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32. 1997 Economic Census

362. Federal Prosecutions of Public Corruption

[As of Dec. 31. Prosecution of persons who have corrupted public officein violation of Federal Criminal Statutes]

Prosecution Status 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Total:  Indicted.. 63 160 208 191 305 294 391 535 530 579 727 808 813 1,076 931 1,157 1,208 1,276 1,274 1,348 1,176 1,452 1,189 1,371 1,165 1,051 984 1,057 1,174
  Convicted. 44 108 142 144 213 211 260 440 418 419 602 730 671 972 934 997 1,026 1,081 1,067 1,149 1,084 1,194 1,081 1,362 969 878 902 853 1,014
  Awaiting trial 0 0 5 18 5 27 199 210 205 178 213 231 186 222 269 256 246 368 288 375 300 346 380 403 332 323 244 327 340
Federal officials: Indicted.. 9 58 58 60 59 53 111 129 133 114 123 198 158 2 460 408 563 596 651 629 695 615 803 624 627 571 527 456 459 442
  Convicted. 9 40 42 48 51 43 101 94 91 102 131 159 147 2 424 429 470 523 545 529 610 583 665 532 595 488 438 459 392 414
  Awaiting trial 0 0 4 2 1 5 1 32 42 21 16 23 38 58 77 90 83 118 86 126 103 149 139 133 124 120 64 83 85
State officials: Indicted 10 21 17 19 36 36 59 50 55 56 72 87 49 81 58 79 88 102 66 71 96 115 81 113 99 61 109 51 91
  Convicted. 7 16 10 17 23 18 35 38 56 31 51 66 43 65 52 66 71 76 69 54 79 77 92 133 97 61 83 49 58
  Awaiting trial 0 0 0 0 0 5 30 33 20 29 28 36 18 26 21 20 24 26 14 18 28 42 24 39 17 23 40 20 37
Local officials: Indicted. 26 46 106 85 130 139 194 157 171 211 247 244 257 270 203 248 232 246 276 269 257 242 232 309 248 236 219 255 277
  Convicted. 16 28 75 64 87 94 100 164 127 151 168 211 232 226 196 221 207 204 229 201 225 180 211 272 202 191 190 169 264
  Awaiting trial 0 0 0 2 4 15 98 62 72 63 82 102 58 61 74 49 55 89 79 122 98 88 91 132 96 89 60 118 90
Others involved:  Indicted. 18 35 27 27 80 66 27 199 171 198 285 279 349 265 262 267 292 277 303 313 208 292 252 322 247 227 200 292 364
  Convicted. 12 24 15 15 52 56 24 144 144 135 252 294 249 257 257 240 225 256 240 284 197 272 246 362 182 188 170 243 278
  Awaiting trial 0 0 1 14 0 2 70 83 71 65 87 70 72 77 97 97 84 135 109 109 71 67 126 99 95 91 80 106 128

1 Increases in the number indicated and convicted between 1982 and 1983resulted from a greater focus on federal corruption nationwide and moreconsistent reporting of cases involving lower-level employees.

Source: U.S. Department of Justice,Federal Prosecutions of Corrupt Public Officials, 1970-1980; andReport to Congress on the Activities and Operations ofthe Public Integrity Section, annual.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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