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31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

65. Families by Number of Own Children Under 18 Years Old

[Except as noted, as of March (51,586 represents 51,586,000) and based on Current Population Survey.Includes members of Armed Forces living off post or with their families on post, but excludes all other membersof Armed Forces; see text, this section, and Appendix III.For definition of terms, see text, this section]

Three Three
RACE, HISPANIC ORIGIN, No One Two or No One Two or
AND YEAR Total children child children more Total children child children more
children children
1970 51,586 22,774 9,398 8,969 10,445 100 44 18 17 20
1980 59,550 28,528 12,443 11,470 7,109 100 48 21 19 12
1985 62,706 31,594 13,108 11,645 6,359 100 50 21 19 10
1990 66,090 33,801 13,530 12,263 6,496 100 51 20 19 10
  Married couple 52,317 27,780 9,583 9,784 5,170 100 53 18 19 10
  Male householder 2 2,884 1,731 723 307 123 100 60 25 11 4
  Female householder 2 10,890 4,290 3,225 2,173 1,202 100 39 30 20 11
1991 66,322 33,920 13,303 12,287 6,812 100 51 20 19 10
  Married couple 52,147 27,750 9,319 9,721 5,357 100 53 18 19 10
  Male householder 2 2,907 1,725 701 363 117 100 59 24 13 4
  Female householder 2 11,268 4,445 3,283 2,203 1,335 100 39 29 20 12
1992 67,173 34,427 13,615 12,364 6,768 100 51 20 18 10
  Married couple 52,457 28,037 9,520 9,728 5,173 100 53 18 19 10
  Male householder 2 3,025 1,742 768 391 123 100 58 25 13 4
  Female householder 2 11,692 4,648 3,327 2,244 1,472 100 40 28 19 13
1993 68,144 34,887 13,690 12,804 6,763 100 51 20 19 10
  Married couple 53,171 28,464 9,466 10,007 5,234 100 54 18 19 10
  Male householder 2 3,026 1,702 799 397 128 100 56 26 13 4
  Female householder 2 11,947 4,721 3,425 2,400 1,400 100 40 29 20 12
1994 68,490 34,471 13,824 13,086 7,108 100 50 20 19 10
  Married couple 53,171 28,113 9,452 10,188 5,418 100 53 18 19 10
  Male householder 2 2,913 1,599 805 368 141 100 55 28 13 5
  Female householder 2 12,406 4,759 3,566 2,531 1,550 100 38 29 20 12
1995 69,305 35,009 14,088 13,213 6,995 100 51 20 19 10
  Married couple 53,858 28,617 9,564 10,358 5,319 100 53 18 19 10
  Male householder 2 3,226 1,786 891 405 144 100 55 28 13 4
  Female householder 2 12,220 4,606 3,633 2,450 1,531 100 38 30 20 13
1996 69,594 35,391 14,041 13,206 6,957 100 51 20 19 10
  Married couple 53,567 28,647 9,352 10,278 5,290 100 53 17 19 10
  Male householder 2 3,513 1,885 1,005 471 152 100 54 29 13 4
  Female householder 2 12,514 4,859 3,683 2,457 1,514 100 39 29 20 12
1997 70,241 35,575 14,334 13,295 7,037 100 51 20 19 10
  Married couple 53,604 28,521 9,510 10,152 5,420 100 53 18 19 10
  Male householder 2 3,847 2,138 1,003 513 192 100 56 26 13 5
  Female householder 2 12,790 4,916 3,821 2,629 1,423 100 38 30 21 11
1998 70,880 36,120 14,363 13,122 7,275 100 51 20 19 10
  Married couple 54,317 29,048 9,507 10,241 5,521 100 53 18 19 10
  Male householder 2 3,911 2,113 1,117 456 225 100 54 29 12 6
  Female householder 2 12,652 4,960 3,739 2,425 1,529 100 39 30 19 12
1999 71,535 36,922 14,331 13,070 7,212 100 52 20 18 10
  Married couple 54,770 29,703 9,545 10,040 5,481 100 54 17 18 10
  Male householder 2 3,976 2,270 1,023 480 202 100 57 26 12 5
  Female householder 2 12,789 4,948 3,763 2,549 1,529 100 39 29 20 12
1970 46,261 20,719 8,437 8,174 8,931 100 45 18 18 19
1980 52,243 25,769 10,727 9,977 5,769 100 49 21 19 11
1985 54,400 28,169 11,174 9,937 5,120 100 52 21 18 9
1990 56,590 29,872 11,186 10,342 5,191 100 53 20 18 9
1991 56,803 30,009 10,955 10,381 5,459 100 53 19 18 10
1992 57,224 30,178 11,204 10,477 5,365 100 53 20 18 9
1993 57,858 30,523 11,168 10,869 5,298 100 53 19 19 9
1994 57,870 30,228 11,229 10,846 5,568 100 52 19 19 10
1995 58,437 30,486 11,491 10,983 5,478 100 52 20 19 9
1996 58,869 30,783 11,455 11,110 5,521 100 52 19 19 9
1997 58,934 30,698 11,594 11,046 5,595 100 52 20 19 10
1998 59,511 31,175 11,716 10,796 5,824 100 52 20 18 10
1999 60,068 31,828 11,636 10,777 5,828 100 53 19 18 10
1970 4,887 1,903 858 726 1,401 100 39 18 15 29
1980 6,184 2,364 1,449 1,235 1,136 100 38 23 20 18
1985 6,778 2,887 1,579 1,330 982 100 43 23 20 15
1990 7,470 3,093 1,894 1,433 1,049 100 41 25 19 14
1991 7,471 3,091 1,847 1,431 1,102 100 41 25 19 15
1992 7,716 3,271 1,870 1,429 1,146 100 42 24 19 15
1993 7,888 3,327 1,937 1,452 1,172 100 42 25 18 15
1994 7,989 3,196 1,983 1,630 1,179 100 40 25 20 15
1995 8,093 3,411 1,971 1,593 1,117 100 42 24 20 14
1996 8,055 3,472 1,958 1,485 1,140 100 43 24 18 14
1997 8,455 3,569 2,071 1,654 1,162 100 42 25 20 14
1998 8,408 3,561 1,961 1,749 1,138 100 42 23 21 14
1999 8,444 3,730 1,985 1,642 1,088 100 44 24 19 13
1970 2,004 597 390 388 629 100 30 20 19 31
1980 3,029 946 680 698 706 100 31 22 23 23
1985 3,939 1,337 904 865 833 100 34 23 22 21
1990 4,840 1,790 1,095 1,036 919 100 37 23 21 19
1991 4,981 1,778 1,105 1,136 961 100 36 22 23 19
1992 5,177 1,843 1,160 1,139 1,035 100 36 22 22 20
1993 5,318 1,973 1,223 1,155 967 100 37 23 22 18
1994 5,940 2,150 1,299 1,357 1,135 100 36 22 23 19
1995 6,200 2,216 1,408 1,406 1,171 100 36 23 23 19
1996 6,287 2,238 1,450 1,437 1,160 100 36 23 23 18
1997 6,631 2,326 1,589 1,516 1,200 100 35 24 23 18
1998 6,961 2,486 1,585 1,616 1,273 100 36 23 23 18
1999 7,270 2,656 1,673 1,614 1,328 100 37 23 22 18

1 Includes other races, not shown separately.
2 No spouse present.
3 Hispanic persons may be of any race.1970 Hispanic data as of April and based on Census of Population.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau,U.S. Census of Population, 1970 (PC-2-4A), andCurrent Population Reports, P20-515, and earlier reports;and unpublished data.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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