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32. 1997 Economic Census

524. Governmental Employment and Payrolls

[Employees in thousands (13,028 represents 13,028,000), payroll in millions of dollars(8,334 represents $8,334,000,000). For 1970 to 1995 as of October; 1997 as of March. 1996 data are not available. Covers both full-time and part-time employees.Local government data are estimates subject to sampling variation; see appendex III and source].

Type of government 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000
Employees (1,000)
     Total 13,028 16,213 15,968 15,841 16,034 16,436 16,690 16,933 17,281 17,212 17,588 17,879 18,369 18,554 18,745 18,823 19,420 19,521 19,540 19,854
Federal (civilian) 1 2,881 2,898 2,865 2,848 2,875 2,942 3,021 3,019 3,091 3,091 3,112 3,114 3,105 3,103 3,047 2,999 2,952 2,895 2,807 2,765
State and local 10,147 13,315 13,103 12,993 13,159 13,494 13,669 13,913 14,190 14,121 14,476 14,765 15,263 15,452 15,698 15,824 16,468 16,626 16,733 17,089
    Percent of total 78 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 84 84 85 85 86 86
  State 2,755 3,753 3,726 3,744 3,816 3,898 3,984 4,068 4,115 4,116 4,236 4,365 4,503 4,521 4,595 4,673 4,694 4,719 4,733 4,758
  Local 7,392 9,562 9,377 9,249 9,344 9,595 9,685 9,846 10,076 10,005 10,240 10,400 10,760 10,930 11,103 11,151 11,775 11,906 12,000 12,271
    Counties 1,229 1,853 1,808 1,824 1,811 1,872 1,891 1,926 1,963 1,963 2,024 2,085 2,167 2,196 2,253 2,270 (NA) (NA) 2,425 (NA)
    Municipalities 2,244 2,561 2,469 2,397 2,424 2,434 2,467 2,494 2,541 2,493 2,570 2,569 2,642 2,662 2,665 2,644 (NA) (NA) 2,755 (NA)
    School districts 3,316 4,270 4,222 4,194 4,211 4,387 4,416 4,502 4,620 4,627 4,679 4,774 4,950 5,045 5,134 (NA) (NA) (NA) 455 (NA)
    Townships 330 394 386 356 379 386 392 400 414 393 415 405 418 415 424 (NA) (NA) (NA) 5,675 (NA)
    Special districts 275 484 492 478 519 516 519 524 537 529 552 568 585 612 627 (NA) (NA) (NA) 691 (NA)
(Mil. dol.)
     Total 8,334 19,935 21,193 23,173 24,525 26,904 28,945 30,670 32,382 32,669 34,203 36,763 39,228 41,237 43,120 (NA) (NA) (NA) 49,156 51,568
Federal (civilian) 1 2,428 5,205 5,239 5,959 6,301 7,137 7,580 7,561 7,924 7,924 7,976 8,636 8,999 9,687 9,937 (NA) (NA) (NA) 9,744 10,115
State and local 5,906 14,730 15,954 17,214 18,224 19,767 21,365 23,109 24,458 24,745 26,227 28,127 30,229 31,551 33,183 34,540 36,545 37,714 39,412 41,453
    Percent of total 71 74 75 74 74 74 74 75 76 76 77 77 77 77 77 (NA) (NA) (NA) 80 80
  State 1,612 4,285 4,668 5,022 5,346 5,815 6,329 6,810 7,298 7,263 7,842 8,443 9,083 9,437 9,828 10,288 10,666 10,927 11,413 11,845
  Local 4,294 10,445 11,287 12,192 12,878 13,952 15,036 16,298 17,160 17,482 18,385 19,684 21,146 22,113 23,355 24,252 25,878 26,787 27,999 29,608
    Counties 640 1,936 2,083 2,287 2,387 2,596 2,819 3,009 3,258 3,270 3,532 3,855 4,192 4,404 4,698 4,839 (NA) (NA) 5,750 (NA)
    Municipalities 1,361 2,951 3,222 3,428 3,640 3,872 4,191 4,407 4,687 4,770 4,979 5,274 5,564 5,784 6,207 6,328 (NA) (NA) 7,146 (NA)
    School districts 2,032 4,683 5,021 5,442 5,729 6,283 6,746 7,517 7,768 7,961 8,298 8,852 9,551 9,975 10,394 (NA) (NA) (NA) 869 (NA)
    Townships 122 330 349 370 398 421 446 474 508 522 556 599 642 664 685 (NA) (NA) (NA) 12,579 (NA)
    Special districts 140 546 612 665 724 780 834 892 938 959 1,020 1,104 1,197 1,287 1,370 (NA) (NA) (NA) 1,654 (NA)

NA Not available.
1 Includes employees outside the United States.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Historical Statistics on Governmental Finances and Employment, and Public Employment, series GE, No. 1, annual. *DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS OF SELECTEDTERMS


Government units. A government is an organized entity whosegovernmental character is evidenced by popular election of theofficials or their appointment by public officials, a high degreeof public accountability, and the power to raise revenue toprovide authorized services. In addition, a government unitmust have sufficient discretion in the management of its ownaffairs to distinguish it from the administrative structure of any
other government unit.1

Federal Government. The term Federal encompasses all civilianemployees and payrolls of the U.S. Government, including thelegislative and judicial branches and all departments andindependent agencies of the executive branch. Excluded arethe uniformed employees and payrolls of the armed forces. District of Columbia data are excluded from this category andincluded with data for municipalities.

