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1372. Transportation Infrastructure and Domestic Freight Activity-Selected Countries: 1996

[Data users should see below for notes about statistical comparability]

Mode United Canada France Germany Italy Japan United
States Kingdom
System length (1,000 kilometers)
Roads, total 1 6,331 2 912 893 634 316 1,152 372
  Motorways 89 2 17 10 11 10 6 3
  Highways-main and national 749 2 15 28 42 47 59 15
  Secondary/regional 695 2 225 355 76 118 121 36
  Other 4,775 2 656 500 505 142 966 317
Inland waterways 3 43 3 4 6 7 2 2 2 5 2
Pipeline, total 2,365 314 32 105 23 2 17
  Gas 2,042 277 25 98 19 2 13
  Oil 2 323 37 8 8 4 0 4
Rail 286 77 4 52 42 2 16 2 27 2 33
Transit rail 7 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4 (NA)
  Number of facilities
Airports 13,175 1,141 460 613 132 164 387
Marine ports and facilities 321 172 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
Domestic freight activity
(bil. metric ton-kilometers)
  Total 5,456 439 244 348 269 6 791 238
Air 16 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 2 0
Water 7 1,116 7 40 13 61 35 462 7 56
  Coastal shipping 596 10 2 7 8 1 35 242 47
  Inland waterways 3 436 25 6 61 0 220 8 0
Pipeline (oil only) 904 105 22 14 13 (NA) 13
Rail 1,980 221 51 68 24 25 15
Road 1,440 72 158 204 198 303 154

NA Not available.
1 Includes data for Puerto Rico, not shown separately.
2 Data for 1995.
3 Commercially navigable.
4 Data for 1994.
5 Data for 1990.
6 Excludes pipeline.
7 Includes other water categories, such as Great Lakes, not shown separately.
8 Data for 1991.

Source: U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics,G-7 Countries: Transportation Highlights, BTS99-01, 1999.

System length and number of facilitiesAll countriesThe numbers in this table were taken from manysources. Data-collection and processing proceduresvary by country making cross-country comparisondifficult. Data users should consult the sourcedocuments for indications of statistical reliabilityand comparability.CanadaRail: Yard tracks, sidings, and parallel lines; includesfreight and intercity rail only.Airports:Aerodromes (facilities that are registeredwith Transport Canada as aircraft landing and takeoffsites). Data do not include heliports, STOLports (air-ports designed for short takeoff and landing aircraft,separate from conventional airport facilities), andseaplane bases.Marine ports or facilities: Those reporting domesticand international cargo via either Statistics Canada'sDomestic Shipping Report or Revenue Canada'sCustoms Declaration.European G-7 countries and JapanRoad: Data represent a sum of the motorways;highways, main and national; secondary/regional;and other roads. This may differ from primarysource data.Rail: One or more adjacent running tracks forming aroute between two points. Unless noted, data includeyard tracks and sidings. Data also may includetransit rail. French, Japanese, and British datainclude tracks and sidings, while German and Italiandata do not. Japanese data are for Japan Rail (anational carrier) and large and mid-sized privatizedrailroad companies. Japanese transit rail extent isbased on data for subways, monorail systems,automated guideway transit systems, cable cars, andtram cars.Airports: The total number of airports with paved andunpaved runways (concrete or asphalt surfaces),including military landing fields, based on informa-tionfrom the U.S. Department of Defense NationalImagery and Mapping Agency. Data excludeheliports. Information is not available as to whetherSTOLports and seaplane bases are included.United StatesRoad: The road total includes data for Puerto Rico,however, data for Puerto Rico are not included in theindividual road categories. Individual categories rep-resentedinclude: motorways�Interstate, urban andrural, principal arterial (other freeways and express-ways);highways, main and national�principalarterial, other, urban and rural; minor arterial�urbanand rural; secondary/regional�major collector,rural; other roads�local, urban and rural; and minorcollector�rural.Inland waterways: Estimated length of inland water-wayson which commercial traffic was reported tothe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.Rail: Length of track owned including yard tracks,sidings, and parallel lines of Class I freight railroadsand intercity passenger rail (Amtrak). Class Irailroads accounted for 73% of the industry's distanceoperated.Transit rail: Commuter rail, heavy rail, and light rail.Data are one-way, fixed guideway.Airports: Civilian and joint-use civilian-militaryairports. Purely military airports are excluded. Datado not include heliports, STOLports, and seaplanebases.Marine ports and facilities: Those with activityexceeding one U.S. short ton per year, either domes-ticor foreign. Includes ports in U.S. territories.

Domestic Freight Activity

All countriesThe numbers in this table were taken from manysources. Data-collection and processing proceduresvary by country making cross-country comparisondifficult. Data users should consult the sourcedocuments for indications of statistical reliability andcomparability.CanadaAir: Weight of freight, express, and diplomaticbags carried on each flight stage multiplied by thestage distance. Data include domestic activity, andscheduled and nonscheduled operations.Water: Total includes Great Lakes data which are notseparately identified in this table.Pipeline: Natural gas totaled 175.6 billionton-kilometers in 1996. If natural gas activity wasincluded in Canada�s overall total, it would be 614.3rather than 438.7.Road: Includes only the activity of Canadian-domi-ciledfor-hire carriers with annual intercity revenuesgreater than or equal to $1 million Canadian;excludes local (less than 24 kilometers) deliveriesand deliveries made by private trucks and smallfor-hire carriers.European G-7 countries(excluding United Kingdom)Air: Weight of the freight, express, and diplomaticbags carried on each flight stage multiplied by thestage distance. Data include domestic activity, andscheduled and nonscheduled operations.Coastal shipping: Includes all coastwise and one-portfreight movement of goods shipped to offshoreinstallations, for dumping at sea, or reclaimed fromthe seabed and unloaded in ports. Movements ofgoods on inland waterways vessels between seaportsand inland waterway ports are excluded, as aremovements of goods carried internally betweendifferent basins or docks of the same port.JapanTotal: Data represent a sum of air, water, rail, androad. Data for pipeline are unavailable.Air: See definition under European G-7 countries.United KingdomAir: See definition under European G-7 countries.Water: Includes all coastwise and one-port freightmovements by sea, and inland waterway traffic.Data are collected only for Great Britain and do notinclude Northern Ireland. Data will not equal thesum of coastal shipping and inland waterwaysbecause other United Kingdom water categories arenot separately represented in this table. These othercategories are included in the water total for theUnited Kingdom.Road: Does not include Northern Ireland.United StatesAir: Enplaned revenue ton-kilometers of allcertificated carriers (scheduled and nonscheduledservice, excluding military cargo moved by civiliancarriers).Water: Total includes Great Lakes data, which arenot shown separately in this table.Inland waterways: The sum of internal and intraportwaterway data.Rail: Data are measured in revenue ton-kilometersand tons originated and are for Class I railroadsonly. (Class I railroads have annual gross operatingrevenues in excess of about $255 million (based on$1996) and comprise only 2% of railroads in theUnited States, but account for 73% of the industry�soperating distance, 89% of its employees, and 91%of its freight revenues). Rail data reflect shipmentsthat originated in the United States.Road: Data are based on estimates for intercitytraffic only.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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