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32. 1997 Economic Census

1456. Health Care & Social Assistance (Tax-exempt)--Establishments, Revenue, Payroll, Expenses, Payroll and Employees, by Kind of Business (NAICS Basis): 1997

Revenue Annual payroll Paid
for pay
Kind of business Estab- Per Per period
NAICS lish- paid paid First-quarter including
code 1 ments Total employee Expenses Total employee payroll March 12
(number) ($1,000) (dol.) ($1,000) ($1,000) (dol.) ($1,000) (number)
    Health care & social assistance, total 62 114,784 466,451,794 63,638 440,956,288 195,949,352 26,733 47,859,474 7,329,808
Ambulatory health care services 621 15,181 45,428,453 67,871 43,793,320 17,884,218 26,719 4,393,734 669,335
  Outpatient care centers 6214 9,940 31,561,321 91,086 30,559,076 11,157,881 32,202 2,742,077 346,501
    Family planning centers 62141 1,390 668,027 47,378 633,438 296,105 21,000 71,943 14,100
      Family planning centers 621410 1,390 668,027 47,378 633,438 296,105 21,000 71,943 14,100
    Outpatient mental health & substance abuse centers.. 62142 3,646 4,714,846 46,181 4,550,229 2,419,060 23,694 579,850 102,096
      Outpatient mental health & substance abuse 621420
       centers 3,646 4,714,846 46,181 4,550,229 2,419,060 23,694 579,850 102,096
    Other outpatient care centers 62149 4,904 26,178,448 113,669 25,375,409 8,442,716 36,659 2,090,284 230,305
      HMO medical centers 621491 510 12,289,824 260,278 11,858,241 1,985,165 42,043 517,887 47,218
      Kidney dialysis centers 621492 261 583,703 87,934 532,011 193,376 29,132 46,942 6,638
      Freestanding ambulatory surgical &
       emergency centers 621493 313 672,979 82,869 624,890 261,599 32,213 61,643 8,121
      All other outpatient care centers 621498 3,820 12,631,942 75,044 12,360,267 6,002,576 35,660 1,463,812 168,328
  Home health care services 6216 3,375 10,104,243 37,775 9,669,707 5,426,172 20,286 1,334,305 267,484
    Home health care services 62161 3,375 10,104,243 37,775 9,669,707 5,426,172 20,286 1,334,305 267,484
      Home health care services 621610 3,375 10,104,243 37,775 9,669,707 5,426,172 20,286 1,334,305 267,484
  Other ambulatory health care services 6219 1,866 3,762,889 67,984 3,564,537 1,300,165 23,490 317,352 55,350
    Ambulance services 62191 1,032 820,674 38,762 774,795 319,570 15,094 76,268 21,172
      Ambulance services 621910 1,032 820,674 38,762 774,795 319,570 15,094 76,268 21,172
    All other ambulatory health care services 62199 834 2,942,215 86,085 2,789,742 980,595 28,691 241,084 34,178
      Blood & organ banks 621991 726 2,851,025 87,105 2,712,343 943,507 28,826 232,177 32,731
      All other miscellaneous ambulatory
       health care services 621999 108 91,190 63,020 77,399 37,088 25,631 8,907 1,447
Hospitals 622 5,340 339,031,933 76,679 318,763,050 141,909,969 32,096 34,813,427 4,421,452
  General medical & surgical hospitals 6221 4,695 319,920,383 77,928 300,066,401 131,053,557 31,923 32,097,670 4,105,334
    General medical & surgical hospitals 62211 4,695 319,920,383 77,928 300,066,401 131,053,557 31,923 32,097,670 4,105,334
      General medical & surgical hospitals 622110 4,695 319,920,383 77,928 300,066,401 131,053,557 31,923 32,097,670 4,105,334
        General medical & surgical hospitals,
         government 6221101 1,591 77,024,061 77,387 73,899,574 34,435,423 34,598 8,502,567 995,310
        General medical & surgical hospitals
         (except government) 6221102 3,104 242,896,322 78,101 226,166,827 96,618,134 31,067 23,595,103 3,110,024
  Psychiatric & substance abuse hospitals 6222 412 10,688,543 53,173 10,606,614 6,982,534 34,737 1,739,951 201,014
    Psychiatric & substance abuse hospitals 62221 412 10,688,543 53,173 10,606,614 6,982,534 34,737 1,739,951 201,014
      Psychiatric & substance abuse hospitals 622210 412 10,688,543 53,173 10,606,614 6,982,534 34,737 1,739,951 201,014
        Psychiatric & substance abuse
         hospitals, government 6222101 262 8,849,818 52,979 8,797,752 6,009,314 35,974 1,504,071 167,045
        Psychiatric & substance abuse hospitals
         (except government) 6222102 150 1,838,725 54,130 1,808,862 973,220 28,650 235,880 33,969
  Specialty (except psychiatric & substance
   abuse hospitals 6223 233 8,423,007 73,176 8,090,035 3,873,878 33,655 975,806 115,106
    Specialty (except psychiatric & substance
     abuse hospitals 62231 233 8,423,007 73,176 8,090,035 3,873,878 33,655 975,806 115,106
      Specialty (except psychiatric & substance
       abuse hospitals 622310 233 8,423,007 73,176 8,090,035 3,873,878 33,655 975,806 115,106
Nursing & residential care facilities 623 24,526 37,235,108 37,768 35,587,972 17,526,707 17,778 4,225,588 985,878
