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32. 1997 Economic Census

1103. Farms--Number, Acreage, and Value, by State

[2,241 represents 2,241,000]

OR MORE, 1987 OR MORE, 1992 OR MORE, 1997
STATE State FIPS Average
code Number of Land in size of Total value 1 Number of Land in Average Total Number of Land in Average Total Number of Land in Average
farms farms farm (mil. dol.) farms farms size of value 1 farms farms size of value 1 farms farms size of
(1,000) (mil. acres) (acres) (1,000) (mil. acres) farm (mil. (1,000) (mil. acres) farm (mil. (1,000) (mil. acres) farm
              (acres) dol.) (acres) dol.) (acres)
1982 1987 1992 1997 1982 1987 1992 1997 1982 1987 1992 1997 1982 1987 1992 1997
  United States US 00000 2,241 2,088 1,925 1,912 986.8 964.5 945.5 931.8 440 462 491 487 774,158 604,168 687,432 859,839 1,060 829.0 782 481,983 1,019 822.0 807 555,056 949 802.3 846
Alabama AL 01000 48 43 38 41 10.2 9.1 8.5 8.7 211 211 223 210 8,290 7,284 8,350 12,340 14 5.9 424 4,383 14 5.7 410 5,152 13 5.2 406
Alaska AK 02000 (Z) 1 1 1 1.3 1.0 0.9 0.9 2,323 1,789 1,803 1,608 264 317 249 267 (Z) 0.6 3,411 146 (Z) 0.6 3,788 138 (Z) 0.7 3,088
Arizona AZ 04000 7 8 7 6 37.8 36.3 35.0 26.9 5,148 4,732 5,173 4,379 10,972 10,111 10,984 10,360 4 33.7 9,411 9,125 3 32.7 10,260 9,837 3 25.5 8,681
Arkansas AR 05000 51 48 44 45 14.7 14.4 14.1 14.4 291 298 322 318 14,460 10,884 12,407 16,255 21 11.2 522 8,285 21 11.3 536 9,668 20 11.4 556
California CA 06000 82 83 78 74 32.2 30.6 29.0 27.7 390 368 373 374 61,532 48,567 63,689 69,768 43 27.7 647 40,689 40 25.8 639 52,685 42 25.2 605
Colorado CO 08000 27 27 27 28 33.5 34.0 34.0 32.6 1,237 1,248 1,252 1,154 15,228 12,519 14,568 19,993 15 30.6 2,030 10,284 15 30.7 2,029 11,932 15 28.9 1,943
Connecticut CT 09000 4 4 3 4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 118 111 105 97 1,188 1,674 2,138 2,104 1 0.3 179 1,037 1 0.2 173 1,299 1 0.2 159
Delaware DE 10000 3 3 3 2 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 196 205 224 236 1,218 1,096 1,351 1,499 2 0.5 291 932 2 0.5 309 1,184 2 0.5 319
Florida FL 12000 36 37 35 35 12.8 11.2 10.8 10.5 353 306 306 300 20,085 19,884 21,801 23,048 15 9.4 638 15,999 15 9.2 614 17,924 15 8.8 596
Georgia GA 13000 50 44 41 40 12.3 10.7 10.0 10.7 248 247 246 265 11,166 9,852 11,437 15,842 18 7.9 439 6,591 17 7.5 431 7,547 16 7.5 468
Hawaii HI 15000 5 5 5 5 2.0 1.7 1.6 1.4 426 353 298 263 3,575 2,938 3,854 3,460 2 1.6 798 2,246 2 1.5 729 3,044 2 1.3 572
Idaho ID 16000 25 24 22 22 13.9 13.9 13.5 11.8 563 577 609 530 11,353 8,126 9,077 11,983 14 12.0 881 6,951 13 11.6 909 7,829 12 10.3 866
Illinois IL 17000 98 89 78 73 28.7 28.5 27.3 27.2 292 321 351 372 53,061 35,779 41,844 56,475 63 27.0 431 33,708 56 26.0 464 39,607 50 25.6 515
Indiana IN 18000 77 70 63 58 16.3 16.2 15.6 15.1 211 229 249 261 26,128 18,716 21,732 30,853 40 14.4 355 16,267 37 14.1 384 19,151 33 13.5 415
Iowa IA 19000 115 105 97 91 32.6 31.6 31.3 31.2 283 301 325 343 54,349 29,830 38,063 51,438 83 30.2 365 28,285 77 29.9 388 36,345 67 29.2 435
Kansas KS 20000 73 69 63 62 47.1 46.6 46.7 46.1 642 680 738 748 28,076 19,068 21,725 26,517 43 42.8 1,002 16,828 41 43.2 1,041 19,438 39 42.6 1,099
Kentucky KY 21000 102 92 90 82 14.2 14.0 13.7 13.3 140 152 151 162 14,661 12,545 14,775 18,943 34 9.4 276 8,301 41 10.0 248 10,603 36 9.7 268
Louisiana LA 22000 32 27 26 24 8.9 8.0 7.8 7.9 282 293 306 331 12,070 7,348 7,474 9,077 11 6.4 607 5,476 11 6.4 604 5,645 10 6.3 661
Maine ME 23000 7 6 6 6 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.2 210 214 218 209 1,053 1,321 1,396 1,456 3 0.9 332 746 3 0.9 340 842 2 0.8 337
Maryland MD 24000 16 15 13 12 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.2 158 162 171 178 5,378 5,419 6,570 6,825 7 1.9 278 3,923 7 1.8 282 4,862 6 1.8 295
Massachusetts MA 25000 5 6 5 6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 113 99 100 93 1,111 2,154 2,421 2,535 2 0.4 153 1,275 2 0.3 145