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31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

684. Nonfarm Industries--Employees and Earnings

[Annual averages of monthly figures (90,406 represents 90,406,000). Covers all full- and part-time employees who worked during, or received pay for, any part of the pay period including the 12th of the month. For mining and manufacturing,data refer to production and related workers; for construction, to employees engaged in actual construction work; and for other industries, to nonsupervisory employees and working supervisors. See also headnote,Table 682]

INDUSTRY 1987 TOTAL (1,000) TOTAL (1,000)
SIC 1 Total Average hourly Average hourly
code (1,000) earnings (dollars) earnings (dollars)
1980 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1980 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1980 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
          Total (X) 90,406 109,403 117,191 119,608 122,690 125,826 128,615 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
        Private sector 2 (X) 74,166 91,098 97,885 100,189 103,133 106,007 108,455 60,331 73,774 80,125 82,092 84,541 86,762 88,725 6.66 10.01 11.43 11.82 12.28 12.78 13.24
    Mining (B) 1,027 709 581 580 596 590 535 762 509 424 430 450 448 404 9.17 13.68 15.30 15.62 16.15 16.90 17.04
Metal mining 10 98 58 51 54 54 50 49 74 46 41 42 41 38 37 10.26 14.05 16.77 17.35 17.82 18.24 18.24
Coal mining 12 246 147 104 98 96 92 85 204 119 84 80 79 75 70 10.86 16.71 18.45 18.74 19.01 19.15 19.28
Oil and gas extraction 13 560 395 320 322 339 339 293 389 261 218 227 248 252 214 8.59 12.94 14.52 14.87 15.64 16.77 16.86
Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels 14 123 110 105 106 108 109 109 96 83 80 81 82 83 82 7.52 11.58 13.39 13.75 14.19 14.70 15.11
    Construction (C) 4,346 5,120 5,160 5,418 5,691 5,985 6,273 3,421 3,974 3,993 4,199 4,415 4,641 4,849 9.94 13.77 15.09 15.47 16.04 16.59 17.13
General building contractors 15 1,173 1,298 1,207 1,257 1,310 1,372 1,434 900 938 856 888 924 963 999 9.22 13.01 14.33 14.68 15.23 15.91 16.49
Heavy construction, except building 16 895 770 752 777 799 838 862 720 643 626 649 667 703 719 9.20 13.34 14.65 15.10 15.58 16.10 16.74
Special trade contractors 17 2,278 3,051 3,201 3,384 3,582 3,774 3,978 1,802 2,393 2,511 2,662 2,824 2,976 3,131 10.63 14.20 15.47 15.83 16.42 16.94 17.43
   Manufacturing (D) 20,285 19,076 18,524 18,495 18,675 18,772 18,432 14,214 12,947 12,826 12,776 12,907 12,930 12,662 7.27 10.83 12.37 12.77 13.17 13.49 13.91
     Durable goods (X) 12,159 11,109 10,683 10,789 11,010 11,170 10,985 8,416 7,363 7,317 7,386 7,553 7,643 7,511 7.75 11.35 12.94 13.33 13.73 13.98 14.40
Lumber and wood products 3 24 704 733 769 778 796 813 826 587 603 632 640 655 668 678 6.57 9.08 10.12 10.44 10.76 11.10 11.46
  Logging 241 88 85 83 81 82 79 77 71 70 67 65 66 63 61 8.64 11.22 11.64 11.76 12.16 12.48 13.24
  Sawmills and planing mills 242 215 198 187 181 183 183 180 190 172 161 157 159 160 157 6.70 9.22 10.31 10.60 10.87 11.12 11.40
  Millwork, plywood, and structural
   members 243 206 262 280 287 294 308 325 170 210 224 230 236 247 260 6.44 9.04 10.12 10.50 10.88 11.25 11.59
  Wood containers 244 43 45 51 52 55 55 55 37 38 44 45 47 47 47 4.95 6.64 7.68 8.02 8.38 8.85 9.23
  Mobile homes 2451 46 41 62 68 71 76 77 36 33 52 57 60 64 64 6.08 8.67 10.26 10.81 11.05 11.50 11.79
Furniture and fixtures 3 25 466 506 510 504 512 530 540 376 400 403 398 407 423 431 5.49 8.52 9.82 10.15 10.55 10.90 11.23
  Household furniture 251 301 289 281 276 277 283 286 253 241 234 231 234 239 243 5.12 7.87 9.29 9.60 9.96 10.28 10.67
  Office furniture 252 51 68 63 62 65 69 69 40 51 47 46 48 51 50 5.91 9.64 10.53 10.99 11.63 11.79 11.89
  Partitions and fixtures 254 63 78 86 85 88 93 95 47 57 63 62 65 69 71 6.68 9.77 10.92 11.08 11.30 11.64 11.84
Stone, clay, and glass products 3 32 629 556 540 544 552 563 569 486 432 418 423 431 440 445 7.50 11.12 12.41 12.82 13.18 13.60 13.90
  Flat glass 321 18 17 16 16 17 17 17 14 13 12 13 14 13 14 9.65 15.15 17.94 18.46 18.65 18.60 18.30
  Glass and glassware, pressed and
    blown 322 124 83 74 72 72 71 70 105 72 62 61 60 59 57 7.97 12.40 14.11 14.44 14.98 15.52 15.75
  Products of purchased glass 323 45 60 62 61 63 63 63 32 46 48 48 49 49 48 6.50 9.75 10.92 11.37 11.92 12.12 12.50
  Cement, hydraulic 324 31 18 18 17 17 17 18 25 14 13 13 13 13 13 10.55 13.90 16.34 16.88 17.47 18.54 19.17
