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32. 1997 Economic Census

1268. Selected Industrial Air Pollution Control Equipment-- Number of Companies, New Orders, and Shipments

[Quantity in number of units, value in thousands of dollars.Based on a sample survey of about 100 manufacturers; for description, see summary below]

1995 1995
Old" NAICs
Product description Product Product Number New orders Shipments Backlog (Dec. 31)
code code of com-    
panies Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
    Selected industrial air
     pollution control equipment. 35646 (X) 113 (S) 684,923 (S) 774,004 (S) 291,785
Particulate emissions collectors.. (X) (X) 91 (S) 493,047 (S) 506,298 (S) 202,700
  Electrostatic precipitators 35646 51 3334111111 17 (S) 134,797 (S) 152,022 (S) 88,549
  Fabric filters 35646 54 3334111114 57 53,949 253,558 52,978 242,123 6,561 60,194
  Mechanical collectors.. 35646 55 3334111116 37 6,360 67,618 6,273 63,343 695 26,435
  Wet scrubbers. 35646 58 3334111119 31 1,269 37,074 1,249 48,777 259 27,522
Gaseous emmissions control devices. (X) (X) 39 1,127 152,460 1,245 223,545 233 76,052
  Catalytic oxidation systems 35646 70 333411111C 12 207 27,648 249 34,832 43 12,774
  Nitric oxide (NO) control systems.. 35646 71 333411111E 4 (D) 4,237 (D) 4,402 (D) (D)
  Thermal and direct oxidation systems.. 35646 72 333411111G 15 302 68,697 311 71,402 38 9,273
  Scrubbers (gas absorber). 35646 73 333411111J 12 552 26,291 610 26,527 115 3,815
  Wet flue gas desulfurization systems.. 35646 74 333411111M 4 (D) (D) (D) 72,559 7 31,422
  Dry flue gas desulfurization systems 35646 75 333411111P 6 (D) (D) 16 10,736 (D) (D)
  Gas adsorbers. 35646 76 333411111R 5 35 7,147 38 3,087 18 7,077
Other.. 35646 79 333411111U 19 10,210 39,416 10,111 44,161 380 13,033
  1996 1996
  Old" NAICs
Product description Product Product Number New orders Shipments Backlog (Dec. 31)
  code code of com-    
  panies Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
    Selected industrial air
     pollution control equipment. 35646 (X) 112 83,940 827,911 83,553 709,650 9,800 412,607
Particulate emissions collectors.. (X) (X) 90 74,538 495,990 74,154 518,469 9,181 180,301
  Electrostatic precipitators 35646 51 3334111111 15 (D) 108,430 (D) 118,512 (D) 78,467
  Fabric filters 35646 54 3334111114 53 56,240 280,852 55,510 286,828 7,291 54,218
  Mechanical collectors.. 35646 55 3334111116 38 (D) 57,330 (D) 63,500 (D) 20,265
  Wet scrubbers. 35646 58 3334111119 29 1,205 49,378 1,240 49,629 226 27,351
Gaseous emmissions control devices. (X) (X) 39 1,070 312,511 1,020 166,624 282 224,420
  Catalytic oxidation systems 35646 70 333411111C 11 196 44,458 189 19,943 50 37,289
  Nitric oxide (NO) control systems.. 35646 71 333411111E 3 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D)
  Thermal and direct oxidation systems.. 35646 72