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32. 1997 Economic Census

1284. Commercial and Noncommercial Groups--Food and Drink Sales

[In millions of dollars (42,199 represents $42,199,000,000) except as indicated. Excludes military. Data refer to sales to consumers of food andalcoholic beverages. Sales are estimated. For details, see source]

Sales (mil. dol.) Sales (mil. dol.) Sales (mil. dol.) Sales (mil. dol.)
Establishments Establishments
Type of group
1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 1 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
    Total 42,199 119,004 130,735 139,723 150,852 163,355 172,787 184,189 198,741 212,859 225,644 238,149 246,188 256,532 267,777 280,442 294,631 307,086 321,631 337,272 356,983 374,887 655,663 708,927 720,043 729,364 737,611 771,857 785,504 797,727 814,207 829,800
Commercial restaurant services 2 3 34,829 101,529 112,058 119,992 130,763 142,494 151,762 162,528 176,312 189,289 200,583 211,606 218,824 228,734 239,433 251,935 265,910 277,381 291,259 306,591 325,235 342,165 483,216 536,796 546,996 553,739 561,897 595,203 607,796 621,690 636,805 652,876
  Eating places 2 21,614 72,276 80,306 86,652 95,174 104,470 111,657 120,138 128,867 138,542 146,716 155,552 161,171 168,675 177,469 187,514 198,293 206,211 216,156 227,391 241,083 253,415 286,116 331,926 338,724 344,061 350,305 367,531 376,571 385,442 395,071 404,685
    Full-service restaurants 13,348 39,307 43,527 46,443 50,391 54,815 57,939 61,474 65,184 69,356 72,727 77,811 80,791 83,561 87,011 91,457 96,396 100,830 106,376 111,801 120,994 128,133 130,566 160,859 163,514 165,111 167,262 173,416 176,849 180,048 183,253 186,552
    Limited-service restaurants 4 6,190 28,699 32,202 35,357 39,494 43,838 47,477 51,940 56,431 61,397 65,775 69,798 72,362 76,975 82,061 87,395 92,901 96,106 100,143 105,553 109,882 114,717 135,227 146,271 149,786 152,936 156,454 169,601 174,859 180,205 185,891 191,561
  Bars and taverns 5 5,008 7,785 8,026 7,912 8,070 8,167 8,338 8,563 8,742 8,899 8,952 9,533 9,896 10,203 10,162 9,928 9,948 10,276 10,646 11,061 11,515 11,929 32,308 37,227 37,227 37,227 37,227 36,435 36,435 36,435 36,435 36,435
  Managed services 2 2,442 6,818 7,344 7,708 8,242 8,907 9,460 10,095 11,075 12,071 13,198 14,149 14,829 15,400 15,951 16,948 18,186 19,410 20,621 21,779 23,016 24,336 15,739 15,739 15,739 15,739 15,739 19,117 19,117 19,117 19,117 19,117
    Manufacturing and industrial plants 915 2,121 2,300 2,258 2,394 2,616 2,721 2,824 3,042 3,356 3,669 3,856 3,918 4,040 4,153 4,453 4,814 5,066 5,437 5,745 5,931 6,199 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
    Colleges and universities 496 1,140 1,271 1,407 1,494 1,612 1,738 1,882 2,057 2,284 2,569 2,788 3,072 3,238 3,455 3,693 3,989 4,317 4,667 5,008 5,449 5,868 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
  Lodging places 2 2,585 6,768 7,630 8,286 9,065 9,905 10,557 11,187 12,031 12,933 13,606 13,568 13,643 13,834 14,305 14,863 15,561 16,193 16,954 17,852 18,798 19,701 27,051 27,199 27,158 27,364 27,405 27,251 27,235 27,304 27,619 27,970
    Hotel restaurants 1,554 4,964 5,775 6,411 7,302 8,237 8,986 9,714 10,608 11,533 12,215 12,355 12,522 12,754 13,243 13,813 14,516 15,154 15,909 16,807 17,707 18,610 16,338 16,450 16,532 17,028 17,283 17,369 17,543 17,768 17,993 18,461
    Motel restaurants 643 1,151 1,186 1,196 1,108 1,041 975 911 872 850 836 483 452 439 432 428 618 613 616 616 642 640 8,906 8,924 8,828 8,628 8,482 8,281 8,115 7,993 7,883 7,793
