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32. 1997 Economic Census

623. Supplemental Security Income--Recipients and Payments

[As of December, except total payments, calendar year (4,314 represents 4,314,000). See also Appendix III]

Unit 1975 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
  Recipients, total 1 1,000 4,314 4,142 4,138 4,817 5,118 5,566 5,984 6,296 6,514 6,614 6,495 6,566
Aged 1,000 2,307 1,808 1,504 1,454 1,465 1,471 1,475 1,466 1,446 1,413 1,363 1,332
Blind 1,000 74 78 82 84 85 85 85 85 84 82 81 80
Disabled 1,000 1,933 2,256 2,551 3,279 3,569 4,010 4,424 4,745 4,984 5,119 5,052 5,154
  Payments, total 2 Mil. dol 5,878 7,941 11,060 16,599 18,524 22,233 24,557 25,877 27,628 28,792 29,052 30,216
Aged Mil. dol 2,605 2,734 3,035 3,736 3,890 4,140 4,248 4,367 4,467 4,507 4,532 4,425
Blind Mil. dol 131 190 264 334 347 371 375 372 376 372 375 366
Disabled Mil. dol 3,142 5,014 7,755 12,521 14,268 17,711 19,928 21,131 22,779 23,906 24,006 25,305
  Average monthly cash payment, total 1 Dollars 114 168 226 299 321 358 345 351 358 363 351 359
Aged Dollars 91 128 164 213 221 227 237 243 251 261 268 277
Blind Dollars 147 213 274 342 351 362 359 364 370 379 382 390
Disabled Dollars 141 198 261 337 361 407 381 384 389 391 373 380

1 Persons with a Federal SSI payment and/or federally administered state supplementation.
2 Includes payments not distributed by reason for eligibility.

Source: U.S. Social Security Administration,Social Security Bulletin, quarterly andAnnual Statistical Supplement to the Social Security Bulletin.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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