  Structural clay products 325 46 36 34 33 34 33 34 34 28 26 26 27 26 26 6.14 9.55 10.97 11.40 11.49 11.88 12.32
  Pottery and related products 326 47 39 42 40 39 38 37 39 31 33 32 31 30 29 6.25 9.62 10.70 10.98 11.47 11.96 12.00
  Concrete, gypsum, and plaster 327 204 206 205 212 218 229 238 157 157 156 162 168 177 185 7.45 10.76 11.93 12.29 12.61 13.11 13.52
Primary metal industries 3 33 1,142 756 712 711 711 712 690 878 574 553 553 555 557 538 9.77 12.92 14.62 14.97 15.22 15.49 15.85
  Blast furnaces and basic steel
    products 331 512 276 242 240 235 232 222 396 212 185 185 181 179 172 11.39 14.82 17.33 17.80 18.03 18.43 18.87
  Iron and steel foundries 332 209 132 131 129 130 131 126 167 105 107 105 107 107 103 8.20 11.55 13.42 13.56 13.81 13.98 14.69
  Primary nonferrous metals 333 71 46 40 40 39 39 37 53 34 31 30 30 30 29 10.63 14.36 15.83 16.19 16.66 17.04 17.58
  Nonferrous rolling and drawing 335 211 172 168 168 169 170 168 151 124 127 127 129 131 127 8.81 12.29 13.66 14.09 14.48 14.62 14.52
  Nonferrous foundries (castings) 336 90 84 87 89 92 93 91 72 66 71 73 74 75 74 7.30 10.21 11.48 11.83 12.06 12.36 12.81
Fabricated metal products 3 34 1,609 1,419 1,437 1,449 1,479 1,501 1,489 1,194 1,045 1,080 1,088 1,115 1,131 1,119 7.45 10.83 12.13 12.50 12.78 13.06 13.46
  Metal cans and shipping containers 341 75 50 41 39 38 37 36 63 43 35 33 32 31 30 9.84 14.27 15.71 16.03 16.29 16.70 16.73
  Cutlery, handtools, and hardware 342 164 131 128 125 126 126 124 125 96 96 94 96 97 95 7.02 10.78 12.16 12.37 12.48 12.34 12.41
  Plumbing and heating, exc. electric 343 71 60 57 58 58 58 58 52 43 41 41 42 41 42 6.59 9.75 10.75 11.27 11.71 11.88 12.07
  Fabricated structural metal
   products 344 506 427 428 439 453 464 468 351 303 312 322 332 339 341 7.27 10.16 11.35 11.71 12.11 12.51 12.94
  Screw machine products 345 109 96 100 101 104 107 104 84 73 79 79 82 84 81 6.96 10.70 11.99 12.43 12.89 13.31 13.85
  Metal forgings and stampings 346 260 225 252 253 255 257 257 205 178 202 202 203 203 202 8.56 12.70 14.30 14.77 14.92 15.16 15.73
Industrial machinery and equipment 3 35 2,517 2,095 2,067 2,115 2,168 2,203 2,129 1,614 1,260 1,295 1,321 1,364 1,391 1,343 8.00 11.77 13.24 13.59 14.07 14.47 15.01
  Engines and turbines 351 135 89 88 84 83 84 84 87 58 56 53 53 53 56 9.73 14.55 15.96 16.35 16.84 17.24 18.06
  Farm and garden machinery 352 169 106 101 99 105 104 96 116 78 74 71 76 75 67 8.78 10.99 12.79 13.46 13.84 14.00 13.86
  Construction and related machinery 353 389 229 224 233 244 253 243 255 141 146 152 159 165 154 8.60 11.92 12.89 13.12 13.54 13.72 14.16
  Metalworking machinery 354 398 330 340 345 350 352 339 290 236 242 245 249 252 242 8.13 12.27 13.99 14.41 14.90 15.33 15.92
  Special industry machinery 355 194 159 172 178 179 179 170 125 94 99 100 99 97 91 7.53 11.90 13.64 14.06 14.68 15.09 15.68
  General industrial machinery 356 300 247 252 259 264 269 261 196 158 162 165 168 172 166 7.95 11.32 12.95 13.36 13.78 14.06 14.35
  Computer and office equipment 357 420 438 352 362 376 379 360 181 137 123 127 140 146 144 6.75 11.51 13.59 13.87 14.31 15.34 16.42
  Refrigeration and service
   machinery 358 175 177 201 204 202 200 201 120 125 144 147 145 144 143 7.23 10.93 11.98 12.30 12.80 12.99 13.55
  Electronic and other elec. equip. 3 36 1,771 1,673 1,625 1,661 1,689 1,704 1,661 (4) 1,055 1,045 1,056 1,069 1,068 1,035 (4) 10.30 11.69 12.18 12.70 13.09 13.45
  Electric distribution equipment 361 117 97 83 82 82 82 82 82 67 58 56 56 55 56 6.96 10.15 11.43 11.97 12.65 13.06 13.06
  Electrical industrial apparatus 362 232 169 158 156 154 153 147 163 119 111 110 108 106 101 (4) 10.00 11.07 11.54 12.17 12.50 12.93
  Household appliances 363 162 124 121 120 115 117 118 128 99 99 96 90 93 97 6.95 10.26 11.49 12.02 12.19 12.46 12.98
  Electric lighting and wiring equip 364 211 189 179 179 181 183 177 157 136 129 128 130 131 127 6.43 10.12 11.55 12.29 12.67 12.65 13.01
  Household audio and video equip 365 109 85 84 83 80 82 82 79 59 57 56 52 52 53 6.42 9.68 10.90 10.48 11.11 11.93 12.67
  Communications equipment 366 (4) 264 265 270 277 282 275 (4) 133 131 130 132 130 122 (4) 11.03 12.04 12.87 13.87 14.01 14.05
  Electronic components and
   accessories 367 539 582 581 617 650 660 639 325 329 349 369 394 397 378 6.05 10.00 11.49 12.03 12.53 13.25 13.72
Transportation equipment 3 37 1,881 1,989 1,790 1,785 1,845 1,884 1,855 1,220 1,224 1,200 1,210 1,256 1,258 1,230 9.35 14.08 16.74 17.19 17.55 17.53 18.10
