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32. 1997 Economic Census

713. Union Members, by Selected Characteristics

[Annual averages of monthly data (114,533 represents 114,533,000). Covers employed wage and salary workers 16 years old and over. Excludes self-employed workers whosebusinesses are incorporated although they technically qualify as wage and salary workers. Based on Current Population Survey, seetext, Section 1, Population, and Appendix III]

Repre- repre-
Total Union Represented Union sented by sented by
(1,000) members 1 By union 2 Total members 1 unions 2 unions
    Total 4 114,533 14.1 15.6 503 640 632 478
16 to 24 years old 18,571 5.2 6.1 306 385 384 302
25 to 34 years old 29,408 11.7 13.2 481 579 572 466
35 to 44 years old 31,461 15.9 17.7 579 675 666 548
45 to 54 years old 22,714 20.5 22.4 607 704 697 578
55 to 64 years old 9,871 19.2 20.7 558 661 657 512
65 years and over 2,509 7.3 8.2 393 614 609 374
Men 59,825 16.3 17.7 579 683 679 539
Women 54,708 11.6 13.4 431 577 568 411
  White 96,104 13.6 15.1 519 663 654 494
Men 50,941 16.0 17.4 595 699 695 569
Women 45,163 10.9 12.6 444 595 587 421
  Black 13,346 17.9 20.1 400 533 523 371
Men 6,201 20.2 22.2 432 577 573 396
Women 7,145 16.0 18.3 375 504 496 349
  Hispanic 5 11,881 11.8 13.5 351 506 501 331
Men 7,153 12.6 14.3 371 538 526 348
Women 4,728 10.6 12.2 318 440 430 309
Full-time workers 93,578 15.6 17.3 503 640 632 478
Part-time workers 20,710 7.0 8.0 (X) (X) (X) (X)
Managerial and professional specialty 31,946 13.2 15.5 738 776 766 731
Technical sales, and admin. support 34,796 9.1 10.5 456 550 541 441
Service occupations 16,204 13.2 14.5 313 516 505 293
Precision, production, craft, and repair 12,069 22.6 23.7 548 724 718 501
Operators, fabricators, and laborers 17,629 21.5 22.7 401 572 561 365
Farming, forestry, and fishing 1,890 4.6 5.1 295 505 475 290
Agricultural wage and salary workers 1,681 2.2 2.4 306 (B) (B) 305
Private nonagri. wage and salary workers 94,705 9.8 10.8 490 610 603 476
  Mining 607 13.9 14.3 680 717 717 668
  Construction 5,739 18.6 19.5 518 771 760 484
  Manufacturing 19,961 16.3 17.2 517 595 592 503
  Transportation and public utilities 6,949 26.0 27.5 617 718 714 580
  Wholesale and retail trade, total 23,676 5.6 6.2 391 457 451 387
  Finance, insurance, and real estate 7,070 2.2 2.8 546 487 501 548
  Services 30,704 5.4 6.5 475 517 512 470
Government 18,147 37.2 42.3 605 681 671 530
    Total 4 116,730 13.9 15.4 523 659 653 499
16 to 24 years old 19,164 5.3 6.0 319 415 410 315
25 to 34 years old 29,121 11.4 12.7 502 595 591 489
35 to 44 years old 31,865 15.7 17.3 597 683 678 576
45 to 54 years old 23,579 20.1 22.1 620 716 712 592
55 to 64 years old 10,427 18.4 20.2 592 697 692 560
65 years and over 2,574 7.5 8.3 405 610 597 383
Men 60,973 16.2 17.4 598 699 696 573
Women 55,757 11.4 13.1 456 596 593 430
  White 97,531 13.5 14.8 545 683 678 513
Men 51,700 15.8 17.0 615 719 716 591
Women 45,831 10.8 12.4 468 610 607 443
  Black 13,894 17.7 19.7 426 578 572 398
Men 6,452 20.7 22.6 468 597 592 424
Women 7,443 15.1 17.2 400 537 533 376
  Hispanic 5 12,374 11.9 13.2 370 540 541 350
Men 7,360 12.7 13.8 390 585 584 367
Women 5,015 10.6 12.3 337 478 481 322
Full-time workers 95,595 15.5 17.1 523 659 653 499
Part-time workers 20,862 6.5 7.5 (X) (X) (X) (X)
Managerial and professional specialty 33,102 12.8 15.2 759 789 774 756
Technical sales, and admin. support 35,379 9.2 10.4 477 575 569 463
