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1246. Selected Apparel -- Shipments, Foreign Trade, and Apparent Consumption

[Quantity in thousands of units (18,831 represents 17,831,000),value in millions of dollars (210.8 represents $210,800,000,000).Based on a survey consisting of approximately 1,150 firms, accounting for 95 percent of total cuttingsof apparel items. Approximately 2,500 small firms received an annual short form.For description of survey, see summary below table]

1995 1995
Product description Manufactures' Exports of domestic Imports for Apparent Percent imports to
shipments merchandise consumption consumption apparent consumption
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
Men's and boys' apparel:
  Sweaters. 17,831 210.8 24,612 95.4 40,668 457.5 33,887 572.9 120.0 79.9
  Tops, except sweaters. (D) (D) 346,968 941.7 1,212,228 6,389.3 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Bottoms 661,491 8,054.6 233,628 882.2 580,548 3,762.8 1,008,411 10,935.2 57.6 34.4
    Suit type, dress and sport.. (D) (D) 7,932 66.1 12,216 416.1 (D) (D) (D) (D)
    Other coats.. 51,805 1,311.5 25,776 105.0 130,128 2,141.0 156,157 3,347.5 83.3 64.0
  Suits (D) (D) 5,508 63.5 87,228 430.5 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Swimwear.. 2,362 27.0 1,200 4.8 50,388 213.6 51,550 235.8 97.7 90.6
Women's and girls' apparel:
  Sweaters 50,133 580.8 1,344 21.9 136,032 1,401.8 184,821 1,960.7 73.6 71.5
  Dresses 208,072 4,715.8 20,712 112.5 168,168 1,872.4 355,528 6,475.7 47.3 28.9
  Tops, except sweaters.. 577,321 4,122.6 141,312 386.7 1,011,144 5,663.2 1,447,153 9,399.1 69.9 60.3
  Skirts 89,186 1,281.5 10,020 45.2 127,284 1,032.9 206,450 2,269.2 61.7 45.5
  Coats and jackets.. 52,038 1,888.1 16,080 121.5 119,172 2,099.7 155,130 3,866.3 76.8 54.3
  Bottoms, except skirts.. 505,406 5,146.7 117,348 418.1 582,576 3,692.5 970,634 8,421.1 60.0 43.8
  Suits.. (D) (D) 6,480 55.2 100,776 371.9 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Swimwear.. 50,081 670.6 6,324 32.1 27,468 191.3 71,225 829.8 38.6 23.1
Other apparel (Men's/Women's):
  Playsuits (D) (D) 0 0.0 50,712 298.2 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Coveralls, etc 28,080 458.2 7,356 35.3 50,772 409.8 71,496 832.7 71.0 49.2
  Robes and dressing gowns.. 28,910 288.9 13,620 34.4 37,128 335.4 52,418 589.9 70.8 56.9
  Pajamas and other nightwear.. 109,700 829.8 24,684 60.2 146,388 848.8 231,404 1,618.4 63.3 52.4
  Underwear except foundation
    garments.. 1,851,032 2,875.0 624,492 617.7 1,556,316 1,541.4 2,782,856 3,798.7 55.9 40.6
  Foundation garments.. (D) (D) 336,456 387.5 399,648 901.8 (D) (D) (D) (D)
Infants' apparel.. 158,302 777.2 88,236 121.5 413,736 1,001.6 483,802 1,657.3 85.5 60.4
  1996 1996
Product description Manufactures' Exports of domestic Imports for Apparent Percent imports to
  shipments merchandise consumption consumption apparent consumption
  Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
Men's and boys' apparel:
  Sweaters.. 14,551 214.4 22,488 100.6 35,568 466.7 27,631 580.5 128.7 80.4
  Tops, except sweaters. (D) (D) 371,352 1,020.3 1,352,496 6,722.8 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Bottoms. 629,719 8,013.1 256,728 1,032.4 610,488 3,926.8 983,479 10,907.5 62.1 36.0