  Motor vehicles and equipment 371 789 812 971 967 986 990 1,000 575 617 761 764 779 760 762 9.85 14.56 17.34 17.74 18.04 17.86 18.48
  Aircraft and parts 372 633 712 451 458 501 524 490 344 345 208 218 251 265 241 9.28 14.79 18.02 18.57 18.88 19.17 19.76
  Ship and boat building and
   repairing 373 221 188 160 159 158 166 164 176 141 124 122 120 126 121 8.22 10.94 12.66 12.92 13.22 13.41 13.82
  Railroad equipment 374 71 33 38 36 34 37 35 53 25 28 27 26 28 25 9.93 13.41 15.07 16.31 16.82 16.90 16.54
  Guided missiles, space vehicles,
    and parts 376 111 185 98 90 91 92 87 35 57 28 25 25 24 23 9.22 14.39 17.74 18.51 19.53 19.96 20.24
      Durable goods--Continued (X)
Instruments and related products 38 1,022 1,006 843 855 866 868 839 (4) 499 417 423 427 432 424 (4) 11.29 12.71 13.13 13.52 13.81 14.17
  Search and navigation equipment 381 (4) 284 161 160 161 162 155 (4) 94 49 47 44 43 41 (4) 14.62 16.38 16.67 16.87 17.47 17.53
  Measuring and controlling devices 382 (4) 323 288 297 301 304 294 (4) 180 148 151 154 156 149 (4) 10.68 12.56 13.07 13.54 13.89 14.31
  Medical instruments and supplies 384 (4) 246 264 270 276 279 277 (4) 144 151 158 161 166 166 (4) 9.85 11.57 12.03 12.50 12.77 12.90
  Ophthalmic goods 385 44 43 37 36 35 35 33 31 30 24 23 22 24 24 5.30 8.18 9.59 9.79 10.17 10.26 10.78
  Photographic equipment and
   supplies 386 135 100 85 85 86 81 73 67 43 38 39 40 38 40 8.83 14.08 15.36 15.79 15.94 16.32 17.78
  Watches, clocks, watchcases,
    and parts 387 22 11 8 8 8 7 6 17 8 6 6 6 6 5 5.24 7.70 8.90 9.54 9.90 10.42 10.75
Misc. manufacturing industries 3 39 418 375 390 388 392 393 387 313 272 276 273 275 274 268 5.46 8.61 10.05 10.38 10.60 10.89 11.33
  Jewelry, silverware, and plated
   ware 391 56 52 50 49 49 50 50 40 37 35 34 34 35 34 5.76 9.23 10.23 10.72 10.98 11.36 11.95
  Toys and sporting goods 394 117 104 118 114 111 106 101 88 76 84 80 77 72 68 5.01 7.94 9.47 9.83 10.02 10.42 10.90
  Pens, pencils, office and art
   supplies 395 37 34 31 31 31 31 30 27 24 21 21 21 21 21 5.58 8.89 11.08 10.92 11.08 11.22 11.41
  Costume jewelry and notions 396 (4) 33 26 24 23 22 21 (4) 25 18 17 16 16 15 (4) 7.40 8.65 9.07 9.38 9.74 10.20
      Nondurable goods (X) 8,127 7,968 7,841 7,706 7,665 7,602 7,446 5,798 5,584 5,508 5,390 5,354 5,287 5,151 6.56 10.12 11.58 11.97 12.34 12.76 13.17
Food and kindred products 3 20 1,708 1,661 1,692 1,692 1,685 1,686 1,685 1,175 1,194 1,248 1,254 1,252 1,253 1,257 6.85 9.62 10.93 11.20 11.48 11.80 12.10
  Meat products 201 358 422 472 483 488 494 501 298 359 402 411 414 420 427 6.99 7.94 8.97 9.14 9.35 9.66 9.96
  Dairy products 202 175 155 147 144 141 140 141 96 95 95 94 94 95 97 6.86 10.56 12.35 12.79 13.21 13.58 14.06
  Preserved fruits and vegetables 203 246 247 245 238 232 229 227 202 206 204 198 195 193 190 5.94 8.95 10.49 10.73 11.01 11.32 11.65
  Grain mill products 204 144 128 128 127 125 125 124 99 89 91 90 90 89 88 7.67 11.52 13.64 13.98 14.37 14.86 15.00
  Bakery products 205 230 213 211 210 207 206 207 139 133 142 141 139 140 143 7.14 10.85 11.87 12.14 12.47 12.78 13.02
  Sugar and confectionery products 206 108 99 100 99 97 97 93 81 78 78 78 77 76 73 6.56 10.26 11.81 12.17 12.73 13.08 13.81
  Fats and oils 207 44 31 31 32 33 33 34 32 22 21 22 23 23 24 7.03 10.10 11.63 12.03 12.65 12.85 13.40
  Beverages 208 234 184 175 179 180 182 183 105 78 82 85 87 89 90 8.12 13.51 15.51 15.79 15.98 16.06 16.18
Tobacco products 21 69 49 42 41 41 41 39 54 36 32 32 32 32 28 7.74 16.23 19.41 19.35 19.24 18.55 19.07
  Cigarettes 211 46 35 29 28 28 27 26 35 26 22 21 21 20 18 9.23 19.57 24.46 24.64 24.76 24.34 24.59
Textile mill products 3 22 848 691 663 627 616 598 562 737 593 560 529 522 507 475 5.07 8.02 9.41 9.69 10.03 10.39 10.71
  Broadwoven fabric mills, cotton 221 150 91 79 75 73 71 65 135 82 69 66 65 64 58 5.25 8.31 9.87 10.07 10.44 10.91 11.05
  Broadwoven fabric mills, synthetics 222 116 77 70 66 64 63 60 104 68 59 56 54 53 51 5.30 8.63 10.37 10.64 10.98 11.24 11.49
  Broadwoven fabric mills, wool 223 19 17 15 14 14 13 10 16 14 13 12 12 11 9 5.21 8.61 9.84 10.04 10.50 10.82 11.20
  Narrow fabric mills 224 23 24 23 21 22 21 21 20 20 19 18 18 17 17 4.63 7.39 8.74 9.05 9.19 9.52 9.81
  Knitting mills 225 224 205 194 180 172 159 143 194 179 166 154 148 136 121 4.77 7.37 8.64 8.86 9.13 9.47 9.91
  Textile finishing, except wool 226 74 62 72 69 68 65 61 62 50 59 56 55 54 51 5.39 8.45 9.53 9.87 10.28 10.64 10.80
  Carpets and rugs 227 54 61 63 62 63 64 66 44 50 51 50 52 53 54 5.20 8.25 9.37 9.76 10.02 10.36 10.75
