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636. Community Service Participation of Students in Grades 6 Through 12

[25,726 represents 25,726,000.Based on the National Household Education Survey, a sample survey of approximately55,000 households with telephones in the civilian, noninstitutional population;

Total number participating in Percent of students
of students community service participating in
Characteristic (1,000) (1,000) community service
- -
1996 1999 1996 1999 1996 1999
    Total 1 25,726 26,990 12,627 14,063 49 52
Student's grade:
  Grades 6 through 8 11,535 11,713 5,462 5,610 47 48
  Grades 9 and 10 7,429 7,933 3,370 3,955 45 50
  Grades 11 and 12 6,760 7,322 3,795 4,486 56 61
  Male 13,190 13,599 5,971 6,446 45 47
  Female 12,537 13,392 6,656 7,617 53 57
  White, non-Hispanic 17,322 17,354 9,113 9,759 53 56
  Black, non-Hispanic 4,112 4,206 1,761 1,993 43 47
  Hispanic 3,281 4,067 1,246 1,587 38 39
  Other race-ethnicity 1,012 1,363 506 724 50 53
Language spoken most at home by student:
  English 24,164 24,773 12,131 13,304 50 54
  Other 1,562 2,217 496 759 32 34
Parent's highest level of education:
  Less than high school 2,469 2,714 834 1,013 34 37
  High school graduate or equivalent 7,775 6,993 3,273 3,125 42 45
  Vocational/technical education after high n n n n
   school or some college 7,472 7,814 3,617 3,930 48 50
  College graduate 3,881 4,377 2,250 2,710 58 62
  Graduate or professional school 4,129 5,092 2,653 3,285 64 65
School type:
  Public 23,343 24,550 11,056 12,331 47 50
  Private: n n n n
    Church-related 1,851 1,786 1,270 1,286 69 72
    Not church-related 533 655 301 446 57 68
School size:
  Under 300 students 2,754 2,909 1,336 1,531 49 53
  300 to 599 students 7,782 7,812 3,892 3,887 50 50
  600 to 999 students 6,439 6,462 3,111 3,304 48 51
  1,000 students or more 8,751 9,808 4,288 5,341 49 54
School practice:
  Requires and arranges service 4,242 5,201 2,389 3,094 56 59
  Requires service only 394 460 74 178 19 39
  Arranges service only 17,446 18,060 9,087 9,848 52 55
  Neither requires nor arranges service 3,644 3,269 1,076 942 30 29

1 Includes students with no grade reported.

Source: U.S. National Center for Education Statistics,Statistics in Brief, November 1999 (NCES 2000-028).

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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