    Suit type, dress and sport.. 11,328 718.0 6,816 57.0 11,472 414.4 15,984 1,075.4 71.8 38.5
    Other coats.. 52,829 1,467.0 20,376 99.1 117,528 1,840.4 149,981 3,208.3 78.4 57.4
  Suits (D) (D) 5,184 54.0 79,584 532.1 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Swimwear.. 2,272 21.7 1,320 6.3 42,456 149.2 43,408 164.6 97.8 90.6
  Sweaters 49,673 652.4 3,972 22.7 152,088 1,601.2 197,789 2,230.9 76.9 71.8
  Dresses 187,094 4,454.7 21,432 114.1 189,564 1,928.0 355,226 6,268.6 53.4 30.8
  Tops, except sweaters.. 597,620 4,167.8 176,748 434.6 1,013,892 5,433.2 1,434,764 9,166.4 70.7 59.3
  Skirts 86,223 1,245.9 10,248 43.8 137,760 1,063.2 213,735 2,265.3 64.5 46.9
  Coats and jackets.. 50,909 1,897.4 16,632 124.7 127,560 2,847.6 161,837 4,620.3 78.8 61.6
  Bottoms, except skirts.. 496,526 5,125.3 139,896 480.3 597,072 3,800.5 953,702 8,445.5 62.6 45.0
  Suits.. (D) (D) 7,032 62.4 105,288 361.1 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Swimwear.. 51,853 757.1 7,332 37.6 30,780 189.3 75,301 908.8 40.9 20.8
Other apparel (Men's/Women's):
  Playsuits.. (D) (D) 0 0.0 35,520 144.9 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Coveralls, etc 24,136 472.9 8,280 28.1 53,580 427.6 69,436 872.4 77.2 49.0
  Robes and dressing gowns.. (D) (D) 12,408 26.5 37,128 348.2 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Pajamas and other nightwear.. 83,784 657.8 24,216 65.9 154,164 904.7 213,732 1,496.6 72.1 60.5
  Underwear except foundation
   garments.. 1,844,648 2,741.7 770,532 715.0 1,718,532 1,802.0 2,792,648 3,828.7 61.5 47.1
  Foundation garments.. 352,377 1,889.6 294,288 372.3 352,524 867.1 410,613 2,384.4 85.9 36.4
Infants' apparel.. 151,927 779.4 104,952 135.7 424,260 1,039.9 471,235 1,683.6 90.0 61.8
  1997 1997
Product description Manufactures' Exports of domestic Imports for Apparent Percent imports to
  shipments merchandise consumption consumption apparent consumption
  Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
Men's and boys' apparel:
  Sweaters.. 12,472 200.2 52,452 168.7 45,576 571.7 27,631 580.5 164.9 98.5
  Tops, except sweaters. (D) (D) 525,192 1,261.7 1,620,516 7,710.3 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Bottoms. 607,226 7,894.2 300,120 1,172.7 715,920 4,703.3 983,479 10,907.5 72.8 43.1
  Coats: 55,824 1,998.3 23,088 155.2 158,844 2,806.3 191,580 4,649.4 82.9 60.4
    Suit type, dress and sport.. 11,786 731.3 5,976 61.2 14,160 494.3 15,984 1,075.4 88.6 46.0
    Other coats.. 44,038 1,267.0 17,112 94.0 144,684 2,312.0 149,981 3,208.3 96.5 72.1
  Suits 9,282 792.4 3,768 41.8 83,940 582.9 84,223 1,349.6 99.7 43.2
  Swimwear.. 1,940 32.3 876 4.2 43,608 151.1 43,408 164.6 100.5 91.8
Women's and girls' apparel:
  Sweaters 56,640 745.2 2,808 15.1 193,344 2,056.6 197,789 2,230.9 97.8 92.2
  Dresses 188,132 4,540.8 28,896 147.7 200,736 1,980.3 355,226 6,268.6 56.5 31.6
  Tops, except sweaters.. 599,228 4,253.5 220,632 469.8 1,194,240 6,437.9 1,434,764 9,166.4 83.2 70.2
  Skirts 76,529 1,127.8 11,496 53.3 125,004 978.2 213,735 2,265.3 58.5 43.2
  Coats and jackets.. 52,651 1,948.2 19,224 155.3 152,628 2,696.6 161,837 4,620.3 94.3 58.4
  Bottoms, except skirts.. 522,296 5,544.2 159,960 543.9 590,628 4,082.9 953,702 8,445.5 61.9 48.3
