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22. Transportation - Air
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31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

496. All Governments--Expenditure for Public Works

[In millions of dollars. (72,177 represents $72,177,000,000).Public works include expenditures on highways,airports, water transport and terminals, sewerage, solid waste management, water supply, and mass transit systems. Represents directexpenditures excluding intergovernmental grants]

Air Water Solid Water Mass
Level of Government Total Highways trans- transport Sewer- waste supply transit
por- and age manage-
tation terminals ment
1980: Total 72,177 33,745 5,071 3,278 9,892 3,322 9,228 7,641
        Federal 5,114 434 2,570 2,110 0 0 0 0
        State 22,832 20,661 360 360 334 0 91 1,026
        Local 44,231 12,650 2,141 808 9,558 3,322 9,137 6,615
      Capital expenditures (percent) 48 57 30 50 63 11 36 25
      Capital expenditures 34,318 19,265 1,542 1,626 6,272 357 3,335 1,921
1990: Total 146,762 61,913 10,983 4,524 18,309 10,144 22,101 18,788
        Federal 7,911 856 4,499 2,556 0 0 0 0
        State 43,787 36,464 635 504 636 891 136 4,521
        Local 95,064 24,593 5,848 1,464 17,673 9,253 21,966 14,267
      Capital expenditures (percent) 42 55 37 29 46 18 31 29
      Capital expenditures 61,945 34,048 4,098 1,309 8,356 1,818 6,873 5,443
1991: Total 157,841 65,601 12,390 4,897 19,676 11,338 23,560 20,379
        Federal 8,639 665 5,157 2,817 0 0 0 0
        State 46,891 38,911 759 518 833 1,161 147 4,562
        Local 102,311 26,025 6,474 1,562 18,843 10,177 23,413 15,817
      Capital expenditures (percent) 42 56 38 30 46 14 32 28
      Capital expenditures 66,590 36,552 4,719 1,443 9,104 1,637 7,499 5,636
1992: Total 162,872 67,196 12,791 4,582 20,138 12,022 24,264 21,879
        Federal 8,213 813 4,679 2,721 0 0 0 0
        State 48,469 40,266 963 504 908 1,327 209 4,292
        Local 106,190 26,117 7,149 1,357 19,230 10,695 24,055 17,587
      Capital expenditures (percent) 42 56 43 28 44 13 31 27
      Capital expenditures 67,942 37,341 5,484 1,284 8,926 1,504 7,567 5,836
1993: Total 167,075 68,989 15,504 5,121 22,785 12,829 24,621 17,226
        Federal 9,786 619 6,214 2,953 0 0 0 0
        State 46,136 42,056 915 572 1,097 1,304 188 4
        Local 111,153 26,314 8,375 1,596 21,688 11,525 24,433 17,222
      Capital expenditures (percent) 41 54 41 34 45 11 27 25
      Capital expenditures 68,727 37,160 6,339 1,735 10,292 1,458 6,490 5,253
1994: Total 180,634 72,758 15,896 5,476 21,624 14,041 26,617 24,221
        Federal 10,021 691 6,482 2,848 0 0 0 0
        State 52,534 43,812 788 635 1,318 1,370 176 4,434
        Local 118,079 28,255 8,626 1,993 20,305 12,671 26,441 19,788
      Capital expenditures (percent) 40 55 38 36 37 13 26 29
      Capital expenditures 71,402 39,706 6,079 1,978 7,989 1,789 6,895 6,966
1995: Total 192,985 77,840 15,085 5,016 23,583 17,701 28,041 25,719
        Federal 12,837 731 6,688 2,707 0 2,711 0 0
        State 56,392 46,893 783 604 1,462 1,658 178 4,814
        Local 123,756 30,216 7,614 1,706 22,121 13,331 27,863 20,904
      Capital expenditures (percent) 39 55 30 29 38 11 27 29
      Capital expenditures 74,667 42,746 4,593 1,470 8,894 1,991 7,466 7,507
1996: Total (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
        Federal (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
        State 89,392 79,092 796 784 1,527 1,620 184 5,388
        Local 142,895 47,548 7,997 1,794 23,138 13,080 28,766 20,573
      Capital expenditures (percent) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
      Capital expenditures (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, "Government Finances", Series GF,No.5, annual 1980-92; thereafter (accessed 20 May, 1999).

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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