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31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

1201. Existing One-Family Houses Sold and Price, by Region

[(1,569 represents 1,569,000). Based on data (adjusted and aggregated to regional and national totals) reported by participating real estate multiple listing services. Fordefinition of median, see Guide to Tabular Presentation.Composition of regions:NORTHEAST: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.MIDWEST: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas.SOUTH: Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas.WEST: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, and Hawaii]

Year U.S. North- Mid- South West U.S. North- Mid- South West
east west east west
1968 1,569 243 490 529 308 20,100 21,400 18,200 19,000 22,900
1969 1,594 240 508 538 308 21,800 23,700 19,000 20,300 23,900
1970 1,612 251 501 568 292 23,000 25,700 20,100 22,200 24,300
1971 2,018 311 583 735 389 24,800 27,100 22,100 24,300 26,500
1972 2,252 361 630 788 473 26,700 29,800 23,900 26,400 28,400
1973 2,334 367 674 847 446 28,900 32,800 25,300 29,000 31,000
1974 2,272 354 645 839 434 32,000 35,800 27,700 32,200 34,800
1975 2,476 370 701 862 543 35,300 39,300 30,100 34,800 39,600
1976 3,064 439 881 1,033 712 38,100 41,800 32,900 36,500 46,100
1977 3,650 515 1,101 1,231 803 42,900 44,400 36,700 39,800 57,300
1978 3,986 516 1,144 1,416 911 48,700 47,900 42,200 45,100 66,700
1979 3,827 526 1,061 1,353 887 55,700 53,600 47,800 51,300 77,400
1980 2,973 403 806 1,092 672 62,200 60,800 51,900 58,300 89,300
1981 2,419 353 632 917 516 66,400 63,700 54,300 64,400 96,200
1982 1,990 354 490 780 366 67,800 63,500 55,100 67,100 98,900
1983 2,697 477 692 1,004 524 70,300 72,200 56,600 69,200 94,900
1984 2,829 478 720 1,006 624 72,400 78,700 57,100 71,300 95,800
1985 3,134 561 806 1,063 704 75,500 88,900 58,900 75,200 95,400
1986 3,474 635 922 1,145 773 80,300 104,800 63,500 78,200 100,900
1987 3,436 618 892 1,163 763 85,600 133,300 66,000 80,400 113,200
1988 3,513 606 865 1,224 817 89,300 143,000 68,400 82,200 124,900
1989 1 3,325 490 832