Service occupations 16,594 13.3 14.5 327 557 542 305
Precision, production, craft, and repair 12,274 22.1 23.1 572 753 747 514
Operators, fabricators, and laborers 17,443 21.3 22.3 415 585 580 381
Farming, forestry, and fishing 1,938 4.6 5.2 302 471 462 299
Agricultural wage and salary workers 1,739 1.5 1.8 315 (B) (B) 314
Private nonagri. wage and salary workers 96,590 9.6 10.4 509 626 620 496
  Mining 589 12.2 13.4 684 733 723 673
  Construction 5,946 17.8 18.4 534 790 783 496
  Manufacturing 19,763 15.8 16.8 551 606 603 532
  Transportation and public utilities 7,147 25.8 27.0 624 731 724 586
  Wholesale and retail trade, total 24,230 5.3 5.7 410 480 476 405
  Finance, insurance, and real estate 7,420 2.0 2.6 577 545 554 578
  Services 31,493 5.6 6.6 498 540 548 494
Government 18,401 37.5 42.5 620 694 688 558
    Total 4 118,963 13.9 15.3 549 672 667 516
16 to 24 years old 19,606 5.7 6.3 341 437 433 335
25 to 34 years old 28,657 11.9 13.2 518 604 601 506
35 to 44 years old 32,438 15.2 16.7 611 691 687 594
45 to 54 years old 24,665 19.8 21.8 652 750 745 617
55 to 64 years old 10,880 17.8 19.4 604 696 697 582
65 years and over 2,718 8.1 9.1 404 616 623 381
Men 61,914 16.1 17.4 618 711 708 599
Women 57,050 11.4 13.0 473 608 606 449
  White 99,147 13.5 14.8 573 692 689 534
Men 52,492 15.7 16.9 638 731 730 615
Women 46,655 10.9 12.4 483 619 618 461
  Black 14,346 17.2 19.2 445 575 575 415
Men 6,585 20.5 22.2 488 588 589 459
Women 7,760 14.4 16.7 409 548 545 388
  Hispanic 5 12,810 11.9 13.1 385 561 559 363
Men 7,457 13.0 14.1 406 604 597 384
Women 5,353 10.4 11.8 348 490 490 329
Full-time workers 97,626 15.3 16.9 549 672 667 516
Part-time workers 21,065 6.9 7.8 (X) (X) (X) (X)
Managerial and professional specialty 34,693 13.2 15.4 797 826 819 792
Technical sales, and admin. support 35,514 9.0 10.2 488 583 580 477
Service occupations 16,829 12.8 13.9 336 536 529 314
Precision, production, craft, and repair 12,474 22.4 23.5 594 755 747 546
Operators, fabricators, and laborers 17,514 20.7 21.9 429 591 584 398
Farming, forestry, and fishing 1,940 5.8 6.4 331 512 514 322
Agricultural wage and salary workers 1,721 2.5 2.8 340 (B) (B) 337
Private nonagri. wage and salary workers 98,304 9.5 10.3 525 634 628 513
  Mining 531 10.6 11.4 734 710 731 735
  Construction 6,230 19.1 19.6 552 778 772 509
  Manufacturing 19,323 15.6 16.6 576 614 611 561
  Transportation and public utilities 7,317 25.5 26.7 651 748 742 613
  Wholesale and retail trade, total 24,671 5.2 5.7 421 499 492 418
  Finance, insurance, and real estate 7,588 2.1 2.5 598 582 587 599
  Services 32,645 5.5 6.5 517 554 563 515
Government 18,938 37.3 42.1 641 714 709 585

B Data not shown where base is less than 50,000. X Not applicable.
1 Members of a labor union or an employee association similar to a labor union.
2 Members of a labor union or an employee associationsimilar to a union as well as workers who report no union affiliationbut whose jobs are covered by a union or an employee association
contract. 3 For full-time employed wage and salaryworkers.
4 Includes races not shown separately. Also includes a smallnumber of multiple jobholders whose full- part- time statuscan not be determined for their principal job.
5 Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment and Earnings, monthly, January issues.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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