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32. 1997 Economic Census

873. Women-Owned Firms by Major Industry Group: 1992

[Based on the 1987 SIC system.Includes individual proprietorships, partnerships and subchapter Scorporations. Detail may not add to total due to rounding.N.e.c. not elsewhere classified. For description of data collection,see summary below]

All firms Firms with paid employees
Major industry group Sales and Sales and Annual
SIC Firms Receipts Firms Receipts Employees Payroll
code 1 (number) ($1,000) (number) ($1,000) (number) ($1,000)
  0 -112360000 1 0 0 2
    All industries (X) 5,888,883 642,484,352 817,773 550,425,116 6,252,029 104,786,488
  Agricultural services, forestry, & fishing (X) 82,526 4,987,572 15,254 3,787,251 69,542 1,002,688
Agricultural services 7 72,595 4,525,599 14,431 3,486,805 66,811 952,898
Forestry 8 2,102 197,768 322 162,728 1,697 27,069
Fishing, hunting, and trapping 9 7,829 264,205 501 137,718 1,034 22,721
  Mining (X) 37,205 6,905,374 2,731 5,940,020 30,563 841,127
Metal mining 10 329 992,742 49 984,357 6,603 174,849
Coal mining 12 269 815,858 184 806,709 4,495 153,234
Oil and gas extraction 13 35,782 4,489,037 2,112 3,557,951 14,507 375,722
Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels 14 824 607,737 386 591,004 4,958 137,322
  Construction 2 (X) 183,695 45,978,168 64,746 41,579,094 371,788 8,827,641
General building contractors 15 37,019 17,280,614 18,098 15,639,397 84,674 1,974,815
Heavy construction, except building 16 4,915 4,978,394 2,985 4,914,118 36,888 1,179,061
Special trade contractors 17 131,697 19,422,242 41,942 17,745,585 221,322 5,170,625
Subdividers and developers, nec 6552 10,065 4,296,919 1,721 3,279,995 28,903 503,139
  Manufacturing (X) 152,346 90,634,753 41,038 88,751,252 803,428 18,574,330
Food and kindred products 20 5,964 9,313,985 2,161 9,235,119 54,558 1,140,681
Tobacco products 21 5 (D) 3 (D) (D) (D)
Textile mill products 22 2,702 10,134,708 641 10,107,936 72,142 1,646,085
Apparel and other textile products 23 27,387 6,931,681 4,695 6,676,915 94,757 1,500,348
Lumber and wood products 24 14,719 4,934,635 3,532 4,679,332 45,605 881,754
Furniture and fixtures 25 4,536 2,005,893 1,140 1,952,537 22,953 476,424
Paper and allied products 26 1,396 2,668,991 393 2,656,294 19,316 501,351
Printing and publishing 27 33,762 9,347,365 10,927 8,902,714 110,034 2,584,322
Chemicals and allied products 28 911 5,953,234 589 5,935,309 31,014 826,518
Petroleum and coal products 29 192 989,996 114 984,590 2,584 89,446
Rubber and misc plastics products 30 1,658 3,739,465 1,148 3,720,652 36,304 826,412
Leather and leather products 31 1,532 (D) 236 (D) (D) (D)
Stone, clay, and glass products 32 12,346 2,864,999 1,739 2,748,111 23,779 624,495
Primary metal industries 33 872 4,575,183 501 4,566,460 22,232 649,275
Fabricated metal products 34 7,527 6,866,234 2,879 6,751,520 64,282 1,657,898
Industrial machinery and equipment 35 7,169 5,883,316 4,123 5,801,935 58,037 1,663,434
Electronic & other electric equipment 36 4,382 3,562,432 1,304 3,507,481 38,020 904,508
Transportation equipment 37 1,386 4,981,568 997 4,951,185 48,093 1,246,814
Instruments and related products 38 1,214 2,148,366 921 2,137,522 20,259 544,185
Miscellaneous manufacturing industries 39 22,686 3,473,628 2,995 3,194,377 36,050 750,608
  Transportation & public utilities (X) 141,623 25,822,193 31,049 23,026,912 290,081 5,841,177
Local and interurban passenger transit 41 15,230 1,403,896 2,464 1,172,639 32,495 427,963
Trucking and warehousing 42 61,541 10,022,377 13,771 8,600,975 99,318 2,147,697
Water transportation 44 2,293 981,307 1,058 918,650 8,671 186,475
Transportation by air 45 2,717 (D) 678 (D) (D) (D)
Pipelines, except natural gas 46 13 (D) 1 (D) (D) (D)
Transportation services 47 42,809 4,805,220 10,282 4,048,530 71,111 1,359,742
Communications 48 13,592 5,884,932 2,003 5,681,750 59,091 1,288,344
Electric, gas, and sanitary services 49 3,429 2,231,373 791 2,169,096 13,523 318,341
  Wholesale trade (X) 154,542 12,487,093 45,591 120,625,000 385,814 9,846,339
Wholesale trade-durable goods 50 91,440 58,900,129 27,217 56,443,187 213,675 5,603,049
Wholesale trade-nondurable goods 51 63,101 65,946,964 18,374 64,181,813 172,139 4,243,290
  Retail trade 3 (X) 1,093,342 155,852,751 244,488 139,694,945 1,850,074 19,926,963
Building materials and garden supplies 52 17,446 6,582,726 7,834 6,253,807 48,593 879,104
General merchandise stores 53 13,785 2,511,601 2,327 2,196,644 23,526 260,709
Food stores 54 61,238 23,136,159 27,443 21,212,922 212,271 2,232,248
Automotive dealers and service station 55 31,527 43,268,554 15,080 41,956,683 159,390 3,216,977
Apparel and accessory stores 56 61,890 8,034,197 20,615 6,966,468 96,994 1,059,712
Furniture and home furnishings stores 57 41,540 8,529,458 14,484 7,647,724 70,519 1,116,531
Eating and drinking places 58 128,441 27,668,320 81,725 26,356,092 922,918 7,347,321
Miscellaneous retail 59 737,475 36,121,737 74,980 27,104,605 315,862 3,814,362
  Finance, insurance, and real estate (X) 602,802 51,748,279 56,040 33,084,796 295,871 6,347,967
Depository institutions 60 663 273,113 582 266,810 4,076 72,156
Nondepository institutions 61 6,366 1,099,701 1,963 972,388 9,339 258,294
Security and commodity brokers 62 12,569 2,373,407 2,285 1,982,138 12,253 710,255
Insurance carriers 63 264 1,215,458 202 1,211,998 5,654 176,762
Insurance agents, brokers, and 64 83,005 4,637,170 14,128 3,321,440 44,325 1,055,598
Real estate 2 65pt 457,705 39,106,288 35,113 23,380,255 201,316 3,578,079
Holding and other investment offices 67 42,231 3,043,142 1,767 1,949,767 18,908 496,823
  Services (X) 3,158,444 130,745,314 307,443 92,823,096 2,145,482 33,415,073
Hotels and other lodging places 70 28,478 8,080,838 10,127 7,572,262 194,569 2,098,978
Personal services 72 654,769 15,698,876 65,472 8,722,382 296,619 3,063,956
Business services 73 800,034 32,476,240 60,502 23,068,120 614,305 9,192,298
Auto repair, services, and parking 75 39,240 6,126,347 15,819 5,503,642 85,986 1,439,956
Miscellaneous repair services 76 33,426 2,463,892 7,991 2,070,486 31,460 602,949
Motion pictures 78 22,951 3,432,550 6,458 3,078,055 48,111 732,953
Amusement and recreation services 79 169,254 6,688,081 14,366 4,775,079 107,656 1,836,104
Health services 80 325,255 24,924,940 43,540 18,714,738 382,362 7,127,848
Legal services 81 62,523 5,031,519 14,152 3,892,616 41,334 1,230,707
Educational services 82 130,739 1,938,562 4,870 1,070,137 27,650 394,470
Social services 83 426,857 6,538,673 26,087 3,285,633 147,555 1,394,435
Museums, botanical, zoos, gardens 84 50 9,334 49 9,334 128 1,856
Engineering and management services 87 397,500 14,403,312 35,205 9,763,342 151,985 3,817,235
Services, nec 89 67,368 2,932,151 2,806 1,297,271 15,761 481,327
  Industries not classified (X) 282,358 4,962,855 9,394 1,112,750 9,386 163,185

