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32. 1997 Economic Census

23. State Population Projections

[In thousands (274,634 represents 274,634,000). As of July 1. The population projections for States, by single year of age,sex, race, and Hispanic origin prepared for July 1, 1995 to 2025use the cohort-component method. This method requires separateassumptions for each component of population change: births,deaths, internal migration, and international migration. Thesecomponents are produced and refined using various administrativerecords and census distributions. State estimates for 1994 arethe starting points for these projections and they are consistentwith the middle series of the national projections reported in the U.S.Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, series P25-1130. Thetwo series of projections are based on differentinternal migration assumptions: 1) Series A, is the preferredseries model and uses state-to-state migration observed from1975-76 through 1993-94; and 2) Series B, the economic model, usesthe Bureau of Economic Analysis employment projections.

2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025
  United States U.S. 00000 274,634 285,981 297,716 310,133 322,742 335,050 274,634 285,981 297,716 310,134 322,742 335,050
Alabama AL 01000 4,451 4,631 4,798 4,956 5,100 5,224 4,436 4,617 4,802 4,986 5,162 5,319
Alaska AK 02000 653 700 745 791 838 885 632 659 690 728 773 825
Arizona AZ 04000 4,798 5,230 5,522 5,808 6,111 6,412 4,838 5,432 6,025 6,620 7,193 7,729
Arkansas AR 05000 2,631 2,750 2,840 2,922 2,997 3,055 2,623 2,757 2,887 3,008 3,109 3,184
California CA 06000 32,521 34,441 37,644 41,373 45,278 49,285 32,423 33,511 34,968 36,838 39,034 41,480
Colorado CO 08000 4,168 4,468 4,658 4,833 5,012 5,188 4,154 4,510 4,837 5,152 5,454 5,743
Connecticut CT 09000 3,284 3,317 3,400 3,506 3,621 3,739 3,286 3,291 3,303 3,332 3,376 3,428
Delaware DE 10000 768 800 817 832 847 861 758 793 823 851 877 899
District of Columbia DC 11000 523 529 560 594 625 655 530 542 572 611 654 702
Florida FL 12000 15,233 16,279 17,363 18,497 19,634 20,710 15,250 16,273 17,299 18,318 19,262 20,066
Georgia GA 13000 7,875 8,413 8,824 9,200 9,552 9,869 7,893 8,540 9,167 9,785 10,386 10,962
Hawaii HI 15000 1,257 1,342 1,440 1,553 1,677 1,812 1,238 1,297 1,367 1,447 1,537 1,634
Idaho ID 16000 1,347 1,480 1,557 1,622 1,683 1,739 1,332 1,489 1,637 1,775 1,900 2,008
Illinois IL 17000 12,051 12,266 12,515 12,808 13,121 13,440 12,069 12,314 12,601 12,945 13,323 13,717
Indiana IN 18000 6,045 6,215 6,318 6,404 6,481 6,546 6,060 6,301 6,532 6,758 6,969 7,158
Iowa IA 19000 2,900 2,941 2,968 2,994 3,019 3,040 2,891 2,939 2,992 3,047 3,095 3,133
Kansas KS 20000 2,668 2,761 2,849 2,939 3,026 3,108 2,675 2,788 2,908 3,034 3,158 3,273
Kentucky KY 21000 3,995 4,098 4,170 4,231 4,281 4,314 3,990 4,109 4,220 4,322 4,411 4,480
Louisiana LA 22000 4,425 4,535 4,683 4,840 4,991 5,133 4,445 4,558 4,687 4,828 4,972 5,111
Maine ME 23000 1,259 1,285 1,323 1,362 1,396 1,423 1,250 1,259 1,268 1,276 1,282 1,282
Maryland MD 24000 5,275 5,467 5,657 5,862 6,071 6,274 5,261 5,426 5,577 5,736 5,904 6,072
Massachusetts MA 25000 6,199 6,310 6,431 6,574 6,734 6,902 6,224 6,361 6,498 6,653 6,824 7,001
Michigan MI 26000 9,679 9,763 9,836 9,917 10,002 10,078 9,711 9,835 9,966 10,115 10,272 10,423
Minnesota MN 27000 4,830 5,005 5,147 5,283 5,406 5,510 4,822 5,014 5,212 5,414 5,606 5,778
Mississippi MS 28000 2,816 2,908 2,974 3,035 3,093 3,142 2,826 2,949 3,072 3,195 3,310 3,413
Missouri MO 29000 5,540 5,718 5,864 6,005 6,137 6,250 5,547 5,750 5,953 6,153 6,336 6,492
Montana MT 30000 950 1,006 1,040 1,069 1,097 1,121 937 998 1,056 1,108 1,152 1,187
