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31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

898. Corporate Profits Before Taxes by Industry

[In millions of dollars (314,624 represents $314,624,000,000).Profits are without inventory valuation andcapital consumption adjustments.Minus sign (-) indicates loss. See headnote,, Table 897]

Industry 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
      Corporate profits before tax 314,624 381,933 376,711 401,534 416,133 451,594 510,375 573,406 668,454 726,345 792,396 758,172 822,976
  Domestic industries 266,592 325,250 312,471 328,812 341,818 382,878 433,634 496,168 576,442 625,492 681,706 654,672 711,560
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing 1,863 1,805 1,672 1,638 1,152 1,951 1,911 1,385 1,842 2,950 3,059 3,104 4,355
  Farms 867 968 1,217 1,064 684 1,220 1,205 395 561 1,358 1,606 (NA) (NA)
  Agricultural services, forestry, and fishing 996 837 455 574 468 731 706 990 1,281 1,592 1,453 (NA) (NA)
Mining -1,890 658 944 2,502 1,125 2,040 1,509 3,348 4,517 8,124 10,972 3,184 2,376
  Metal mining -533 606 21 156 15 30 -365 620 509 -860 -336 (NA) (NA)
  Coal mining 444 833 861 630 369 538 40 507 176 577 314 (NA) (NA)
  Oil and gas extraction -2,817 -1,813 -754 1,083 272 910 1,593 1,316 2,872 7,492 9,790 (NA) (NA)
  Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels 1,016 1,032 816 633 469 562 241 905 960 915 1,204 (NA) (NA)
Construction 11,303 12,590 11,901 10,922 8,330 7,966 10,148 13,650 17,265 21,932 25,696 32,758 36,229
Manufacturing 90,582 127,455 111,911 113,552 87,731 93,139 107,711 144,709 172,518 175,789 192,312 167,600 183,909
  Durable goods 42,463 57,696 51,478 42,241 29,733 36,512 50,793 72,544 77,298 81,184 92,051 79,189 91,366
    Lumber and wood products 5,012 4,300 4,329 2,462 1,637 3,351 4,545 4,912 5,970 3,138 3,154 (NA) (NA)
    Furniture and fixtures 1,764 1,352 1,048 896 986 1,451 2,011 2,058 2,259 2,963 3,509 (NA) (NA)
   Stone, clay, and glass products 2,665 1,812 1,590 1,705 554 1,556 1,571 3,704 4,811 4,390 6,697 (NA) (NA)
    Primary metal industries 3,579 7,429 6,097 3,294 414 -244 44 3,442 7,585 4,846 6,069 (NA) (NA)
    Fabricated metal products 5,989 7,344 6,666 6,139 4,983 6,116 7,447 11,656 12,557 14,184 16,808 (NA) (NA)
    Industrial machinery and equipment 4,236 10,316 11,141 10,209 3,534 4,411 3,889 6,510 11,079 11,860 12,217 (NA) (NA)
    Electronic and other electric equipment 5,857 8,429 9,297 8,060 9,030 9,110 14,342 21,816 20,302 18,640 21,933 (NA) (NA)
    Motor vehicles and equipment 3,860 5,938 2,483 -1,896 -5,451 -1,187 5,368 7,490 73 3,750 3,955 (NA) (NA)
    Other transportation equipment 6,546 5,924 4,534 5,586 7,647 5,628 5,693 3,737 4,282 6,996 7,212 (NA) (NA)
    Instruments and related products 1,412 2,800 2,263 3,455 3,943 3,672 2,692 3,589 4,578 6,927 6,059 (NA) (NA)
    Miscellaneous manufacturing industries 1,543 2,052 2,030 2,331 2,456 2,648 3,191 3,630 3,802 3,490 4,438 (NA) (NA)