  Yarn and thread mills 228 125 103 94 87 87 87 83 113 92 83 77 77 77 73 4.76 7.68 9.17 9.44 9.74 10.06 10.45
Apparel and other textile products 3 23 1,264 1,036 936 868 824 763 685 1,079 869 776 711 673 614 545 4.56 6.57 7.64 7.96 8.25 8.52 8.86
  Men's and boys' suits and coats 231 77 50 36 32 29 27 23 67 42 30 26 24 22 18 5.34 7.34 8.10 8.21 8.40 8.68 8.94
  Men's and boys' furnishings 232 362 274 252 223 207 185 157 310 235 214 189 175 156 130 4.23 6.06 7.19 7.40 7.72 7.97 8.28
  Women's and misses outerwear 233 417 328 279 259 252 230 203 360 274 230 212 204 181 158 4.61 6.26 7.27 7.49 7.84 8.15 8.41
  Women's and children's
   undergarments 234 90 62 48 41 35 31 27 76 51 40 33 28 24 22 4.15 6.18 7.24 7.56 7.84 8.14 8.37
  Girls' and children's outerwear 236 64 56 43 36 30 26 21 55 47 36 30 25 21 17 4.20 5.95 6.85 7.10 7.54 8.08 8.37
Paper and allied products 3 26 685 697 693 684 683 675 659 519 522 525 519 521 514 500 7.84 12.31 14.23 14.67 15.05 15.51 15.97
  Papermills 262 178 180 164 161 159 155 149 133 136 127 124 124 121 116 9.05 15.10 17.86 18.46 19.08 19.80 20.46
  Paperboard mills 263 65 52 51 50 50 48 47 51 40 39 38 38 37 36 9.28 15.26 17.93 18.55 18.79 19.56 20.48
  Paperboard containers and boxes 265 205 209 220 218 221 219 215 157 162 172 169 171 170 167 6.94 10.39 12.02 12.40 12.81 13.13 13.44
  Misc. converted paper products 267 220 241 245 242 243 241 237 163 174 178 177 179 176 172 6.89 10.79 12.39 12.82 13.15 13.51 13.96
Printing and publishing 3 27 1,252 1,569 1,546 1,540 1,552 1,565 1,553 699 871 848 841 847 845 828 7.53 11.24 12.33 12.65 13.06 13.45 13.83
  Newspapers 271 420 474 447 441 441 443 442 164 166 155 150 148 147 147 7.72 11.17 12.19 12.51 12.90 13.22 13.61
  Periodicals 272 90 129 131 132 136 138 141 16 47 43 43 46 45 44 7.16 11.95 13.42 13.81 14.40 14.82 15.31
  Books 273 101 121 124 126 128 127 123 52 66 66 67 67 63 56 6.76 10.10 11.57 11.95 12.32 12.70 13.50
  Commercial printing 275 410 552 563 566 574 581 578 304 401 406 405 410 414 410 7.85 11.52 12.53 12.87 13.28 13.70 14.02
  Blankbooks and bookbinding 278 62 72 69 67 66 64 61 51 56 54 51 51 49 46 5.78 8.83 9.68 9.94 10.19 10.53 10.87
Chemicals and allied products 3 28 1,107 1,086 1,038 1,034 1,036 1,043 1,035 626 600 580 575 573 586 583 8.30 13.54 15.62 16.17 16.57 17.12 17.47
  Industrial inorganic chemicals 281 161 138 120 119 117 115 112 88 70 54 55 57 62 59 9.07 14.66 17.33 17.95 18.55 19.09 19.41
  Plastics materials and synthetics 282 205 180 158 160 159 157 151 137 116 106 106 106 104 99 8.21 13.97 16.10 16.90 17.40 17.87 18.27
  Drugs 283 196 237 260 261 269 279 290 97 105 127 124 121 127 133 7.69 12.90 15.15 15.80 16.40 17.06 17.22
  Soap, cleaners, and toilet goods 284 141 159 153 155 156 156 152 86 98 95 95 95 97 99 7.67 11.71 12.76 12.96 13.26 13.86 14.82
  Paints and allied products 285 65 61 55 52 52 52 53 33 31 29 28 28 28 28 7.39 11.99 13.07 13.52 14.07 14.44 14.90
  Industrial organic chemicals 286 174 155 146 143 138 138 134 88 86 83 82 79 80 78 9.67 15.97 19.11 19.61 19.87 20.52 20.59
  Agricultural chemicals 287 72 56 53 53 52 52 52 45 34 31 31 31 32 31 8.12 13.73 15.73 16.17 16.62 17.17 17.48
Petroleum and coal products 3 29 198 157 145 142 141 140 137 125 103 94 92 93 93 90 10.10 16.24 19.36 19.32 20.20 20.92 21.46
  Petroleum refining 291 155 118 105 100 98 96 92 93 75 66 64 64 63 59 10.94 17.58 21.44 21.43 22.52 23.52 24.41
  Asphalt paving and roofing
   materials 295 31 27 27 28 29 30 30 24 21 20 21 21 22 23 7.69 12.87 14.48 14.74 15.06 15.63 16.36
Rubber and misc. plastics products 3 30 764 888 980 983 996 1,009 1,019 588 687 763 762 773 783 790 6.58 9.76 10.91 11.24 11.57 11.87 12.31
  Tires and inner tubes 301 115 84 80 80 78 79 77 81 62 58 58 57 58 57 9.74 15.42 17.58 17.96 18.59 18.65 19.28
  Rubber and plastics footwear 302 22 11 8 7 7 6 5 20 9 7 5 6 5 4 4.43 6.66 8.44 9.13 9.71 10.06 10.29
Leather and leather products 3 31 233 133 106 96 91 83 74 197 109 83 74 69 62 55 4.58 6.91 8.17 8.57 8.97 9.32 9.69
  Leather tanning and finishing 311 19 15 14 13 13 12 11 16 12 11 11 11 10 9 6.10 9.04 11.06 11.49 11.88 12.07 12.53
  Footwear, except rubber 314 144 74 52 44 41 36 31 123 63 43 36 33 29 25 4.42 6.61 7.67 8.09 8.49 8.93 9.32
  Luggage 316 16 11 11 11 10 9 8 12 8 8 8 8 7 6 4.90 6.91 8.13 8.50 8.82 9.16 8.91
  Handbags and personal leather
   goods 317 30 15 12 11 10 9 8 25 12 8 7 6 5 4 4.33 6.08 7.43 7.61 7.92 8.22 8.48