  Suits.. (D) (D) 7,008 60.7 111,192 347.8 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Swimwear.. 51,770 889.9 12,264 56.5 41,448 237.1 75,301 908.8 55.0 26.1
Other apparel (Men's/Women's):
  Playsuits.. 9,098 80.3 29,508 121.8 54,655 266.9 54.0 45.6
  Coveralls, etc 18,960 490.3 13,236 35.0 75,564 600.0 69,436 872.4 108.8 68.8
  Robes and dressing gowns.. (D) (D) 13,032 28.5 46,908 401.0 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Pajamas and other nightwear.. 72,578 583.5 26,784 75.1 170,076 968.5 213,732 1,496.6 79.6 64.7
  Underwear except foundation
   garments.. (D) (D) 929,088 876.1 2,148,408 2,348.4 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Foundation garments.. 361,580 1,949.5 293,892 468.2 363,336 970.1 410,613 2,384.4 88.5 40.7
Infants' apparel.. 162,220 767.4 135,828 163.3 501,336 1,231.5 471,235 1,683.6 106.4 73.1
  1998 1998
Product description Manufactures' Exports of domestic Imports for Apparent Percent imports to
  shipments merchandise consumption consumption apparent consumption
  Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
Men's and boys' apparel:
  Sweaters.. 12,885 186.3 58,956 167.5 61,776 802.8 15,705 821.6 393.4 97.7
  Tops, except sweaters. (D) (D) 510,000 1,172.2 1,946,256 10,110.7 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Bottoms. (D) (D) 300,984 1,107.6 797,808 5,986.5 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Coats: 53,684 1,857.8 19,068 138.8 164,436 3,020.0 199,052 4,739.0 82.6 63.7
    Suit type, dress and sport.. (D) (D) 5,352 47.3 14,892 579.5 (D) (D) (D) (D)
    Other coats.. (D) (D) 13,716 91.5 149,544 2,440.5 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Suits 8,885 726.4 1,704 25.2 97,464 752.1 104,645 1,453.3 93.1 51.8
  Swimwear.. 1,444 22.9 1,548 7.6 43,992 185.1 43,888 200.4 100.2 92.4
Women's and girls' apparel:
  Sweaters 41,363 652.4 2,196 10.7 229,584 2,715.4 268,751 3,357.1 85.4 80.9
  Dresses 198,680 4,660.9 21,504 123.5 219,252 2,263.2 396,428 6,800.6 55.3 33.3
  Tops, except sweaters.. 563,612 4,103.9 226,020 460.4 1,429,104 8,612.0 1,766,696 12,255.5 80.9 70.3
  Skirts 76,711 1,116.7 12,780 65.6 143,940 1,245.5 207,871 2,296.6 69.2 54.2
  Coats and jackets.. 46,529 1,630.7 18,888 154.2 157,944 2,965.0 185,585 4,441.5 85.1 66.8
  Bottoms, except skirts.. (D) (D) 179,280 606.7 687,612 5,098.7 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Suits.. 8,354 306.8 8,112 61.8 131,040 456.5 131,282 701.5 99.8 65.1
  Swimwear.. 51,706 805.5 13,452 58.5 46,788 293.5 85,042 1,040.5 55.0 28.2
Other apparel (Men's/Women's):
  Playsuits.. 11,623 110.7 0 0.0 23,148 103.5 34,771 214.2 66.6 48.3
  Coveralls, etc 28,022 484.6 18,792 36.1 90,384 703.8 99,614 1,152.3 90.7 61.1
  Robes and dressing gowns.. (D) (D) 10,560 24.5 55,572 486.6 (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Pajamas and other nightwear.. 76,208 651.8 30,912 80.3 207,036 1,233.4 252,332 1,804.9 82.0 68.3
  Underwear except foundation
   garments.. 1,607,575 2,620.7 846,876 854.6 2,367,828 2,793.9 3,128,527 4,560.0 75.7 61.3
  Foundation garments.. 347,309 1,961.5 329,208 464.6 396,996 1,199.7 415,097 2,696.6 95.6 44.5
Infants' apparel.. 159,157 880.2 145,956 205.3 614,496 1,630.9 627,697 2,305.8 97.9 70.7