State governments. This category refers to the governments ofthe 50 states which constitute the United States. The stategovernment in each case consists of the legislative, executive,and judicial branches of government and all departments,boards, commissions, institutions of higher education, andother organizational units. It also includes any semi-autonomousauthorities , districts, and other agencies that are subject toadministrative and fiscal control by the state through itsappointment of officers, determination of budgets, approvalof plans, and other devices.

Local governments. The Bureau of the Census classifies localgovernments by five major types -- county, municipal,township, school district, and special district. Following is abrief discussion of each type of local government:

County -- Organized county governments are foundthroughout the Nation except in Connecticut, theDistrict of Columbia, Rhode Island, and limited portionsof a few other states. These governments are legallydesignated as "boroughs" in Alaska and "parishes" inLouisiana. Excluded from county government statisticsand included with municipalities or townships arecertain local governments that combine area andgovernmental characteristics of both counties andmunicipalities or townships.

Municipal -- A municipality is a political subdivisionwithin which a municipal corporation has beenestablished to provide general local governmentservices for a specific population concentration in adefined area. A municipality may be legally termed acity, village, borough (except in Alaska), or town(except in the six New England States, Minnesota, NewYork, and Wisconsin). Included in this category arecertain cities that are completely or substantiallyconsolidated with their county governments, operateoutside the geographic limits of any county, or for otherreasons have no organized county governmentoperations within their boundaries. Comprising thisgroup are the following cities: Anaconda (MT),Anchorage (AK), Athens (GA), Baltimore (MD), BatonRouge (LA), Boston (MA), Butte (MT), Carson City (NV),Columbus (GA), Denver (CO), Honolulu (HI), Houma(LA), Indianapolis (IN), Jacksonville (FL), Juneau (AK),Lexington (KY), Lynchburg (TN), Nashville (TN), NewOrleans (LA), New York (NY), Philadelphia (PA), St.Louis (MO), Sitka (AK), San Francisco (CA), andWashington, DC, as well as the "independent cities" inVirginia. Nantucket, MA is included with townships.

Township -- Township governments, as distinguishedfrom municipalities, are created to serve inhabitants ofareas defined without regard to populationconcentration. This classification is applied to localgovernments in 20 states, including government unitsofficially designated "towns" in the six New Englandstates, New York, and Wisconsin; some "plantations" inMaine; and "locations" in New Hampshire. InMinnesota, the terms "town" and "township" are usedinterchangeably with reference to townshipgovernments.

School district -- There is a marked organizationaldiversity in the types of government units that providefor the operation of public schools. School districts,which are government entities that are fiscally andadministratively independent of any other government,are found in all but five States (Alaska, Hawaii,Maryland, North Carolina, and Virginia) and the Districtof Columbia. Dependent school systems areadministrative agencies of other governments (State,county, municipal, or township) and are not counted asseparate government entities by the Bureau of theCensus. Dependent school systems are foundexclusively in the District of Columbia and the fivestates noted above and also exist in 12 other states.

Special district -- Special districts are local governmentunits created to provide specific services that are notbeing supplied by other governments. Thesegovernment units are known by a variety of titlesincluding districts, authorities, boards, andcommissions. A majority of special districts areestablished to perform a single function, but some havebeen given authority to provide several, usually related,kinds of services.


Employment and employees. Employment refers to all personsgainfully employed by and performing services for agovernment. Employees include all persons paid for personalservices performed, including persons paid from Federallyfunded programs, paid elected or appointed officials, persons ina paid leave status, and persons paid on a per meeting, annual,semiannual, or quarterly basis. Unpaid officials, pensioners,persons whose work is performed on a fee basis, andcontractors and their employees are excluded from the count ofemployees. Full-time employees are defined to include thosepersons whose hours of work represent full-time employment intheir employer government; part-time employees are thosepersons who work less than the standard number of hours forfull-time work in their employer government.

Full-time equivalent employment. A computed statisticrepresenting the number of full-time employees that could havebeen employed if the reported number of hours worked by part-timeemployees had been worked by full-time employees. Thisstatistic is calculated separately for each function of agovernment by dividing the "part-time hours paid" by thestandard number of hours for full-time employees in theparticular government and then adding the resulting quotient tothe number of full-time employees.

October payroll. Payroll amounts represent gross payrolls forthe 1-month period of October (31 days). The gross payrollincludes all salaries, wages, fees, commissions, bonuses, orawards paid to employees during the pay period which includedthe date of October 12. Payroll amounts reported for a periodother than 1 month were converted to represent an amount forthe month of October.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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