    Transp. and public utilities 3 (E) 5,146 5,777 6,132 6,253 6,408 6,600 6,792 4,293 4,781 5,140 5,260 5,366 5,471 5,630 8.87 12.92 14.13 14.45 14.92 15.31 15.67
Railroad transportation 40 532 279 238 231 227 231 230 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
  Class I railroads, plus Amtrak 5 4011 482 241 212 206 202 205 204 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) 6 9.92 16.08 17.48 17.71 18.10 17.95 17.79
Local and interurban passenger transit 41 265 338 419 437 452 468 482 244 308 386 400 414 427 441 6.34 9.23 10.55 10.74 10.92 11.22 11.63
Trucking and warehousing 42 (4) 1,395 1,587 1,637 1,677 1,745 1,813 (NA) 1,215 1,382 1,426 1,467 1,529 1,589 (4) 11.68 12.73 12.95 13.23 13.62 13.95
Water transportation 44 211 177 175 174 179 180 181 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
Transportation by air 45 (4) 968 1,068 1,107 1,134 1,183 1,237 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
Pipelines, except natural gas 46 21 19 15 15 14 14 13 15 14 12 12 12 11 11 10.50 17.04 20.28 20.42 20.54 20.64 21.79
Transportation services 47 (4) 336 401 418 441 455 469 159 270 321 337 359 372 384 6.94 10.38 12.44 12.82 13.14 13.63 14.15
Communication 3 48 1,357 1,309 1,318 1,351 1,419 1,469 1,522 1,014 978 1,017 1,058 1,090 1,069 1,098 8.50 13.51 15.56 16.03 16.92 17.31 17.38
  Telephone communication 481 1,072 913 900 911 971 1,007 1,048 779 658 673 697 727 704 727 8.72 14.13 16.21 16.65 17.51 17.79 17.70
  Radio and television broadcasting 483 192 234 236 241 243 247 248 154 193 198 202 202 203 202 7.44 12.71 15.31 15.97 17.04 17.83 18.35
  Cable and other pay television
   services 484 (4) 126 156 170 174 181 189 (4) 105 131 144 146 148 154 (4) 10.50 12.10 12.69 13.51 14.14 14.57
Electric, gas, and sanitary services 3 49 829 957 911 884 866 855 845 678 759 719 699 689 684 678 8.90 15.23 17.68 18.26 19.10 19.99 20.61
  Electric services 491 391 454 404 383 369 364 362 316 351 316 303 294 294 291 9.12 15.80 18.54 19.27 20.08 21.00 21.69
  Gas production and distribution 492 168 165 154 147 141 136 132 138 129 119 115 109 106 104 8.27 14.25 17.30 17.65 18.00 18.58 18.87
  Combination utility services 493 197 193 167 163 161 159 153 162 156 128 126 125 124 122 9.64 17.58 21.39 21.91 23.16 24.30 24.69
  Sanitary services 495 50 115 154 158 162 162 164 44 99 132 131 134 134 136 7.16 11.55 12.89 13.55 14.71 15.73 16.77
    Wholesale trade (F) 5,292 6,173 6,378 6,482 6,648 6,831 7,004 4,328 4,959 5,163 5,238 5,355 5,476 5,615 6.95 10.79 12.43 12.87 13.45 14.06 14.59
    Retail trade 3 (G) 15,018 19,601 21,187 21,597 21,966 22,296 22,787 13,484 17,358 18,639 19,002 19,337 19,591 20,040 4.88 6.75 7.69 7.99 8.33 8.73 9.08
General merchandise stores 53 2,245 2,540 2,681 2,702 2,701 2,730 2,775 2,090 2,380 2,498 2,516 2,512 2,536 2,594 4.77 6.83 7.53 7.86 8.16 8.59 8.97
Food stores 54 2,384 3,215 3,366 3,436 3,478 3,482 3,483 2,202 2,953 3,062 3,117 3,157 3,156 3,152 6.24 7.31 8.15 8.40 8.68 9.05 9.29
Automotive dealers and service stations 55 1,689 2,063 2,190 2,267 2,311 2,341 2,406 1,430 1,718 1,825 1,896 1,933 1,945 1,999 5.66 8.92 10.41 10.90 11.41 12.06 12.54
Apparel and accessory stores 56 957 1,183 1,125 1,098 1,109 1,143 1,180 820 991 919 906 923 958 988 4.30 6.25 7.47 7.74 8.07 8.47 8.84
Furniture and home furnishings stores 57 606 820 946 975 999 1,026 1,085 502 670 765 794 820 845 896 5.53 8.53 10.15 10.58 11.26 11.88 12.24
Eating and drinking places 58 4,626 6,509 7,354 7,517 7,646 7,760 7,904 4,256 5,905 6,631 6,770 6,884 6,971 7,100 3.69 4.97 5.59 5.79 6.06 6.35 6.62
    Finance, insurance, real estate (H) 5,160 6,709 6,806 6,911 7,109 7,407 7,632 3,907 4,860 4,961 5,043 5,193 5,442 5,589 5.79 9.97 12.32 12.80 13.34 14.06 14.61
Depository institutions 60 (4) 2,251 2,025 2,019 2,027 2,042 2,047 (4) 1,632 1,458 1,453 1,457 1,468 1,472 (4) 8.43 9.62 9.92 10.29 10.82 11.25
Nondepository institutions 61 (4) 373 463 522 577 658 714 (4) 270 335 377 409 455 483 (4) 10.40 12.53 12.90 13.71 14.63 15.33
Security and commodity brokers 62 227 424 525 553 596 645 679 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
Insurance carriers 63 1,224 1,462 1,529 1,517 1,539 1,598 1,635 854 982 1,092 1,085 1,120 1,208 1,250 6.29 11.18 14.82 15.34 15.83 16.64 17.01
Insurance, agents, brokers, service 64 464 663 696 709 725 746 767 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
Real estate 65 989 1,315 1,351 1,382 1,421 1,471 1,525 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