1 Source: U.S. Census Bureau report EM 545, U.S. Exports.
2 Represents apparel which is cut in the United States, sent outside the country to be sewn, and then returned to the United States under the "Special Provisions" of chapter 98,Special Classification Provisions of the Harmonized Tariff Schedules of the United States, and is included in the domestic output, imports, and exports (formerly "807" provisions).Because "9802" garments are exported in pieces, the export quantity data may be overstated since some data may be reported in pieces rather than completed garments.
3 Represents the value of the U.S. fabricated components.
4 Represents the total c.i.f. (cost, insurance, and frieght) value of the article which includes the value of the U.S. fabricated components and foreign processing.
5 Source: U.S. Census Bureau report IM 145, U.S. Imports for Consumption.
6 This dollar value represents the c.i.f. (cost, insurance, and frieght) value at the firstport of entry in the United States plus U.S. import duties.
7 Apparent consumption represents new domestic supply and is derived by subtractingexports from the sum of manufacturers' shipments plus imports.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Manufacturing Profiles, series MP/98, annual; and (released 03 September 1999).



To provide detailed data on production, quantity and total value of shipments of selected apparel items. The United StatesCode, Title 13, requires this survey and provides for mandatory responses.


Manufacturers, government contractors, and jobbers that cut and sew apparel (mostly but not all are in SIC 23), except smallfirms (generally less than 5 employees) for which census of manufactures data were from administrative records. Garmentswhich are cut in the U.S. and sent outside the country to be sewn are included in this report. In 1993, apparel shipmentsamounted to nearly $37 billion.


Data are collected on over 70 types of apparel. Product data at the 7-digit SIC level include total quantity produced by typeof fabric and total value of shipments. Small firms reporting annually do not provide detail by fabric type.


Quarterly and annually; reported data are for activities taking place during the applicable reporting period. Data on apparelhave been collected since 1923.


A mail-out/mail-back quarterly survey of 1,175 manufacturers that account for 95 percent of apparel cuttings; approximately1,250 small firms receive an annual short form. The universe for this survey was the 1992 Census of Manufactures. Firms arecontacted using form MQ23A and short form MA23A. Data are estimated quarterly for small establishments that reportannually. Estimates are based on previous annual data and the trend of those reporting quarterly. Quarterly data may berevised if firms later provide corrected data.

*The apparel industry is characterized by three types ofoperations �manufacturers,jobbers,and contractors.The functions of the establishments classified as manufac-turers include purchasing materials,cutting and sewingthe product within the manufacturer �s establishment,andselling the finished product.The functions of the jobber,like those of the manufacturer,involve buying raw materi-als and marketing the finished product.However,unlikethe manufacturer,a jobber has a large part of the actualprocessing of the product done under contract in an out-side factory.Finally,the function of a contractor is to makeproducts in his establishment according to clearly definedspecifications,from materials owned by others.A contrac-tor,unlike the manufacturer or jobber,does not own thefinished product and does not become involved in theactual sale of the finished goods.

The purpose of this survey is to provide the totaldomestic quantity produced and value of shipments foreach type of garment.Since collecting this informationfrom all three types of establishments would result in sub-stantial duplication,only manufacturers and jobbers aresurveyed.

One other form of manufacturing apparel that isbecoming more and more significant is what we refer toas ��9802 ��(formerly 807)production.For ��9802 ��produc-tion,a domestic manufacturer or jobber buys fabrics andcuts a garment domestically,and then exports the cutpieces to be sewn.The completed garment is thenimported.Under special tariff provisions,duty is paid onlyon the value added rather than on the whole garment.Thequantity and value of these garments are included in thedomestic data,as well as in the import and export data.*Garments,Men �s and Boys �:

Tailored uniform suits.Includes military,guards,band,police,fire,etc.Nontailored work-type suits,such as deliv-ery drivers and gas station attendants,are included underwork clothing and washable service apparel.Trios.Includes tailored suits with a matching and contrast-ing pair of pants.

