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32. 1997 Economic Census

449. Top States and Cities Visited by Overseas Travelers

[(22,658 represents 22,658,000) Includes travelers for business and pleasure, internationaltravelers in transit through the United States, and students; excludes travel by internationalpersonnel and international businessmen employed in the United States]

(1,000) (percent) (1,000) (percent)
1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997
  Total overseas travelers 1 22,658 24,194 100.0 100.0
California 6,004 6,436 26.5 26.6 New York City 4,532 5,008 20.0 20.7
Florida 5,710 6,073 25.2 25.1 Los Angeles 3,603 3,920 15.9 16.2
New York 4,804 5,274 21.2 21.8 Miami 3,127 3,315 13.8 13.7
Hawaii 3,059 3,073 13.5 12.7 San Francisco 2,923 2,855 12.9 11.8
Nevada 2,062 2,202 9.1 9.1 Orlando 2,583 2,782 11.4 11.5
Guam 1,292 1,355 5.7 5.6 Oahu/Honolulu 2,402 2,468 10.6 10.2
Massachusetts 1,156 1,210 5.1 5.0 Las Vegas 1,971 2,105 8.7 8.7
Illinois 1,178 1,137 5.2 4.7 Washington, DC 1,382 1,427 6.1 5.9
Texas 974 1,040 4.3 4.3 Boston 1,065 1,137 4.7 4.7
Arizona 997 968 4.4 4.0 Chicago 1,110 1,089 4.9 4.5
New Jersey 634 726 2.8 3.0 San Diego 702 823 3.1 3.4
Georgia 657 653 2.9 2.7 Anaheim 589 605 2.6 2.5
Pennsylvania 702 629 3.1 2.6 Tampa/St. Petersburg 589 556 2.6 2.3
Washington 612 581 2.7 2.4 Atlanta 566 532 2.5 2.2
Colorado 566 532 2.5 2.2 Seattle 544 532 2.4 2.2
North Carolina 363 484 1.6 2.0 Maui 544 508 2.4 2.1
Ohio 385 436 1.7 1.8 Houston 408 460 1.8 1.9
Utah 498 411 2.2 1.7 Dallas/Ft. Worth 385 436 1.7 1.8
Louisiana 408 363 1.8 1.5 San Jose 408 411 1.8 1.7
Virginia 340 363 1.5 1.5 Ft. Lauderdale 317 387 1.4 1.6
Michigan 363 339 1.6 1.4 Philadelphia 431 387 1.9 1.6
Oregon 249 315 1.1 1.3 Phoenix 408 387 1.8 1.6
Connecticut 227 290 1.0 1.2 New Orleans 363 339 1.6 1.4
Maryland 272 266 1.2 1.1 Denver 363 315 1.6 1.3
Minnesota 272 266 1.2 1.1 Monterey 227 266 1.0 1.1
Tennessee 227 266 1.0 1.1 Riverside/San Bernandino 227 266 1.0 1.1
South Carolina 181 242 0.8 1.0 Monterey 227 266 1.0 1.1
Wisconsin 159 242 0.7 1.0 Portland 159 242 0.7 1.0
Missouri 159 194 0.7 0.8 Sacramento 204 242 0.9 1.0
Indiana 136 169 0.6 0.7 Minneapolis/St. Paul 227 242 1.0 1.0
Maine 113 145 0.5 0.6 Detroit 249 242 1.1 1.0
Wyoming 159 145 0.7 0.6 Buffalo 181 218 0.8 0.9
Alabama 91 121 0.4 0.5 Hawaii 295 218 1.3 0.9
New Hampshire 113 121 0.5 0.5 Sarasota 227 194 1.0 0.8
New Mexico 136 121 0.6 0.5 Newark 181 194 0.8 0.8
Kentucky 68 97 0.3 0.4 West Palm Beach 181 169 0.8 0.7
Puerto Rico 68 97 0.3 0.4 Santa Barbara 159 169 0.7 0.7
Rhode Island 68 97 0.3 0.4 Ft. Myers 227 145 1.0 0.6
Vermont 91 97 0.4 0.4 Baltimore 159 145 0.7 0.6
