1. Population
2. Vital Statistics
3. Health and Nutrition
4. Education
5. Law Enforcement, Courts
and Prisons
6. Geography and Environment
7. Parks, Recreation, Travel
8. Elections
9. State and Local Government
Finances and Employment
10. Federal Government
Finances and Employment
11. National Defense and
Veterans Affairs
12. Social Insurance and Human
13. Labor Force, Employment,
and Earnings
14. Income, Expenditures, and
15. Prices
16. Banking, Finance, and
17. Business Enterprise
18. Communications and
Information Technology
19. Energy
20. Science and Technology
21. Transportation - Land
22. Transportation - Air
and Water
23. Agriculture
24. Natural Resources
25. Construction and Housing
26. Manufactures
27. Domestic Trade and
28. Foreign Commerce and Aid
29. Outlying Areas
30. Comparative International
31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census
643. Employment Status of the Civilian Noninstitutional Population
644. Civilian Labor Force and Participation Rates, With Projections
645. Employment Status of the Civilian Noninstitutional Population
646. Civilian Labor Force--Percent Distribution by Sex and Age
647. Civilian Labor Force and Participation Rates, by Educational Attainment, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin
648. Characteristics of the Civilian Labor Force, by State: 1999
649. Civilian Labor Force Status, by Selected Metropolitan Area: 1998
650. School Enrollment and Labor Force Status
651. Labor Force Participation Rates, by Marital Status, Sex, and Age
652. Marital Status of Women in the Civilian Labor Force
653. Employment Status of Women, by Marital Status and Presence and Age of Children
654. Labor Force Participation Rates for Wives, Husband Present, by Age of Own Youngest Child
655. Families With Own Children--Employment Status of Parents
656. Employed Civilians and Weekly Hours
657. Employed Workers Actively Seeking a New Job
658. Persons At Work, by Hours Worked
659. Persons With a Job But Not at Work
660. Self-Employed Workers, by Industry and Occupation
661. Self-Employed Persons with Home-Based Businesses: 1997
662. Multiple Jobholders
663. Reasons for Multiple Jobholding: 1997
664. Distribution of Workers, by Tenure withCurrent Employer, by Selected Characteristic
665. Part-Time Workers, by Reason
666. Displaced Workers, by Selected Characteristics
667. Labor Force Status of Persons with a Work Disability, by Age: 1999
668. Persons Not in the Labor Force
669. Employed Civilians, by Occupation, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin
670. Employment Projections, by Occupation
671. Occupations of the Employed, by Selected Characteristics
672. Employment, by Industry
673. Employment Projections, by Industry
674. Unemployed Workers--Summary
675. Unemployed Persons, by Sex and Reason
676. Unemployment Rates, by Industry, and by Sex
677. Unemployment by Occupation, and by Sex
678. Unemployed and Unemployment Rates, by Educational Attainment, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin
679. Unemployed Persons, by Reason of Umemployment
680. Total Unemployed and Insured Unemployed--States
681. Job Openings and Placements and Help-Wanted Advertising
682. Nonfarm Establishments--Employees, Hours, and Earnings, by Industry
683. Employees in Nonfarm Establishments--States
684. Nonfarm Industries--Employees and Earnings
685. Employers with Selected Work-based Learning Activities, by EstablishmentSize and Type: 1997
686. Employees Receiving Employer-Provided Training: 1995
687. Adults Taking Work-Related Adult Education Classes
688. Annual Indexes of Output per Hour for Selected Three-Digit SIC Industries
689. Productivity and Related Measures
690. Workers Using Computers on the Job
691. Annual Total Compensation and Wages and Salary Accruals Per Full-Time Equivalent Employee, by Industry
692. Average Hourly and Weekly Earnings, by Private Industry Group
693. Annual Percent Changes in Earnings and Compensation
694. Average Annual Pay, by State
695. Average Annual Pay, by Selected Metropolitan Areas
696. Full-Time Wage and Salary Workers--Number and Earnings
697. Workers With Earnings, by Occupation of Longest Job Held and Sex
698. Employment Cost Index (ECI), by Compensation, Industry and Occupation
699. Federal Minimum Wage Rates
700. Workers Paid Hourly Rates, by Selected Characteristics
701. Employer Costs for Employee Compensation per Hour Worked
702. Employees With Employer- or Union-Provided Pension Plans or Group Health Plans, by Occupation and Selected
703. Employee Benefits in Medium and Large Establishments
704. Employee Benefits in Small Establishments: 1996
705. Workers Killed or Disabled on the Job
706. Worker Deaths, Injuries, and Production Time Lost
707. Industries with the Highest Total Case Incidence Ratesfor Nonfatal Injuries and Illnesses
708. Occupational Injury and Illness Incidence Rates
709. Fatal Work Injuries, by Cause
710. Fatal Occupational Injuries, by Industry and Event
711. Work Stoppages
712. Labor Union Membership, by Sector
713. Union Members, by Selected Characteristics
714. Labor Union Membership, by State
These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.
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