Tailored suit-type sport coats and jackets.Includes onlytailored separate suit-type coats,including tailored uni-form and separate formal jackets.

Overcoats and top coats.Includes only tailored items,including uniform,reversible zipper-lined,fingertip,andwool water-repellent coats.Excludes raincoats.

Raincoats.Includes waterproof outercoats and water-repellent coats of cotton and manmade fibers,includinguniforms.Wool and chiefly wool water-repellent coats andcapes are included with overcoats and top coats.

Heavy nontailored outer jackets,including uniform.Includes lumberjacks and mackinaws.Excludes skijackets.

Light nontailored outer jackets,including uniform.Includes golf-type zip front and snorkel jackets foroutdoor outerwear.

Separate vests,including uniform.Includes vests that arenot part of suits.Excludes sweater vests.

Separate dress and sport trousers,including uniform.Includes all pants except jeans,jean-cut casuals,dunga-rees,and work pants.

Jeans and dungarees.Includes all pants of jean-type con-struction which are made from denim fabric.Excludeswaistband overalls.

Jean-cut casual slacks.Includes all pants of jean-type con-struction made from fabrics other than denim,to be wornas sportswear (e.g.,corduroy).

Dress and business shirts.Includes open front shirtsdesigned primarily for dress or business wear,usuallywith a collar band.Sleeve length may or may not be sizedin inches.Neck may be sized or feature a convertible col-lar and may include shirts sized S-M-L-XL.

Work pants,excluding jeans and dungarees.Includes util-ity trousers in a sturdy fabric designed for hard wear,andwork pants with closed-seam construction and a waist-band in the same fabric as the shell.Also includes waist-band overalls.

Work shirts.Includes open front or pullover shirts in asturdy fabric,designed for work and ease of movement.

Washable service apparel.Includes nontailored washablework apparel designed for use by waiters,gas stationattendants,hospital staff,and other uniformed serviceworkers.

Overall and work jackets.Includes utility jackets in asturdy fabric,designed for hard work and ease of move-ment,usually with closed seam construction.

Team sports uniform.Clothing designed to be worn as auniform in team athletic games,such as baseball,football,soccer,and hockey.

Garments,Women �s,Misses �,and Junior �s:

Suits.Includes tailored suits and uniforms but excludespantsuits,jumpsuits,and coordinate suit sets that can bepurchased as separate pieces,e.g.,shirt,vest,blouse,andpants.Excludes nurses �,maids �,and medical uniformswhich are included in washable service apparel.

Pantsuits.Includes jumpsuits and pantsuits sold as a unit.Excludes coordinates which are sold as separates.

Dresses.Includes suit-type dresses,formal,work,house,etc.

Coats and capes.Includes toppers,car coats,suburbancoats,plastic coats,reversible coats,and wool waterrepel-lent coats,but excludes raincoats.

Jeans and dungarees.Includes all pants of jean-type con-struction that are made from denim fabric.

Slacks,including jean-cut casuals.Includes all pants otherthan denim jeans,e.g.,tailored pants and pants with anelastic waistband.

Girls �.Includes subteen and teenage girls �,usually sizes 7through 16.Also includes little girls �sizes 4 through 6xand toddler girls �sizes 2T through 4T.

Infants �.Includes all garments,sizes 0-24 months.Kitchen accessories.Includes items such as terry clothaprons,pot holders,dish cloths,and toaster covers.

Little boys �.Includes little boys �sizes 4 through 7 andtoddler boys �sizes 2T through 4T.

Men �s and junior boys �.Includes all men �s sizes andjunior boys �,preps �(cadets),and students �sizes.Theseusually include boys �,junior boys �,and preps �sizes 6-20,chest 22-36 and waist 23-30;and students �sizes,chest35-42 and waist 28-36.Table damask.Fabrics,whether or not napped,wovenwholly or in part with jacquard or dobby attachment andcharacterized by elaborate decorative designs,usually offloral patterns.The designs are reversible and are formedby warpface satin weave.Table damask is generally allwhite,although it is sometimes made with colored stripesor in solid pastel shades.Women �s,misses �and junior �s.Includes all women �s,misses �and junior �s sizes.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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