  Nondurable goods 48,119 69,759 60,433 71,311 57,998 56,627 56,918 72,165 95,220 94,605 100,261 88,411 92,543
    Food and kindred products 11,660 13,486 10,783 14,251 17,806 17,843 16,818 19,682 27,953 22,178 23,800 (NA) (NA)
    Tobacco products 1,099 2,042 2,042 3,128 2,251 2,391 1,722 1,562 1,749 1,791 1,701 (NA) (NA)
    Textile mill products 2,203 1,621 1,266 1,205 1,440 3,170 2,767 2,488 1,920 2,150 2,279 (NA) (NA)
    Apparel and other textile products 1,858 1,805 2,066 1,885 2,256 3,050 2,929 3,063 2,491 2,420 2,449 (NA) (NA)
    Paper and allied products 6,336 9,469 8,865 6,860 4,404 3,339 3,705 5,982 13,494 8,457 5,794 (NA) (NA)
    Printing and publishing 8,564 8,102 7,502 6,946 7,864 10,103 9,402 11,884 9,163 11,891 11,805 (NA) (NA)
    Chemicals and allied products 14,705 19,651 18,049 16,954 15,270 15,649 15,376 23,093 28,057 25,838 31,433 (NA) (NA)
    Petroleum and coal products -1,174 10,900 7,055 17,629 4,006 -2,103 666 237 5,916 14,531 14,964 (NA) (NA)
    Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 2,311 2,082 2,245 1,827 1,980 2,540 3,135 4,093 4,018 5,068 5,588 (NA) (NA)
    Leather and leather products 557 601 560 626 721 645 398 81 459 281 448 (NA) (NA)
Transportation and public utilities 43,499 47,824 44,641 45,931 51,911 58,488 69,300 82,954 85,894 92,023 83,991 82,532 89,700
Transportation 4,475 7,213 2,209 954 909 2,219 6,368 10,316 11,613 16,157 18,639 22,148 24,470
  Railroad transportation 1,230 1,774 -251 829 860 1,037 1,161 2,964 3,184 3,025 1,287 (NA) (NA)
  Local and interurban passenger transit 35 64 201 -20 319 319 228 326 423 584 490 (NA) (NA)
  Trucking and warehousing 1,821 2,122 1,999 2,513 3,334 4,539 5,224 5,207 3,595 4,445 5,483 (NA) (NA)
  Water transportation 4 434 538 543 597 301 453 391 444 662 932 (NA) (NA)
  Transportation by air 242 1,778 -1,402 -3,969 -5,596 -5,305 -2,280 -38 2,166 5,168 8,334 (NA) (NA)
  Pipelines, except natural gas 889 802 756 734 696 664 711 677 788 772 683 (NA) (NA)
  Transportation services 254 239 368 324 699 664 871 789 1,013 1,501 1,430 (NA) (NA)
Communications 19,846 19,519 18,268 20,049 23,430 27,604 33,202 36,837 33,604 35,012 25,570 22,966 26,641
  Telephone and telegraph 19,825 19,575 19,011 20,520 22,877 25,730 29,700 32,564 30,543 34,562 25,012 (NA) (NA)
  Radio and television 21 -56 -743 -471 553 1,874 3,502 4,273 3,061 450 558 (NA) (NA)
Electric, gas, and sanitary services 19,178 21,092 24,164 24,928 27,572 28,665 29,730 35,801 40,677 40,854 39,782 37,418 38,589
Wholesale trade 21,498 25,953 24,854 21,201 22,266 26,481 30,614 36,883 35,546 41,588 46,315 50,905 58,455
Retail trade 25,885 24,707 25,193 24,896 29,584 36,265 41,831 49,187 47,471 54,806 62,648 76,512 84,784
Finance, insurance, and real estate 59,076 68,513 75,244 88,334 115,431 123,398 129,104 117,726 160,062 171,827 195,658 180,922 190,752
  Depository institutions 52,192 55,112 63,734 75,027 88,314 95,692 86,732 81,639 99,679 99,677 106,853 (NA) (NA)
    Federal Reserve banks 15,698 17,612 20,169 21,395 20,273 17,828 16,127 17,784 22,202 21,784 23,383 (NA) (NA)