D Figure withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual companies. X Not applicable.
1 Standard Industrial Classification; see text, Section 13.
2 Includes SIC 6552 formerly included in Real estate.

Source: U.S.Bureau of the Census,Women-Owned Businesses Enterprises, series WB92-1. AND MINORITY-OWNED BUSINESS SURVEYS


To provide periodic data that count and describe businesses owned by women and members of racial and ethnic minoritygroups. The United States Code, Titles 13 and 26, authorizes these data collections and provides for mandatory responses.


Firms that are at least one-half owned by women, Blacks, Hispanics, Asian Americans, Native Americans, or other minorities;file tax forms for individual proprietorships (Form 1040, Schedule C), partnerships (Form 1065) or subchapter S corporations(FORM 1120S); have annual receipts of at least $500; and are classified in any industry except farms and ranches, railroads, thepostal service, membership orgainizations, private households, and governments (SIC 01, 02, 40, 43, 86, 88 and 90-97).

For 1992, coverage of women-owned firms expanded to include "C" corporations (businesses that file Form 1120) whosestock is more than one-half owned by women. In 1987, covered women- and minority-owned businesses had sales orreceipts of nearly $338 billion.


Data compiled or collected include the sex, race, and ethnicity of business owners; and business location, SIC classification,form of organization, sales or receipts, employment and annual payroll.


Every 5 years since 1972, for years ending in "2" and "7" as part of the economic censuses. The program began with specialproject data for minority-owned businesses for 1969; several changes in scope and methods may affect data comparability forsubsequent program years. The survey to collect additional information about business owners begins about 9 months after thecensus calendar year, and continues for about 1 year.


A firm-based compilation of information from 4 sources: owner and business identification, and selected business data fromincome tax records; gender, Black and other sole proprietor characteristics from social security records; additional ownercharacteristics from a mail-out/mail-back stratified sample survey of 1.1 million firms; and selected business data from theeconomic censuses. Owners are identified, and program data are developed, by cross-referencing information from theInternal Revenue Service, Social Security Administration, and Census Bureau. Each tax form is treated as a separate "firm"(individuals may file more than one form), and determinations are made regarding firm ownership and owners' sex and minoritystatus.

For 1992, the separate sample survey supplemented available information for business owners. Questions for sole proprietorsidentified specific minority groups for non-Black owners that were not in a prior women- or minority-owned business survey.Questions for partners and owners of subchapter S corporations identified those entities that were women- andminority-owned, and questions for owners of "C" corporations identified those that were women-owned.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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