Alaska 68 73 0.3 0.3 Daytona Beach 136 145 0.6 0.6
Oklahoma 68 73 0.3 0.3 Kauai 136 145 0.6 0.6
  (1,000) (percent) (1,000) (percent)
  1997 1998 1997 1998 1997 1998 1997 1998
  Total overseas travelers 1 24,194 23,698 100.0 100.0
Florida 6,073 6,067 25.1 25.6 New York City 5,008 5,000 20.7 21.1
California 6,436 5,972 26.6 25.2 Los Angeles 3,920 3,555 16.2 15.0
New York 5,274 5,285 21.8 22.3 Miami 3,315 3,270 13.7 13.8
Hawaii 3,073 2,796 12.7 11.8 Orlando 2,782 2,867 11.5 12.1
Nevada 2,202 1,920 9.1 8.1 San Francisco 2,855 2,583 11.8 10.9
Illinois 1,137 1,256 4.7 5.3 Oahu/Honolulu 2,468 2,228 10.2 9.4
Massachusetts 1,210 1,161 5.0 4.9 Las Vegas 2,105 1,801 8.7 7.6
Texas 1,040 1,114 4.3 4.7 Metro DC area 1,427 1,398 5.9 5.9
Guam 1,355 1,043 5.6 4.4 Chicago 1,089 1,209 4.5 5.1
Arizona 968 853 4.0 3.6 Boston 1,137 1,043 4.7 4.4
New Jersey 726 853 3.0 3.6 San Diego 823 782 3.4 3.3
Georgia 653 664 2.7 2.8 Tampa/St. Petersburg 556 735 2.3 3.1
Pennsylvania 629 592 2.6 2.5 Atlanta 532 569 2.2 2.4
Washington 581 521 2.4 2.2 Anaheim 605 521 2.5 2.2
Colorado 532 450 2.2 1.9 Ft. Lauderdale 387 521 1.6 2.2
Louisiana 363 403 1.5 1.7 Houston 460 498 1.9 2.1
Virginia 363 403 1.5 1.7 San Jose 411 474 1.7 2.0
Michigan 339 379 1.4 1.6 Seattle 532 474 2.2 2.0
Ohio 436 379 1.8 1.6 Phoenix 387 427 1.6 1.8
North Carolina 484 355 2.0 1.5 Dallas/Ft. Worth 436 403 1.8 1.7
Utah 411 355 1.7 1.5 Maui 508 403 2.1 1.7
Connecticut 290 308 1.2 1.3 Florida Keys 339 379 1.4 1.6
Oregon 315 261 1.3 1.1 New Orleans 339 355 1.4 1.5
Tennessee 266 237 1.1 1.0 Philadelphia 387 355 1.6 1.5
Maryland 266 213 1.1 0.9 Denver 315 261 1.3 1.1
Minnesota 266 213 1.1 0.9 Detroit 242 261 1.0 1.1
South Carolina 242 213 1.0 0.9 Ft. Myers 145 261 0.6 1.1
Wisconsin 242 190 1.0 0.8 Newark 194 261 0.8 1.1
Missouri 194 166 0.8 0.7 West Palm Beach 169 261 0.7 1.1
Indiana 169 142 0.7 0.6 Buffalo 218 237 0.9 1.0
Maine 145 118 0.6 0.5 Monterey 266 237 1.1 1.0
New Hampshire 121 118 0.5 0.5 Riverside/San Bernadino 266 237 1.1 1.0
New Mexico 121 118 0.5 0.5 Minneapolis/St. Paul 242 190 1.0 0.8
Alabama 121 95 0.5 0.4 Portland 242 190 1.0 0.8
Rhode Island 97 95 0.4 0.4 Sarasota 194 190 0.8 0.8
Wyoming 145 95 0.6 0.4 Sacramento 242 166 1.0 0.7
Iowa 48 71 0.2 0.3 Santa Barbara 169 166 0.7 0.7
Kentucky 97 71 0.4 0.3 Baltimore 145 142 0.6 0.6
Oklahoma 73 71 0.3 0.3 Hawaii 218 142 0.9 0.6
Vermont 97 71 0.4 0.3 Jacksonville 73 142 0.3 0.6
Alaska 73 47 0.3 0.2 Melbourne 121 142 0.5 0.6
  (1,000) (percent) (1,000) (percent)
  1998 1999 1998 1999 1998 1999 1998 1999
  Total overseas travelers 1 23,698 24,466 100.0 100.0
California 5,972 6,239 25.2 25.5 New York City, NY 5,000 5,505 21.1 22.5