Holding and other investment offices 67 115 221 217 210 223 248 266 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
    Services 3 (I) 17,890 27,934 33,117 34,454 36,040 37,526 39,000 15,921 24,387 28,979 30,144 31,518 32,763 33,937 5.85 9.83 11.39 11.79 12.28 12.85 13.38
Hotels and other lodging places 70 1,076 1,631 1,668 1,715 1,746 1,776 1,799 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
  Hotels and motels 701 1,038 1,578 1,615 1,660 1,694 1,719 1,737 954 1,398 1,420 1,459 1,491 1,509 1,524 4.45 6.98 7.93 8.16 8.55 8.93 9.22
Personal services 3 72 818 1,104 1,163 1,180 1,186 1,195 1,206 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
  Laundry, cleaning, garment services 721 356 426 432 435 437 436 434 318 379 381 383 385 384 382 4.47 6.82 7.53 7.75 8.07 8.40 8.76
  Beauty shops 723 284 372 391 398 399 411 420 264 333 351 355 355 363 370 4.26 7.10 8.56 8.84 9.12 9.40 9.81
Business services 3 73 2,564 5,139 6,812 7,293 7,988 8,584 9,123 (4) 4,522 6,069 6,485 7,097 7,609 8,057 (4) 9.48 10.71 11.23 11.83 12.58 13.23
  Advertising 731 153 235 233 243 255 268 281 116 169 170 178 185 193 200 8.07 13.51 15.90 16.40 16.85 17.56 18.58
  Personnel supply services 736 543 1,535 2,476 2,654 2,985 3,230 3,405 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
    Employment agencies 7361 (4) 246 287 301 329 358 388 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
    Help supply services 7363 (4) 1,288 2,189 2,352 2,656 2,872 3,017 (4) 1,245 2,127 2,288 2,584 2,784 2,912 (4) 8.09 8.80 9.20 9.65 10.18 10.57
  Computer and data processing
   services 737 304 772 1,090 1,228 1,409 1,599 1,781 254 603 879 981 1,124 1,280 1,426 7.16 15.11 17.79 18.78 20.13 21.31 22.34
    Prepackaged software 7372 (4) 113 181 201 225 252 293 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
    Data processing and preparation 7374 (4) 197 223 230 243 254 277 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
Auto repair, services, and parking 75 571 914 1,020 1,080 1,120 1,144 1,185 488 756 842 890 921 928 963 6.10 8.77 9.92 10.20 10.60 11.09 11.48
  Automotive repair shops 753 350 524 567 600 621 636 663 297 429 459 485 499 500 524 6.52 9.67 11.07 11.44 11.91 12.43 12.85
Motion pictures 78 (4) 408 488 525 550 573 600 (4) 344 406 440 462 479 507 (4) 10.95 13.59 13.84 14.23 14.79 15.69
  Motion picture theaters 783 124 112 119 124 133 138 144 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
Amusement and recreation services 79 (4) 1,076 1,417 1,476 1,552 1,601 1,696 (4) 944 1,243 1,292 1,361 1,402 1,481 (4) 8.11 8.74 8.83 9.18 9.59 9.81
Health services 3 80 5,278 7,814 9,230 9,478 9,703 9,846 9,973 4,712 6,948 8,178 8,405 8,599 8,724 8,832 5.68 10.41 12.45 12.85 13.26 13.73 14.21
  Offices and clinics of medical
   doctors 801 802 1,338 1,609 1,678 1,739 1,803 1,865 (4) 1,105 1,315 1,377 1,428 1,486 1,535 (4) 10.58 12.54 13.17 13.79 14.31 14.85
  Nursing and personal care facilities 805 997 1,415 1,691 1,730 1,756 1,762 1,755 898 1,279 1,526 1,559 1,579 1,585 1,577 4.17 7.24 8.77 9.01 9.34 9.77 10.18
  Hospitals 806 2,750 3,549 3,772 3,812 3,860 3,926 3,970 2,522 3,248 3,450 3,489 3,537 3,598 3,638 6.06 11.79 14.30 14.70 15.03 15.46 15.97
  Home health care services 808 (4) 291 629 675 710 672 655 (4) 269 582 624 655 618 602 (4) 8.72 10.91 11.18 11.34 11.49 12.01
Legal services 81 498 908 921 928 944 973 1,002 427 748 736 740 754 777 801 7.35 14.16 16.06 16.59 17.31 18.09 19.00
Educational services 82 1,138 1,661 1,965 2,030 2,104 2,177 2,270 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
Social services 83 1,134 1,734 2,336 2,413 2,518 2,644 2,782 990 1,494 2,024 2,095 2,186 2,290 2,403 4.26 7.11 8.33 8.55 8.82 9.19 9.59
Membership organizations 86 1,539 1,946 2,146 2,201 2,277 2,361 2,402 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
Engineering and management services 87 (4) 2,478 2,731 2,844 2,988 3,185 3,420 (4) 1,886 2,098 2,183 2,282 2,433 2,563 (4) 13.56 15.79 16.37 17.14 17.87 18.51
      Government (J) 16,241 18,304 19,305 19,419 19,557 19,819 20,160 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
Federal government (X) 2,866 3,085 2,822 2,757 2,699 2,686 2,669 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
State government (X) 3,610 4,305 4,635 4,606 4,582 4,612 4,695 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
Local government (X) 9,765 10,914 11,849 12,056 12,276 12,521 12,796 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)