  Nursing care facilities 6231 3,088 15,248,712 38,445 14,760,380 7,395,990 18,647 1,794,608 396,639
    Nursing care facilities 62311 3,088 15,248,712 38,445 14,760,380 7,395,990 18,647 1,794,608 396,639
      Nursing care facilities 623110 3,088 15,248,712 38,445 14,760,380 7,395,990 18,647 1,794,608 396,639
  Residential mental retardation/health &
   substance abuse facility 6232 12,940 7,973,358 32,401 7,682,823 4,126,209 16,768 990,449 246,083
    Residential mental retardation facilities 62321 9,287 5,270,174 29,958 5,098,209 2,791,122 15,866 665,214 175,921
      Residential mental retardation facilities 623210 9,287 5,270,174 29,958 5,098,209 2,791,122 15,866 665,214 175,921
    Residential mental health & substance abuse facilities. 62322 3,653 2,703,184 38,528 2,584,614 1,335,087 19,029 325,235 70,162
      Residential mental health & substance
       abuse facilities 623220 3,653 2,703,184 38,528 2,584,614 1,335,087 19,029 325,235 70,162
  Community care facilities for the elderly 6233 3,951 9,304,097 41,167 8,722,260 3,741,834 16,556 899,568 226,011
    Community care facilities for the elderly 62331 3,951 9,304,097 41,167 8,722,260 3,741,834 16,556 899,568 226,011
      Continuing care retirement communities 623311 1,282 7,300,126 42,298 6,849,633 2,922,239 16,932 703,302 172,586
      Homes for the elderly 623312 2,669 2,003,971 37,510 1,872,627 819,595 15,341 196,266 53,425
  Other residential care facilities 6239 4,547 4,708,941 40,198 4,422,509 2,262,674 19,315 540,963 117,145
    Other residential care facilities 62399 4,547 4,708,941 40,198 4,422,509 2,262,674 19,315 540,963 117,145
      Other residential care facilities 623990 4,547 4,708,941 40,198 4,422,509 2,262,674 19,315 540,963 117,145
Social assistance 624 69,737 44,756,300 35,715 42,811,946 18,628,458 14,865 4,426,725 1,253,144
  Individual & family services 6241 36,364 26,452,637 41,166 25,278,862 10,781,228 16,778 2,556,712 642,584
    Child & youth services 62411 11,086 7,718,841 44,874 7,347,657 3,170,827 18,434 741,942 172,011
      Child & youth services 624110 11,086 7,718,841 44,874 7,347,657 3,170,827 18,434 741,942 172,011
    Services for the elderly & persons with disabilities 62412 9,960 8,217,311 36,244 7,962,085 3,260,217 14,380 779,180 226,720
      Services for the elderly & persons with disabilities .. 624120 9,960 8,217,311 36,244 7,962,085 3,260,217 14,380 779,180 226,720
    Other individual & family services 62419 15,318 10,516,485 43,126 9,969,120 4,350,184 17,839 1,035,590 243,853
      Other individual & family services 624190 15,318 10,516,485 43,126 9,969,120 4,350,184 17,839 1,035,590 243,853
  Community food & housing/emergency & other
   relief services 6242 9,606 6,085,252 60,345 5,707,267 1,738,937 17,244 409,527 100,841
    Community food services 62421 2,988 1,597,522 69,597 1,494,365 324,079 14,119 76,222 22,954
      Community food services 624210 2,988 1,597,522 69,597 1,494,365 324,079 14,119 76,222 22,954
    Community housing services 62422 4,737 2,954,163 49,082 2,753,362 1,079,027 17,928 254,636 60,188
      Temporary shelters 624221 2,537 1,514,645 38,204 1,431,136 665,150 16,777 156,943 39,646
      Other community housing services 624229 2,200 1,439,518 70,077 1,322,226 413,877 20,148 97,693 20,542
    Emergency & other relief services 62423 1,881 1,533,567 86,647 1,459,540 335,831 18,975 78,669 17,699
      Emergency & other relief services 624230 1,881 1,533,567 86,647 1,459,540 335,831 18,975 78,669 17,699
  Vocational rehabilitation services 6243 5,668 6,461,745 23,956 6,256,924 3,093,266 11,468 727,793 269,738
    Vocational rehabilitation services 62431 5,668 6,461,745 23,956 6,256,924 3,093,266 11,468 727,793 269,738
      Vocational rehabilitation services 624310 5,668 6,461,745 23,956 6,256,924 3,093,266 11,468 727,793 269,738
  Child day care services 6244 18,099 5,756,666 23,988 5,568,893 3,015,027 12,564 732,693 239,981
    Child day care services 62441 18,099 5,756,666 23,988 5,568,893 3,015,027 12,564 732,693 239,981
      Child day care services 624410 18,099 5,756,666 23,988 5,568,893 3,015,027 12,564 732,693 239,981

1 North American Industry Classification System code. For definitions of each industry, see "North American IndustryClassification System--United States, 1997" available from the National Technical InformationService and the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.For a short description available on the Internet, see also

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census, Health Care and Social Insurance, Series EC97562A-US, issued October 1999.


