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32. 1997 Economic Census

879. Bankruptcy Petitions Filed and Pending, by Type and Chapter

[For years ending June 30. Covers only bankruptcy cases filed under the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978. Bankruptcy: legal recognition that acompany or individual is insolvent and must restructure or liquidate. Petitions "filed" means the commencement of a proceeding through the presentation of a petition to the clerk of the court; "pending" is aproceeding in which the administration has not been completed]

Item 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
     Total, filed 360,329 367,866 374,734 344,275 364,536 477,856 561,278 594,567 642,993 725,484 880,399 972,490 918,734 845,257 858,104 1,042,110
Business 1 47,415 56,423 69,818 62,170 66,651 76,281 88,278 68,501 62,534 64,688 67,714 72,650 66,428 56,748 51,288 52,938
Nonbusiness 2 312,914 311,443 304,916 282,105 297,885 401,575 473,000 526,066 580,459 660,796 812,685 899,840 852,306 788,509 806,816 989,172
Voluntary 358,997 366,331 373,064 342,828 362,939 476,214 559,658 593,158 641,528 723,886 878,626 971,047 917,350 844,087 856,991 1,040,915
Involuntary 1,332 1,535 1,670 1,447 1,597 1,642 1,620 1,409 1,465 1,598 1,773 1,443 1,384 1,170 1,113 1,195
Chapter 7 3 265,721 255,098 251,322 232,994 244,650 332,679 397,551 423,796 457,240 505,337 612,330 679,662 638,916 578,903 581,390 712,129
Chapter 9 4 1 4 3 4 3 7 10 3 7 7 20 15 9 17 12 10
Chapter 11 5 7,828 14,059 21,207 19,913 21,425 24,443 22,566 18,891 17,465 19,591 22,495 24,029 20,579 17,098 13,221 12,859
Chapter 12 6 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 4,824 3,099 1,717 1,351 1,358 1,634 1,434 976 904 1,063
Chapter 13 7 86,778 98,705 102,201 91,358 98,452 120,726 136,300 148,771 166,539 199,186 244,192 267,121 257,777 248,246 262,551 316,024
Section 304 8 1 0 1 6 6 1 27 7 25 12 4 29 19 17 26 24
     Total, pending 361,664 461,287 537,306 577,567 608,945 728,577 808,504 814,195 869,340 961,919 1,123,433 1,237,357 1,183,009 1,134,036 1,090,446 1,169,112

X Not applicable.
1 Business bankruptcies include those filed under chapters 7, 9, 11, or 12.
2 Bankruptcies include those filed under chapters 7, 11, or 13.
3 Chapter 7, liquidation of non-exempt assets of businesses or individuals.
4 Chapter 9, adjustment of debts of a municipality.
5 Chapter 11, individual or business reorganization.
6 Chapter 12, adjustment of debts of a family farmer with regular income, effective November 26, 1986.
7 Chapter 13, adjustment of debts of an individual with regular income.
8 Chapter 11 U.S.C., Section 304, cases ancillary to foreign proceedings.

Source: Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Statistical Tables for the Federal Judiciary.

BANKRUPTCYA legal procedure for dealing with debtproblems of individuals and businesses;specifically, a case filed under one ofthe chapters of title 11 of the UnitedStates Code (the Bankruptcy Code).

BUSINESS BANKRUPTCYA bankruptcy case in which the debtoris a business or an individual involvedin business and the debts are for businesspurposes.

CHAPTER 7The chapter of the Bankruptcy Codeproviding for liquidation, i.e., thesale of a debtors nonexempt propertyand the distribution of the proceeds tocreditors.

CHAPTER 11A reorganization bankruptcy, usuallyinvolving a corporation or partnership.(A chapter 11 debtor usually proposesa plan of reorganization to keep itsbusiness alive and pay creditors overtime. People in business or individualscan also seek relief in chapter 11.)

CHAPTER 12The chapter of the Bankruptcy Codeproviding for adjustment of debts of afamily farmer, as that term is definedin the Bankruptcy Code.

CHAPTER 13The chapter of the Bankruptcy Codeproviding for adjustment of debts ofan individual with regular income.(Chapter 13 allows a debtor to keepproperty and pay debts over time, usuallythree to five years.)

LIQUIDATIONA sale of a debtors property with theproceeds to be used for the benefit ofcreditors.


These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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