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31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

1386. Income Tax and Social Security Contributions as Percent of Labor Costs: 1998

[Data are for single individual at the income level of the average production worker]

Percent of gross wage Percent of labor costs
Gross Labor
Country wage Social costs 1 Social security
earnings 1 Total Income security (dol.) Total Income contributions
tax contributions tax
Employee Employer 2
Belgium 30,376 42 28 14 40,995 57 22 10 26
Germany 29,626 42 21 21 35,863 52 17 17 17
Switzerland 29,167 22 10 12 32,535 30 9 10 10
Italy 23,981 29 20 9 32,351 47 14 7 26
Netherlands 27,788 34 7 27 32,271 44 6 23 14
Denmark 32,053 43 34 10 32,214 44 34 10 1
Canada 30,200 27 22 6 32,211 32 20 5 6
Norway 28,098 30 22 8 31,638 37 19 7 11
United States 29,076 26 18 8 31,300 31 17 7 7
Luxembourg 27,304 25 12 13 31,102 34 10 11 12
Austria 22,640 29 11 18 29,823 46 8 14 24
Sweden 22,377 34 27 7 29,768 51 21 5 25
Australia 29,590 25 24 2 29,590 25 24 2 0
Finland 23,281 35 28 8 29,334 49 22 6 21
United Kingdom 26,616 25 17 8 29,277 32 15 8 9
France 20,307 27 14 13 28,198 48 10 9 28
Japan 25,788 7 0 7 27,664 20 6 7 7
Ireland 22,024 25 20 5 24,667 33 18 5 11
Spain 18,696 20 14 6 24,454 39 11 5 24
New Zealand 24,332 20 20 0 24,332 20 20 0 0
Korea, South 20,928 6 2 5 22,962 15 1 4 9
Iceland 21,622 22 21 0 22,545 25 20 0 4
Greece 13,973 18 2 16 17,880 36 2 12 22
Turkey 14,066 33 24 9 15,825 40 21 8 11
Czech Republic 11,689 23 10 13 15,781 43 8 9 26
Portugal 11,235 18 7 11 13,903 34 6 9 19
Poland 8,809 16 16 0 12,696 43 11 0 33
Hungary 6,746 29 17 12 9,916 52 12 8 32
Mexico 6,950 3 0 3 8,662 22 0 2 20

1 Adjusted for purchasing power parities, see text of this section.Labor costs include gross wages plus employers compulsory social security contributions.
2 Includes reported payroll taxes.

Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France,The OECD Observer, No. 214, October/November 1998 (copyright); andTaxing Wages, 1998-1999, 2000 (copyright).

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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