Florida 6,067 5,798 25.6 23.7 Los Angeles, CA 3,555 3,572 15.0 14.6
New York 5,285 5,798 22.3 23.7 Miami, FL 3,270 2,863 13.8 11.7
Hawaii 2,796 2,740 11.8 11.2 Orlando, FL 2,867 2,863 12.1 11.7
Nevada 1,920 2,373 8.1 9.7 San Francisco, CA 2,583 2,789 10.9 11.4
Illinois 1,256 1,321 5.3 5.4 Las Vegas, NV 1,801 2,251 7.6 9.2
Massachusetts 1,161 1,321 4.9 5.4 Oahu/Honolulu, HI 2,228 2,202 9.4 9.0
Texas 1,114 1,052 4.7 4.3 Washington, DC 1,398 1,297 5.9 5.3
Guam 1,043 1,028 4.4 4.2 Chicago, IL 1,209 1,272 5.1 5.2
New Jersey 853 905 3.6 3.7 Boston, MA 1,043 1,199 4.4 4.9
Arizona 853 881 3.6 3.6 San Diego, CA 782 807 3.3 3.3
Georgia 664 612 2.8 2.5 Atlanta, GA 569 538 2.4 2.2
Pennsylvania 592 538 2.5 2.2 San Jose, CA 474 514 2.0 2.1
Washington 521 514 2.2 2.1 Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL 735 489 3.1 2.0
Colorado 450 465 1.9 1.9 Anaheim, CA 521 465 2.2 1.9
Michigan 379 416 1.6 1.7 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 521 465 2.2 1.9
Utah 355 391 1.5 1.6 Seattle, WA 474 465 2.0 1.9
Louisiana 403 367 1.7 1.5 Houston, TX 498 416 2.1 1.7
Ohio 379 367 1.6 1.5 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX 403 416 1.7 1.7
Virginia 403 343 1.7 1.4 Maui, HI 403 367 1.7 1.5
Connecticut 308 343 1.3 1.4 Florida Keys, FL 379 343 1.6 1.4
North Carolina 355 294 1.5 1.2 Philadelphia, PA 355 343 1.5 1.4
Oregon 261 245 1.1 1.0 Phoenix, AZ 427 294 1.8 1.2
Maryland 213 245 0.9 1.0 New Orleans, LA 355 294 1.5 1.2
Tennessee 237 220 1.0 0.9 Detroit, MI 261 294 1.1 1.2
Minnesota 213 220 0.9 0.9 Monterey, CA 237 294 1.0 1.2
Missouri 166 220 0.7 0.9 Newark, NJ 261 269 1.1 1.1
Wisconsin 190 171 0.8 0.7 Denver, CO 261 269 1.1 1.1
Indiana 142 171 0.6 0.7 West Palm Beach, FL 261 220 1.1 0.9
South Carolina 213 147 0.9 0.6 Riverside/San Bernadino, CA 237 220 1.0 0.9
Maine 118 147 0.5 0.6 Buffalo, NY 237 220 1.0 0.9
New Hampshire 118 147 0.5 0.6 Sacramento, CA 166 220 0.7 0.9
Rhode Island 95 147 0.4 0.6 Ft. Myers, FL 261 196 1.1 0.8
New Mexico 118 122 0.5 0.5 Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN 190 196 0.8 0.8
Alabama 95 98 0.4 0.4 Portland, OR 190 196 0.8 0.8
Wyoming 95 98 0.4 0.4 Baltimore, MD 142 171 0.6 0.7
Vermont 71 98 0.3 0.4 Sarasota, FL 190 147 0.8 0.6
Kentucky 71 73 0.3 0.3 Santa Barbara, CA 166 147 0.7 0.6
Oklahoma 71 73 0.3 0.3 Oakland, CA 142 147 0.6 0.6
Alaska 47 73 0.2 0.3 Hawaii, HI 142 147 0.6 0.6

NA Not avilable.
1 Includes other states and cities, not shown separately.

Source: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, International Trade Administration,Internet site .

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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