NA Not available. X Not applicable. 1 1987 Standard IndustrialClassification, see text, Section 17, Business.
2 Excludes government. 3 Includes industries not shown separately.
4 Included in totals; not available separately.
5 For changes in "Class I" classification, see text, Section 21, Land Transportation.
6 Includes all employees except executives, officials, and staff assistants who received pay during the month.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,Employment and Earnings, monthly, June issues and Internet site*

Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Establishment Survey



An establishment is an economic unit, such as a factory, mine,or store, which produces goods or services. It is generally ata single location and engaged predominantly in one type ofeconomic activity. Where a single location encompasses twoor more distinct activities, these are treated as separateestablishments, provided that separate payroll records areavailable and certain other criteria are met.


Employment is the total number of persons employed full orpart time in nonfarm establishments during a specified payrollperiod. Temporary employees are included. In general, datarefer to persons who worked during, or received pay for, anypart of the pay period that includes the 12th of the month,which is standard for all Federal agencies collectingemployment data from business establishments. Nationalemployment figures for Federal Government establishments,however, represent the number of persons who were paid forthe last full pay period of the calendar month except for theDepartment of Defense, which reports the number of civilianemployees on the payroll the last day of the month;intermittent Federal Government workers are counted if theyperformed any service during the month.

Workers on an establishment payroll who are on paid sickleave (when pay is received directly from the employer); onpaid holiday or vacation; or who work during only a part ofthe specified pay period, even though they are unemployed oron strike during the rest of the pay period, are all counted asemployed. Persons on the payroll of more than oneestablishment during the pay period are counted in eachestablishment which reports them, whether the duplication isdue to turnover or dual jobholding. Persons are consideredemployed if they receive pay for any part of the specified payperiod, but they are not considered employed if they receiveno pay at all for the pay period. Since proprietors, theself-employed, and unpaid family workers do not have thestatus of paid employees, they are not included. Alsoexcluded from the employed are domestic workers inhouseholds; persons who are on layoff, on leave without pay,or on strike for the entire pay period; and persons who werehired but have not yet started work during the pay period. Theemployment statistics for government refer to civilianemployees only. All persons who meet these specificationsare included in the designation "all employees," regardless ofindustry.