Nebraska NE 31000 1,705 1,761 1,806 1,850 1,892 1,930 1,700 1,766 1,837 1,912 1,984 2,050
Nevada NV 32000 1,871 2,070 2,131 2,179 2,241 2,312 1,863 2,130 2,355 2,547 2,712 2,854
New Hampshire NH 33000 1,224 1,281 1,329 1,372 1,410 1,439 1,217 1,267 1,307 1,344 1,377 1,402
New Jersey NJ 34000 8,178 8,392 8,638 8,924 9,238 9,558 8,185 8,387 8,594 8,832 9,096 9,369
New Mexico NM 35000 1,860 2,016 2,155 2,300 2,454 2,612 1,858 2,035 2,223 2,425 2,636 2,850
New York NY 36000 18,146 18,250 18,530 18,916 19,359 19,830 18,174 18,227 18,363 18,616 18,969 19,396
North Carolina NC 37000 7,777 8,227 8,552 8,840 9,111 9,349 7,789 8,312 8,780 9,206 9,588 9,916
North Dakota ND 38000 662 677 690 704 717 729 657 677 701 727 754 778
Ohio OH 39000 11,319 11,428 11,505 11,588 11,671 11,744 11,352 11,534 11,726 11,937 12,148 12,343
Oklahoma OK 40000 3,373 3,491 3,639 3,789 3,930 4,057 3,370 3,471 3,578 3,684 3,784 3,871
Oregon OR 41000 3,397 3,613 3,803 3,992 4,177 4,349 3,397 3,625 3,837 4,036 4,213 4,361
Pennsylvania PA 42000 12,202 12,281 12,352 12,449 12,567 12,683 12,220 12,329 12,443 12,580 12,727 12,854
Rhode Island RI 44000 998 1,012 1,038 1,070 1,105 1,141 989 986 986 989 998 1,007
South Carolina SC 45000 3,858 4,033 4,205 4,369 4,517 4,645 3,852 4,015 4,169 4,318 4,455 4,574
South Dakota SD 46000 777 810 826 840 853 866 770 811 853 893 930 962
Tennessee TN 47000 5,657 5,966 6,180 6,365 6,529 6,665 5,668 6,039 6,385 6,707 6,998 7,249
Texas TX 48000 20,119 21,487 22,857 24,280 25,729 27,183 20,178 21,635 23,158 24,775 26,453 28,170
Utah UT 49000 2,207 2,411 2,551 2,670 2,781 2,883 2,216 2,477 2,738 2,995 3,246 3,487
Vermont VT 50000 617 638 651 662 671 678 607 623 636 646 655 661
Virginia VA 51000 6,997 7,324 7,627 7,921 8,204 8,466 6,965 7,234 7,474 7,708 7,939 8,165
Washington WA 53000 5,858 6,258 6,658 7,058 7,446 7,808 5,829 6,184 6,524 6,857 7,179 7,480
West Virginia WV 54000 1,841 1,849 1,851 1,851 1,850 1,845 1,833 1,842 1,852 1,861 1,866 1,864
Wisconsin WI 55000 5,326 5,479 5,590 5,693 5,788 5,867 5,324 5,502 5,682 5,864 6,035 6,185
Wyoming WY 56000 525 568 607 641 670 694 519 559 598 636 671 702
Northeast 59000 52,107 52,767 53,692 54,836 56,103 57,392 52,152 52,731 53,399 54,270 55,304 56,400
  New England 61000 13,581 13,843 14,172 14,546 14,938 15,321 13,573 13,788 13,999 14,242 14,511 14,781
  Middle Atlantic 62000 38,526 38,923 39,520 40,289 41,164 42,071 38,579 38,943 39,400 40,028 40,792 41,619
Midwest 58000 63,502 64,825 65,915 67,024 68,114 69,109 63,579 65,230 66,963 68,800 70,609 72,293
  East North Central 63000 44,419 45,151 45,764 46,410 47,063 47,675 44,517 45,486 46,507 47,619 48,746 49,826
  West North Central 64000 19,082 19,673 20,151 20,615 21,051 21,434 19,063 19,745 20,456 21,181 21,863 22,467
South 59000 97,613 102,788 107,597 112,384 117,060 121,448 97,667 103,112 108,500 113,900 119,130 124,018
  South Atlantic 65000 50,147 52,921 55,457 57,966 60,411 62,675 50,132 52,976 55,712 58,394 60,931 63,220
  East South Central 66000 16,918 17,604 18,122 18,586 19,002 19,345 16,920 17,714 18,478 19,211 19,881 20,461
  West South Central 67000 30,548 32,263 34,019 35,832 37,647 39,427 30,616 32,422 34,310 36,296 38,318 40,337
West 60000 61,413 65,603 70,512 75,889 81,465 87,101 61,236 64,907 68,854 73,164 77,700 82,338
  Mountain 68000 17,725 19,249 20,221 21,122 22,049 22,962 17,717 19,631 21,469 23,258 24,963 26,559
  Pacific 69000 43,686 46,354 50,291 54,767 59,416 64,139 43,519 45,276 47,385 49,906 52,736 55,780

Source: U.S. Census Bureau,Population Paper Listings PPL-47.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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