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32. 1997 Economic Census

1345. Puerto Rico--Economic Census of Manufacturing: 1997

[Covers all establishments in operation at any time during the year.Employees are for the week including March 12. For statement on methodology, see Appendix III.]

Total Unpaid All employees Value
1987 estab- Proprietors family added by Cost of Value of
Manufacturing industries SIC lishments and partners workers Total Payroll manufacture materials shipments
code 1 (number) (number) (number) (number) (mil. dol.) (mil. dol.) (mil. dol.) (mil. dol.)
1954 (X) 1,938 1,298 (NA) 69,022 83 200 (NA) 481
1958 (X) 2,042 1,181 (NA) 71,188 132 292 (NA) 774
1963 (X) 2,243 1,079 (NA) 98,597 241 621 (NA) 1,480
1967 (X) 2,367 955 (NA) 121,537 372 1,003 (NA) 2,273
1972 (X) 2,340 638 (NA) 149,748 617 1,915 2,238 4,144
1977 (X) 2,297 276 (NA) 146,861 997 4,097 6,042 10,137
1982 (X) 2,285 362 117 143,218 1,573 8,606 7,199 15,906
1987 (X) 2,328 552 167 149,968 1,946 13,709 9,452 23,130
1992 (X) 2,258 583 110 158,181 2,707 22,737 8,623 31,326
1997, All manufacturing industries (X) 2,092 601 108 163,605 3,319 36,427 10,343 46,876
Food and kindred products 20 287 94 14 18,094 352 3,532 1,803 5,333
Tobacco products 21 4 (D) 0 (2) (D) (D) (D) (D)
Textile mill products 22 20 8 2 2,555 32 89 38 129
Apparel and other textile products 23 223 55 15 21,818 233 678 404 1,080
Lumber and wood products 24 117 (D) (D) (2) (D) (D) (D) (D)
Furniture and fixtures 25 146 65 7 2,472 30 97 69 165
Paper and allied products 26 41 2 1 2,152 43 162 121 283
Printing and publishing 27 208 93 27 6,469 126 430 284 713
Chemicals and allied products 28 186 11 2 37,860 1,149 21,393 3,919 25,418
Petroleum and coal products 29 28 0 3 1,555 49 849 379 1,220
Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products 30 71 5 1 4,924 87 377 236 613
Leather and leather products 31 25 4 0 5,752 80 218 205 426
Stone, clay and glass products 32 159 37 5 5,298 106 565 161 726
Primary metal industries 33 24 7 1 727 13 77 37 111
Fabricated metal products 34 229 87 11 6,048 91 405 214 623
Industrial machinery and equipment 35 78 29 5 4,301 107 2,665 262 2,940
Electronic and other electrical equipment 36 87 6 1 24,931 456 2,897 1,471 4,360
Transportation equipment 37 34 9 2 1,484 27 118 47 166
Instruments and related products 38 64 3 0 12,260 255 1,521 556 2,077
Miscellaneous manufacturing industries 39 61 18 3 2,208 39 164 55 218

[tbf]- Represents or rounds to zero.nnD Withheld to avoid disclosure of information pertaining to a specific organization or individual.NA Not available. X Not applicable.
1 1987 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code; see text, Section 13.
2 Represents 1,000 to 2,499 employees

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Economic Census of Outlying Areas, OA97E-4

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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