In addition to employment data for all employees, the surveyalso collects data on a major category of workers in eachindustry, differentiated primarily to ensure the expeditiouscollection of current statistics on hours and earnings. Thesegroups of employees are designated production workers,construction workers, or nonsupervisory workers, dependingupon the industry.

Data are collected for production workers in manufacturingand mining industries. In manufacturing, this group coversemployees, up through the level of working supervisors, whoengage directly in the manufacture of the establishment'sproduct. Among those excluded from this category are personsin executive and managerial positions and persons engaged inactivities such as accounting, sales, advertising, routine officework, professional and technical functions, and force-accountconstruction. (Force-account construction is constructionwork performed by an establishment, primarily engaged insome business other than construction, for its own account andfor use by its own employees.) Production workers in miningare defined in a similar manner.

In construction, the term "construction workers" coversworkers, up through the level of working supervisors, whoare engaged directly on the construction project either at thesite or in shops or yards at jobs ordinarily performed bymembers of construction trades. Excluded from this categoryare executive and managerial personnel, professional andtechnical employees, and workers in routine office jobs.

In the remaining private sector industries (transportation,communications, and public utilities; wholesale and retailtrade; finance, insurance, and real estate; and services) dataare collected for nonsupervisory workers. Nonsupervisoryworkers include most employees except those in top executiveand managerial positions.

An employment benchmark is a reasonably complete count ofemployment used to adjust estimates derived from a sample.Adjustment is usually done annually. The basic source ofbenchmark data for the CES survey is data on "all employees"collected from employers by State employment securityagencies as a byproduct of the unemployment insurance (UI)system. About 98 percent of all employees on nonfarmpayrolls are covered by the UI system.

Hours and earnings

The hours and earnings series are based on reports of grosspayrolls and the corresponding paid hours for productionworkers, construction workers, or nonsupervisory workers.

Aggregate payrolls include pay before deductions for SocialSecurity, unemployment insurance, group insurance,withholding tax, salary reduction plans, bonds, and uniondues. The payroll figures also include pay for overtime, shiftpremiums, holidays, vacations, and sick leave paid directlyby the employer to employees for the pay period reported.They exclude bonuses, commissions, and other lump-sumpayments (unless earned and paid regularly each pay periodor month), or other pay not earned in the pay periodconcerned (e.g., retroactive pay). Tips and the value of freerent, fuel, meals, or other payments in kind are not included.

Total hours during the pay period include all hours worked(including overtime hours), hours paid for standby orreporting time, and equivalent hours for which employeesreceived pay directly from the employer for sick leave,holidays, vacations, and other leave. Overtime or otherpremium pay hours are not converted to straight-timeequivalent hours. The concept of total hours differs fromscheduled hours or hours worked. The average weekly hoursderived from the total hours reflect the effects of such factorsas unpaid absenteeism, labor turnover, part-time work, andstrikes, as well as fluctuations in work schedules.

Overtime hours are hours worked for which premiums werepaid because they were in excess of the number of hours ofeither the straight-time workday or workweek. Saturday andSunday hours (or 6- and 7th-day hours) are included asovertime only if overtime premiums were paid. Holiday hoursworked as overtime are not included unless they are paid forat more than the straight-time rate. Hours for which only shiftdifferential, hazard, incentive, or similar types of premiumswere paid are excluded from overtime hours. Overtime hoursdata are collected only from establishments in manufacturingindustries.

Average hourly earnings series, derived by dividing grosspayrolls by total hours, reflect the actual earnings of workers,including premium pay. They differ from wage rates, whichare the amounts stipulated for a given unit of work or time.Average hourly earnings do not represent total labor costs perhour for the employer, because they exclude retroactivepayments and irregular bonuses, employee benefits, and theemployer's share of payroll taxes. Earnings for thoseemployees not covered under the production worker andnonsupervisory categories are not reflected in the estimates.

Real earnings data (those expressed in 1982 dollars) resultfrom the adjustment of average hourly and weekly earnings bymeans of the Bureau's Consumer Price Index for Urban WageEarners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W); they indicate thechanges in the purchasing power of money earnings as a resultof price changes for consumer goods and services. These datacannot be used to measure changes in living standards as awhole, which are affected by other factors such as total familyincome, the extension and incidence of various socialservices and benefits, and the duration and extent ofemployment and unemployment. The long-term trends of theseearnings data are also affected by changing mixes offull-time/part-time workers, high-paid/low-paid workers, etc.

Straight-time average hourly earnings are approximated byadjusting average hourly earnings by eliminating onlypremium pay for overtime at a rate of time and one-half. Thus,no adjustment is made for other premium payment provisionssuch as holiday work, late shift work, and premium overtimerates other than those at time and one-half. Straight-timeaverage hourly earnings are calculated only for manufacturingindustries because data on overtime hours are not collected inother industries.

Industrial classification

Industrial classification refers to the grouping of reportingestablishments into industries on the basis of their majorproduct or activity as determined by the establishments'percentages of total sales or receipts for the previouscalendar year. This information is collected as anadministrative byproduct of the UI reporting system. All datafor an establishment making more than one product orengaging in more than one activity are classified under theindustry of the most important product or activity, based onthe percentages reported.

Industries are classified in accordance with the 1987Standard Industrial Classification Manual, Office ofManagement and Budget.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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