    Commercial and mutual depository institutions 36,494 37,500 43,565 53,632 68,041 77,864 70,605 63,855 77,477 77,893 83,470 (NA) (NA)
  Nondepository institutions 3,576 4,842 7,277 8,513 10,699 14,635 16,557 17,343 19,594 22,356 22,144 (NA) (NA)
  Security and commodity brokers 1,158 -1,351 -2,710 419 -1,471 1,843 3,986 5,995 1,806 5,121 11,349 (NA) (NA)
  Insurance carriers 91 10,592 12,975 8,393 19,196 9,616 16,132 19,298 24,444 28,529 23,593 (NA) (NA)
  Insurance agents, brokers, and service 2,970 2,446 2,507 2,831 2,904 3,024 3,130 3,917 4,129 4,453 4,628 (NA) (NA)
  Real estate -1,096 -855 -3,018 -4,970 -6,880 -4,049 -1,785 -483 1,674 3,369 5,691 (NA) (NA)
  Holding and other investment offices 185 -2,273 -5,521 -1,879 2,669 2,637 4,352 -9,983 8,736 8,322 21,400 (NA) (NA)
Services 14,776 15,745 16,111 19,836 24,288 33,150 41,506 46,326 51,327 56,453 61,055 57,155 61,000
  Hotels and other lodging places -640 -588 -1,066 -1,478 -1,102 -324 708 1,318 2,072 2,544 2,727 (NA) (NA)
  Personal services 878 1,058 1,642 1,637 1,537 1,697 1,783 2,207 2,510 2,327 2,866 (NA) (NA)
  Business services 4,686 6,001 6,416 6,925 7,282 12,450 16,380 17,101 18,917 20,679 24,726 (NA) (NA)
  Auto repair, services, and parking 68 39 -403 -210 4 -190 338 255 170 368 1,292 (NA) (NA)
  Miscellaneous repair services 504 692 760 792 798 822 881 911 996 1,236 1,208 (NA) (NA)
  Motion pictures -691 -169 -731 -936 -1,332 -52 -113 -646 -395 -155 -1,329 (NA) (NA)
  Amusement and recreation services -526 240 651 414 659 1,593 1,517 1,571 1,315 2,439 3,370 (NA) (NA)
  Other services 10,497 8,472 8,842 12,692 16,442 17,154 20,012 23,609 25,742 27,015 26,195 (NA) (NA)
    Health services 6,384 5,033 4,800 7,503 11,267 11,133 13,209 15,401 15,198 15,477 13,433 (NA) (NA)
    Legal services 1,714 1,151 1,233 1,448 1,331 1,937 1,801 2,193 2,892 3,044 3,637 (NA) (NA)
    Educational services 334 339 310 473 659 590 474 684 823 677 557 (NA) (NA)
    Other 1 2,065 1,949 2,499 3,268 3,185 3,494 4,528 5,331 6,829 7,817 8,568 (NA) (NA)
Rest of the world 2 48,032 56,683 64,240 72,722 74,315 68,716 76,741 77,238 92,012 100,853 110,690 103,500 111,416
  Receipts from the rest of the world 59,320 71,701 75,248 79,909 73,652 74,891 89,733 104,463 128,354 140,623 159,424 147,695 169,300
Less: Payments to the rest of the world 11,288 15,018 11,008 7,187 -663 6,175 12,992 27,225 36,342 39,770 48,734 44,195 57,884

1 Consists of receipts by all U.S. residents, including both corporations and persons, of earnings of unincorporated foreign affiliates, dividends from their incorporated foreign affiliates, and their share of their incorporated foreign affiliates, net of corresponding outflows.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis,National Income and Product Accounts of the Unites States, 1929-97, forthcoming in 2001;and the Survey of Current Business, August 2000 issue.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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