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32. 1997 Economic Census

Number, Population, and Land Area of MA's as Defined atSpecified Dates From 1950 to 1999

[The differences in population shown here for each year within eachcolumn of the table result entirely from net expansion ofmetropolitan territory through changes in the MA definitions.The differences in population over time shown for each MAdefinition (on the successive lines of the table) result entirelyfrom population changes within that territory, unaffected bychanges in MA definitions. The changes in 1990 land area resultentirely from net change in MA territory. All data include Alaskaand Hawaii and exclude Puerto Rico. Subtraction of any line of thetable from the line below will show the net effect of change inpopulation and land area undergone by the MA's as the result ofchanges in definitions between the specified dates. Such changesmay have occurred throughout the period, not on any single date,and may have included reductions in, as well as additions to, MAterritory. Census population data through 1980 include correctionsmade since publication. The area data for the 1950, 1960, 1970,and 1980 census definitions of MA's differ from the data publishedin those censuses because of subsequent remeasurement of land areasand changes in inland water area occurring for the 1990 census]

Number POPULATION Land area,
MA'S 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 1998 (sq. mi.)
(April 1) (April 1) (April 1) (April 1) (April 1) (April 1) (July 1)
1950 census (Mar. 1952) 169 69,534,177 1 84,853,700 106,344,548 122,184,836 128,842,628 139,837,153 148,305,142 206,802
1960 census (Nov. 1960) 212 72,843,991 89,316,903 2 112,885,139 130,982,661 140,793,384 155,090,774 166,591,635 308,742
1964 (Aug. 31) 3 217 74,868,855 91,644,188 115,876,343 134,700,911 145,503,983 160,503,437 172,958,802 348,400
1968 (Jan. 31) 4 230 76,407,594 93,629,986 118,413,604 137,976,252 149,809,712 165,710,294 179,110,532 377,042
1970 census (Feb. 28, 1971) 243 77,154,311 94,579,008 5 119,593,498 6 139,479,806 151,660,897 167,899,268 181,502,500 386,241
1974 (Apr. 30) 7 265 82,037,186 8 100,219,707 9 126,613,710 148,198,993 162,752,886 181,128,189 196,875,858 490,551
1977 (Dec. 31) 10 277 82,804,352 101,109,145 127,674,818 149,482,664 164,383,056 182,992,864 199,013,454 509,841
1980 census (June 30, 1981) 11 318 85,397,846 104,172,853 131,318,714 153,693,767 169,430,081 188,763,892 205,387,705 565,288
1983 (June 30) 12 275 86,297,691 105,214,471 132,633,988 155,411,328 171,777,116 191,638,710 208,668,802 559,752
1984 (June 30) 12 277 86,333,619 105,269,588 132,707,748 155,519,340 171,956,205 191,907,852 209,009,968 563,796
1985 (June 30) 12 280 86,445,184 105,411,431 132,887,134 155,700,823 172,169,761 192,140,319 209,262,496 569,816
1986 (June 30) 12 281 86,492,172 105,481,211 132,977,580 155,805,452 172,304,319 192,318,722 209,460,226 571,745
1987 (June 30) 13 12 281 86,513,884 105,502,909 133,003,445 155,832,688 172,334,850 192,349,750 209,494,587 572,284
1988 (June 30) 14 12 282 86,589,912 105,582,961 133,088,400 155,937,275 172,455,251 192,481,306 209,637,403 573,560
1989 (June 30) 14 12 283 86,713,492 105,718,150 133,233,777 156,084,580 172,602,176 192,623,201 209,775,506 574,622
1990 census (June 30, 1990) 14 12 284 86,730,518 105,742,856 133,275,412 156,137,337 172,678,381 192,730,096 209,907,765 580,136
1992 (Dec. 31) 14 12 268 89,086,954 108,291,669 136,171,803 159,395,627 176,662,854 197,470,576 215,395,847 669,927
1993 (June 30) 1415 12 268 89,235,632 108,448,684 136,336,055 159,579,651 176,892,735 197,728,901 215,699,322 673,057
1994 (June 30) 14 12 269 89,282,629 108,506,964 136,402,452 159,652,709 176,982,574 197,827,639 215,810,574 674,021
1995 (June 30) 14 12 271 89,337,751 108,572,147 136,497,691 159,757,830 177,143,136 198,022,544 216,043,836 699,960
1996 (June 30) 14 12 273 89,430,834 108,675,654 136,603,905 159,872,025 177,284,523 198,170,345 216,210,902 701,784
1998 (June 30) 14 12 274 89,459,872 108,711,147 136,648,568 159,930,288 177,360,539 198,249,032 216,299,891 704,383
1999 (June 30) 14 12 276 89,513,956 108,787,790 136,737,487 160,045,332 177,505,033 198,406,989 216,478,090 705,668

NA Not available.
1 Corresponds to total MA population for 1950 census (84,500,680)plus Honolulu metropolitan area.
2 Corresponds to total MA population for 1960 published in 1960census (112,885,178), corrected by subtracting population (39)erroneously included in Franklin County, Ohio (Columbus metropolitanarea).
3 MA's as defined for the 1963 economic censuses.
4 MA's as defined for the 1967 economic censuses.
5 Corresponds to total 1960 population for 1970 MA's published in1970 census (119,594,754), corrected by subtracting 1,256population from Lawrence-Haverhill metropolitan area; this representedan addition to the 1960 population of Andover town made subsequent tothe original census tabulations, and therefore not reflected instate or national totals.
6 Corresponds to total MA population for 1970 published in 1970census (139,418,811), plus net corrections made subsequent topublication.
7 MA's as defined for the 1972 economic censuses.
8 Includes estimated 1950 population (32,060) of Anchorage CensusDivision, as defined in 1970.
9 Includes 1960 population (82,833) of Anchorage Census Division,as defined in 1970.
10 MA's as defined for the 1977 economic censuses.
11 MA's as defined for the 1982 economic censuses.
12 MSA's and CMSA's.
13 MA's as defined for the 1987 economic censuses.
14 Data exclude the portion of Sullivan city in Crawford County,MO (1990 population 1,116) added to the St. Louis, MO-IL MSA bycongressional action effective Dec. 22, 1987.
15 MA's as defined for the 1992 economic censuses.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 1950-1970, U.S. Census ofPopulation, vol. 1; 1980 Census of Population, vol. 1, chapters Aand B and Supplementary Report, Metropolitan Statistical Areas(PC80-S1-18); 1990 Census of Population and Housing Data PaperListing (CPH-L-10 and CPH-L-118);1990 Census of Population and Housing, Supplementary Reports,Metropolitan Areas as Defined by the Office of Management and Budget,June 30, 1993, (1990 CPH-S-1-1); andPopulation Paper Listing (PPL-60 and PPL-83).

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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