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32. 1997 Economic Census

722. Selected Per Capita Income and Product Items in Current and Real (1996) Dollars

[Based on Bureau of the Census estimated population including Armed Forces abroad; based on quarterly averages. Prior to 1960, excludesAlaska and Hawaii. For explanation of chained dollars, see Terms below table]

Current dollars Current dollars Chained (1996) dollars Chained (1996) dollars
Personal Personal consumption expenditures Personal Personal consumption expenditures Resident
Year Gross Gross Personal Disposable consumption Gross Gross Disposable consumption popula-
domestic national income personal expend- domestic national personal expend- tion
product product income tures, Durable Non- Services product product income tures, Durable Non- Services (1,000)
total durable total durable
1959 2,865 2,881 2,224 1,983 1,796 241 838 717 13,092 13,170 9,167 8,303 574 3,408 4,284 177,130
1960 2,918 2,935 2,283 2,026 1,838 240 846 753 13,148 13,232 9,210 8,358 574 3,390 4,381 180,760
1961 2,970 2,989 2,342 2,081 1,865 227 852 785 13,236 13,328 9,361 8,388 543 3,396 4,485 183,742
1962 3,143 3,166 2,454 2,174 1,950 251 873 826 13,821 13,924 9,666 8,668 597 3,449 4,634 186,590
1963 3,268 3,292 2,541 2,249 2,024 273 888 863 14,212 14,320 9,886 8,896 646 3,472 4,775 189,300
1964 3,462 3,488 2,688 2,412 2,145 295 931 919 14,831 14,946 10,456 9,300 696 3,592 4,997 191,927
1965 3,705 3,733 2,868 2,567 2,286 325 986 975 15,583 15,702 10,965 9,764 774 3,735 5,198 194,347
1966 4,015 4,041 3,085 2,742 2,451 347 1,062 1,041 16,416 16,526 11,417 10,204 830 3,895 5,398 196,599
1967 4,197 4,224 3,272 2,899 2,559 354 1,092 1,113 16,646 16,757 11,776 10,396 834 3,914 5,602 198,752
1968 4,540 4,571 3,559 3,119 2,783 402 1,174 1,207 17,266 17,384 12,196 10,881 917 4,052 5,832 200,745
1969 4,860 4,891 3,851 3,329 2,987 424 1,249 1,314 17,616 17,728 12,451 11,171 940 4,118 6,048 202,736
1970 5,069 5,101 4,101 3,591 3,164 414 1,326 1,424 17,446 17,556 12,823 11,300 899 4,169 6,220 205,089
1971 5,434 5,471 4,358 3,860 3,382 467 1,375 1,541 17,804 17,925 13,218 11,581 977 4,191 6,376 207,692
1972 5,909 5,950 4,736 4,138 3,671 526 1,467 1,678 18,570 18,701 13,692 12,149 1,089 4,329 6,656 209,924
1973 6,537 6,597 5,254 4,619 4,022 583 1,619 1,821 19,456 19,633 14,496 12,626 1,190 4,428 6,904 211,939
1974 7,017 7,091 5,730 5,013 4,359 572 1,798 1,989 19,163 19,366 14,268 12,407 1,098 4,299 6,989 213,898
1975 7,571 7,632 6,166 5,470 4,771 618 1,948 2,205 18,911 19,065 14,393 12,551 1,087 4,320 7,157 215,981
1976 8,363 8,442 6,765 5,960 5,272 728 2,102 2,442 19,771 19,953 14,873 13,155 1,214 4,487 7,423 218,086
1977 9,221 9,315 7,432 6,519 5,803 823 2,257 2,724 20,481 20,685 15,256 13,583 1,314 4,550 7,674 220,289
1978 10,313 10,412 8,302 7,253 6,425 906 2,472 3,047 21,383 21,584 15,845 14,035 1,369 4,670 7,954 222,629
1979 11,401 11,547 9,247 8,033 7,091 952 2,774 3,365 21,821 22,096 16,120 14,230 1,349 4,742 8,121 225,106
1980 12,276 12,431 10,205 8,869 7,741 940 3,057 3,744 21,521 21,791 16,063 14,021 1,229 4,680 8,161 227,726
1981 13,614 13,765 11,301 9,773 8,453 1,006 3,299 4,148 21,830 22,066 16,265 14,069 1,232 4,688 8,200 230,008
1982 14,035 14,192 11,922 10,364 8,954 1,034 3,392 4,528 21,184 21,418 16,328 14,105 1,221 4,688 8,261 232,218
1983 15,085 15,242 12,576 11,036 9,757 1,200 3,547 5,010 21,902 22,126 16,673 14,741 1,389 4,801 8,589 234,332
1984 16,636 16,786 13,853 12,215 10,569 1,383 3,742 5,444 23,288 23,494 17,799 15,401 1,579 4,948 8,873 236,394
1985 17,664 17,771 14,738 12,941 11,373 1,523 3,894 5,956 23,970 24,112 18,229 16,020 1,719 5,038 9,254 238,506
1986 18,501 18,565 15,425 13,555 12,029 1,667 3,982 6,379 24,565 24,649 18,641 16,541 1,859 5,171 9,478 240,682
1987 19,529 19,585 16,317 14,246 12,787 1,728 4,181 6,878 25,174 25,246 18,870 16,938 1,874 5,248 9,798 242,842
1988 20,845 20,920 17,433 15,312 13,697 1,837 4,419 7,441 25,987 26,080 19,522 17,463 1,965 5,367 10,109 245,061
1989 22,188 22,271 18,593 16,235 14,539 1,891 4,711 7,937 26,646 26,742 19,833 17,760 1,987 5,461 10,291 247,387
1990 23,215 23,331 19,614 17,176 15,327 1,871 4,985 8,472 26,834 26,962 20,058 17,899 1,948 5,479 10,466 249,981
1991 23,691 23,789 20,126 17,710 15,717 1,753 5,061 8,902 26,423 26,529 19,919 17,677 1,800 5,398 10,495 252,677
1992 24,741 24,833 21,105 18,616 16,482 1,843 5,180 9,459 26,938 27,039 20,318 17,989 1,875 5,441 10,688 255,403
1993 25,735 25,829 21,735 19,121 17,259 1,989 5,328 9,942 27,363 27,461 20,384 18,399 2,008 5,542 10,858 258,107
1994 27,068 27,132 22,593 19,820 18,097 2,152 5,518 10,428 28,194 28,257 20,709 18,910 2,140 5,698 11,074 260,616
1995 28,131 28,208 23,571 20,613 18,888 2,242 5,692 10,955 28,676 28,753 21,055 19,294 2,218 5,812 11,265 263,073
1996 29,428 29,496 24,660 21,385 19,727 2,322 5,929 11,476 29,428 29,496 21,385 19,727 2,322 5,929 11,476 265,504
1997 30,968 30,983 25,932 22,320 20,610 2,398 6,125 12,087 30,386 30,409 21,887 20,210 2,452 6,044 11,716 268,046
1998 32,373 32,336 27,195 23,231 21,614 2,580 6,315 12,718 31,396 31,367 22,569 20,998 2,703 6,228 12,077 270,595
1999 33,885 33,812 28,525 24,307 22,907 2,777 6,747 13,383 32,392 32,328 23,244 21,905 2,986 6,502 12,447 273,161

Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and ProductNational Income and Product Accounts of the United States, 1929-97, vol. 2, forthcoming;and Survey of Current Business, May 2000.


Gross domestic product (GDP), the featured measure of U.S. output, is the market value of the goods and services produced bylabor and property located in the United States. Because the labor and property are located in the United States, the suppliers (thatis, the workers and, for property, the owners) may be either U.S. residents or residents of the rest of the world.

Gross national product (GNP) is the market value of the goods and services produced by labor and property supplied by U.S.residents. Because the labor and property are supplied by U.S. residents, they may be located either in the UnitedStates or abroad. The difference between GDP and GNP is net receipts of factor income from the rest of the world. These netreceipts represent income from the goods and services produced abroad using the labor and property supplied by U.S. residentsless payments to the rest of the world for the goods and services produced in the United States using the labor and propertysupplied by foreign residents. Factor incomes are measured as compensation of employees, corporate profits (dividends, earningsof unincorporated affiliates, and reinvested earnings of incorporated affiliates), and interest.

Personal income is the income received by persons from all sourcesthat is, from participation in production, from bothgovernment and business transfer payments, and from government interest (which is treated like a transfer payment). "Persons"consists of individuals, nonprofit institutions that primarily serve individuals, private noninsured welfare funds, and private trustfunds. Personal income is calculated as the sum of wage and salary disbursements, other labor income, proprietors' income withinventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments, rental income of persons with capital consumption adjustment, personaldividend income, personal interest income, and transfer payments to persons, less personal contributions for social insurance.

Disposable personal income is personal income less personal tax and nontax payments. It is the income available to persons forspending or saving.

National income and product account

GDP is measured as the sum of personal consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment (including change inbusiness inventories and before deduction of charges for CFC), net exports of goods and services (exports less imports), andgovernment consumption expenditures and gross investment. GDP excludes intermediate purchases of goods and services bybusiness.

Personal consumption expenditures is goods and services purchased by persons resident in the United States. Personalconsumption expenditures (PCE) consists mainly of purchases of new goods and of services by individuals from business. Inaddition, PCE includes purchases of new goods and of services by nonprofit institutions (including compensation of employees),net purchases of used goods by individuals and nonprofit institutions, and purchases abroad of goods and services by U.S.residents.PCE also includes purchases for certain goods and services provided by government agenciesprimarily tuitionpayments for higher education, charges for medical care, and charges for water and sanitary services. Finally, PCE includes imputedpurchases that keep PCE invariant to changes in the way that certain activities are carried outfor example, whether housing isrented or owned, whether financial services are explicitly charged, or whether employees are paid in cash or in kind.

Chained-dollar measures

BEA also prepares measures of real GDP and its components in a dollar-denominated form, designated "chained (1992) dollarestimates." For GDP and most other series, these estimates are computed by multiplying the 1996 current-dollar value by acorresponding quantity index number and then dividing by 100.

For analyses of changes over time in an aggregate or in a component, the percentage changes calculated from the chained-dollarestimates and from the chain-type quantity indexes are the same; any differences will be small and due to rounding. However,because the relative prices used as weights for any period other than the base period differ from those used for the base period, thechained-dollar values for the detailed GDP components do not necessarily sum to the chained-dollar estimate of GDP or to anyintermediate aggregate. A measure of the extent of such differences is provided in most chained-dollar tables by a "residual" line,which indicates the difference between GDP (or an other major aggregate) and the sum of the most detailed components in the table.

For periods close to the base year, when there usually has not been much change in the relative prices that are used as the weightsfor the chain-type index, the residuals tend to be small, and the chained (1996) dollar estimates can be used to approximate thecontributions to growth and to aggregate the detailed estimates.

As one moves further from the base year, the residual tends to become larger, and the chained-dollar estimates become less usefulfor analyses of contributions to growth. In general, the use of chained-dollar estimates to calculate component shares or componentcontributions to real growth may be misleading for periods away from the base year. In particular, for components for which relativeprices are changing rapidly, these calculations may be misleading even just a few years from the base year.



These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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