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5. Law Enforcement, Courts
and Prisons
6. Geography and Environment
7. Parks, Recreation, Travel
8. Elections
9. State and Local Government
Finances and Employment
10. Federal Government
Finances and Employment
11. National Defense and
Veterans Affairs
12. Social Insurance and Human
13. Labor Force, Employment,
and Earnings
14. Income, Expenditures, and
15. Prices
16. Banking, Finance, and
17. Business Enterprise
18. Communications and
Information Technology
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21. Transportation - Land
22. Transportation - Air
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23. Agriculture
24. Natural Resources
25. Construction and Housing
26. Manufactures
27. Domestic Trade and
28. Foreign Commerce and Aid
29. Outlying Areas
30. Comparative International
31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

534. Federal Receipts, by Source

[In millions of dollars (6,548 represents $6,548,000,000). For fiscal years ending in yearshown; see text, section 9 State and Local Government. Receipts reflect collections.Covers both Federal funds and trust funds (see text, this section).Excludes government-sponsored but privately-owned corporations,Federal Reserve System, District of Columbia government, and moneyheld in suspense as deposit funds]

Source 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 TQ 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 est. 2000 est. 2001 est.
    Total receipts 1 6,548 8,712 14,634 24,001 43,747 45,159 39,296 38,514 41,560 39,415 39,443 51,616 66,167 69,608 69,701 65,451 74,587 79,990 79,636 79,249 92,492 94,388 99,676 106,560 112,613 116,817 130,835 148,822 152,973 186,882 192,807 187,139 207,309 230,799 263,224 279,090 298,060 81,232 355,559 399,561 463,302 517,112 599,272 617,766 600,562 666,486 734,088 769,215 854,353 909,303 991,190 1,031,969 1,055,041 1,091,279 1,154,401 1,258,627 1,351,830 1,453,062 1,579,292 1,721,798 1,827,454 1,956,252 2,019,031
     (On-Budget) 5,998 8,024 13,738 22,871 42,455 43,849 38,057 37,055 39,944 37,724 37,336 48,496 62,573 65,511 65,112 60,370 68,162 73,201 71,587 70,953 81,851 82,279 87,405 92,385 96,248 100,094 111,749 124,420 128,056 157,928 159,348 151,294 167,402 184,715 209,299 216,633 231,671 63,216 278,741 314,169 365,309 403,903 469,097 474,299 453,242 500,411 547,918 568,986 640,951 667,812 727,525 750,314 761,157 788,853 842,467 923,601 1,000,751 1,085,570 1,187,302 1,305,999 1,382,986 1,479,489 1,519,136
     (Off-Budget) 550 688 896 1,130