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209. Nursing Home Residents 65 Years Old and Over by Selected Characteristics

[1,385 represents 1,385,000. Covers nursing and related care homes in the conterminous United Statesthat had three or more beds, were staffed for use by residents, androutinely provided nursing and personal care services. Excludes placesproviding only room and board and places serving specific health problems.Based on the National Nursing Home Survey, a two-stage survey sampleof nursing homes and their residents. Subject to sampling variability]

Percent of
Number Percent Percent of Functional elderly
Characteristic \1 (1,000) distri- Item elderly status residents
bution residents receiving
  Total 2 1,385 100.0 Type of aids used: ADL's: 9
  Wheelchair 64.5 Bathing, showering 96.3
Male 343 24.7 Walker 24.9 Dressing 86.6
Female 1,043 75.3 Hospital bed 78.4 Eating 45.1
  Transferring in or
65 to 74 years 242 17.5 Vision impaired 26.4 out of beds or chair 23.8
75 to 84 years 586 42.3 Hearing impaired 22.4 Using toilet room 57.8
85 years and over 557 40.2
  Type of nursing care: IADL's: 10
White 1,240 89.5 Skilled care 3 46.1 Care of personal
Black 118 8.5 Intermediate care 4 50.4 possessions 77.6
  Residential care 5 3.5 Managing money 69.2
Hispanic 32 2.3 Securing personal
Non-Hispanic 1,276 92.1 Primary source items 76.8
  of payment: 6 Using telephone 69.2
Living quarters: Private sources 7 28.9
  Private residence 510 36.8 Medicare 12.7
  Retirement home 31 2.2 Medicaid 55.7
  Board and care and/or Other 8 2.7
   residential facility 69 4.9
  Nursing home 160 11.6
  Hospital 562 40.6
  Mental health facility 15 1.1
  Total 2 1,465 100.0 Type of aids used: ADL's: 9
  Wheelchair 62.3 Bathing, showering 96.2
Male 372 25.4 Walker 25.2 Dressing 87.2
Female 1,093 74.6 Hospital bed Eating 45.0
  Transferring in or
65 to 74 years 198 13.5 Vision impaired 27.1 out of beds or chair 25.4
75 to 84 years 528 36.1 Hearing impaired 23.7 Using toilet room 56.2
85 years and over 738 50.4
  Type of nursing care: IADL's: 10
White 1,295 88.4 Skilled care 3 47.8 Care of personal
Black 137 9.4 Intermediate care 4 47.8 possessions 77.1
  Residential care 5 3.6 Managing money 72.2
Hispanic 32 2.2 Securing personal
Non-Hispanic 1,340 91.5 Primary source items 76.2
  of payment: 6 Using telephone 62.2
Living quarters: Private sources 7 28.2
  Private residence 472 32.2 Medicare 29.7
  Retirement home 34 2.3 Medicaid 38.2
  Board and care and/or Other 8 3.8
   residential facility 67 4.6
  Nursing home 179 12.2
  Hospital 651 44.5
  Mental health facility 19 1.3

1 At time of admission.
2 Includes other and/or unknown, not shown separately.
3 Skilled care indicates the greatest degree of medical care. Everypatient is under the supervision of a physician and the facility has atransfer agreement with a nearby hospital. Twenty-four hour nursing careis provided with a physician on call to furnish medical care in case ofemergency.
4 Intermediate care is provided to individuals who do not require the degree of care or treatment normally given by a hospital or skillednursing facility, but who do require health-related institutionalizedcare above the level of room and board.
5 Residential care usually means providing residents with room, board,laundry services, some forms of personal care, and recreationalactivities and social services.
6 In month before interview.
7 Includes private insurance, own income, family support, socialsecurity benefits, and retirement funds.
8 Includes supplemental security income, welfare, religiousorganizations, foundations, agencies, Veterans Administration contract,pensions, or other compensation, payment source not yet determined, andother and unknown sources.
9 Activities of daily living.
10 Instrumental activities of daily living.

Source: U.S. National Center for Health Statistics,Advance Data, Nos. 289 and 312, July 2, 1997 and April 25, 2000.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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