An establishment is a single physical location at which business is conducted and/or services are provided. It is notnecessarily identical with a company or enterprise, which may consist of one establishment or more. Economic censusfigures represent a summary of reports for individual establishments rather than companies. For cases where a census reportwas received, separate information was obtained for each location where business was conducted. When administrativerecords of other Federal agencies were used instead of a census report, no information was available on the number oflocations operated. Each economic census establishment was tabulated according to the physical location at which thebusiness was conducted. The count of establishments represents those in business at any time during 1997.

When two activities or more were carried on at a single location under a single ownership, all activities generally weregrouped together as a single establishment. The entire establishment was classified on the basis of its major activity and alldata for it were included in that classification. However, when distinct and separate economic activities (for which differentindustry classification codes were appropriate) were conducted at a single location under a single ownership, separateestablishment reports for each of the different activities were obtained in the census.

Sales, Shipments, Receipts, Revenue, or Business Done

Includes the total sales, shipments, receipts, revenue, or business done by establishments within the scope of the economiccensus. Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services; Administrative and Support and Waste Management and RemediationServices; Educational Services; Health Care and Social Assistance; Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation; and Other Services(Except Public Administration) sectors - TAXABLE ESTABLISHMENTS: Includes receipts from customers or clients forservices rendered, from the use of facilities, and from merchandise sold during 1997 whether or not payment was receivedin 1997. For advertising agencies, travel industries, and other service establishments operating on a commission basis,receipts include commissions, fees, and other operating income, NOT gross billings and sales. Excise taxes on gasoline,liquor, tobacco, etc., which are paid by the manufacturer or wholesaler and passed on in the cost of goods purchased by theservice establishment are also included. The establishments share of receipts from departments, concessions, and vendingand amusement machines operated by others are included as part of receipts. Receipts also include the total value of servicecontracts, market value of compensation received in lieu of cash, amounts received for work subcontracted to others, anddues and assessments from members and affiliates. Receipts from services provided to foreign customers from U.S.locations, including services preformed for foreign parent firms, subsidiaries, and branches are included.

Receipts are net after deductions for refunds and allowances for merchandise returned by customers. Receipts DO NOTinclude sales, occupancy, admissions, or other taxes collected from customers and remitted directly by the firm to a local,state, or Federal tax agency, nor do they include income from such sources as contributions, gifts, and grants; dividends,interest, and investments; or sale or rental of real estate. Also excluded are receipts (gross) of departments and concessionswhich are operated by others; sales of used equipment rented or leased to customers; domestic intracompany transfers;receipts of foreign subsidiaries; and other nonoperating income, such as royalties, franchise fees, etc. Receipts DO NOTinclude service receipts of manufacturers, wholesalers, retail establishments, or other businesses whose primary activity isother than service. They do, however, include receipts other than from services rendered (e.g., sale of merchandise toindividuals or other businesses) by establishments primarily engaged in performing services and classified in the serviceindustries.

TAX EXEMPT ESTABLISHMENTS: Includes revenue from customers or clients for services rendered and merchandisesold during 1997, whether or not payment was received in 1997, and gross sales of merchandise, minus returns andallowances. Also included are income from interest, dividends, gross rents (including display space rentals and share ofreceipts from departments operated by other companies), gross contributions, gifts, grants (whether or not restricted for usein operations), royalties, dues and assessments from members and affiliates, commissions earned from the sale ofmerchandise owned by others (including commissions from vending machine operators), and gross receipts from fundraisingactivities. Receipts from taxable business activities of firms exempt from Federal income tax (unrelated business income)are also included in revenue.

Revenue DOES NOT include sales, admissions, or other taxes collected by the organization from customers or clients andpaid directly to a local, state, or Federal tax agency; income from the sale of real estate, investments, or other assets (exceptinventory held for resale); gross receipts of departments, concessions, etc., that are operated by others; and amountstransferred to operating funds from capital or reserve funds.

Annual Payroll

Payroll includes all forms of compensation, such as salaries, wages, commissions, dismissal pay, bonuses, vacationallowances, sick-leave pay, and employee contributions, to qualified pension plans paid during the year to all employees.For corporations, payroll includes amounts paid to officers and executives; for unincorporated businesses, it does notinclude profit or other compensation of proprietors or partners. Payroll is reported before deductions for social security,income tax, insurance, union dues, etc. This definition of payroll is the same as that used by the Internal Revenue Service(IRS) on Form 941.Paid Employees

Paid employees consists of full-time and part-time employees, including salaried officers and executives of corporations.Included are employees on paid sick leave, paid holidays, and paid vacations; not included are proprietors and partners ofunincorporated businesses. The definition of paid employees is the same as that used on IRS Form 941.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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