285 64 164 36 43 9 121 27
Kansas 20000 493 319 65 174 35 42 8 132 27
Kentucky 21000 858