  Retail hosts 2 6 1,652 3,264 3,697 4,108 4,468 4,880 5,254 5,651 7,956 8,605 9,276 9,513 9,885 10,689 11,220 11,884 12,589 13,443 14,442 15,464 16,851 18,102 110,669 106,397 107,807 109,007 110,700 123,937 127,506 132,217 137,288 143,066
    Department store restaurants 424 857 914 943 944 930 865 827 831 875 925 876 866 906 941 993 1,038 1,079 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,932 4,980 4,980 4,980 4,980 4,721 4,721 4,721 4,721 4,721
    Grocery store restaurants 6 189 830 1,032 1,257 1,482 1,770 2,074 2,381 4,552 4,979 5,379 5,432 5,622 5,808 6,017 6,307 6,624 7,041 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 44,244 44,499 44,766 44,966 44,966 54,369 55,369 57,860 60,522 62,951
    Gasoline service stations 109 492 598 712 813 932 1,052 1,164 1,254 1,381 1,523 1,718 1,873 2,055 2,199 2,359 2,520 2,729 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 33,132 32,645 33,788 34,788 36,481 38,695 40,281 41,690 43,149 44,875
  Recreation and sports 514 1,452 1,568 1,659 1,822 1,910 1,972 2,074 2,382 2,546 2,787 2,871 2,890 3,334 3,459 3,642 3,866 4,041 4,232 4,411 4,760 5,012 6,599 12,414 14,447 14,447 14,627 14,627 14,627 14,870 14,970 15,298
Noncommercial restaurant services 2 7,370 17,475 18,677 19,731 20,089 20,861 21,025 21,661 22,429 23,570 25,061 26,543 27,364 27,799 28,344 28,508 28,722 29,705 30,372 30,681 31,749 32,722 172,447 172,131 173,047 175,625 175,714 176,654 177,708 176,037 177,402 176,924
  Employee restaurant services 688 1,635 1,762 1,733 1,767 1,904 1,971 1,976 1,976 1,985 1,994 1,864 1,778 1,685 1,570 1,483 1,364 1,274 1,186 1,119 1,044 1,000 7,910 7,841 7,717 7,636 7,525 7,370 7,090 6,784 5,525 5,337
    Industrial, commercial organizations 561 1,377 1,490 1,458 1,505 1,630 1,682 1,694 1,680 1,658 1,641 1,603 1,535 1,457 1,344 1,253 1,129 1,031 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,309 3,210 3,091 3,012 2,922 2,776 2,609 2,453 2,306 2,144
  Educational restaurant services 2,102 4,610 4,900 5,248 5,509 5,749 5,978 6,253 6,542 6,883 7,237 7,671 8,223 8,548 8,698 8,868 9,059 9,328 9,545 9,711 9,959 10,194 95,784 95,596 95,883 96,356 96,444 97,106 97,832 96,287 96,986 97,736
    Elementary and secondary schools 1,163 2,312 2,364 2,464 2,577 2,780 2,919 3,060 3,189 3,347 3,478 3,700 3,878 4,012 4,183 4,358 4,533 4,728 4,886 4,981 5,099 5,197 93,009 92,841 93,104 93,535 93,586 94,254 94,924 93,368 94,044 94,737
  Hospitals 2,991 6,668 7,183 7,641 7,375 7,391 7,104 7,170 7,436 7,826 8,396 8,968 9,018 8,988 9,208 9,173 9,219 9,577 9,681 9,505 9,895 10,163 6,734 6,678 6,613 6,606 6,510 6,439 6,347 6,265 6,175 6,072
  Miscellaneous 2 646 1,521 1,636 1,735 1,885 1,991 2,077 2,197 2,365 2,489 2,677 2,892 3,057 3,145 3,324 3,493 3,673 3,842 4,058 4,244 4,511 4,749 28,589 28,589 29,403 31,568 31,568 31,568 31,767 32,167 32,576 32,576
    Clubs 525 1,056 1,164 1,275 1,391 1,467 1,537 1,620 1,743 1,809 1,914 1,993 2,039 2,010 2,090 2,166 2,278 2,381 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 10,310 10,310 10,310 10,310 10,310 10,310 10,310 10,410 10,514 10,514

NA Not available.
1 Projection.
2 Includes other types of groups, not shown separately.
3 Data for establishments with payroll.
4 Fast-food restaurants.
5 For establishments serving food.
6 Beginning 1987, a portion of delicatessen sales in grocery storesare considered foodservice.

Source: National Restaurant Association, Washington, DC,Restaurant Numbers: 25-Year History, 1970-1995, 1998;Restaurant Industry in Review, annual; andNational Restaurant Association Restaurant Industry Forecast,December 1999, (copyright).

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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