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32. 1997 Economic Census

1115. Value of Selected Commodities Produced Under Contracts

[59,826 represents $59,826,000,000.Marketing contracts refer to verbal or written agreements between abuyer--generally a food processing and/or marketing company--and a grower that set aprice (or pricing mechanism) and determine an outlet for a specified quantityof a commodity before harvest or before the farmer markets the commodity. Production contracts involve paying the farmer a fee for providing management,labor, facilities, and equipment, while assigning ownership of the product tothe contractor. The contract specifies in detail the production inputssupplied by the contractor, which may be a processor, feed mill, or anotherfarm operation or business. The contract also specifies the quality andquantity of the particular commodity. Survey based estimates (see source) exclude Alaska and Hawaii and do not representofficial U.S. Dept. of Agriculture estimates of farm sector activity]

1997 1998
Value of Value of
production Percent production Percent
Commodity under of under of
contract total contract total
(mil. dol.) production 1 (mil. dol.) production 1
    Total 59,826 2 31 67,090 2 35
Marketing contracts 3 41,610 2 22 39,878 2 21
  Cattle 2,735 9 1,472 5
  Corn 1,720 8 2,385 13
  Cotton 1,923 33 2,031 51
  Fruits 7,199 59 5,605 55
  Soybeans 1,672 9 2,078 12
  Sugar beets 973 82 984 76
  Vegetables 3,374 24 3,939 36
Production contracts 3 18,215 2 10 27,212 2 14
  Poultry and eggs 4 6,664 99 15,051 88
  Cattle 4,280 14 6,406 21
  Hogs 3,097 33 3,437 40
  Vegetables 1,145 8