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263. Public Elementary and Secondary Schools--Conditions andPlans for Repairs: 1999

[In percent. Based on survey and subject to sampling error; see source]

Schools with plans for modifying building
Schools with Building Features Considered Less than Adequate 1 features in the next two years
At least Framing, Exterior Heating,
Characteristic one building floors, walls, venti- At least one Major
feature less and finishes, Interior lation and Electrical Life major repair, repair
than founda- windows, finishes, Plumb- air condi- Electric light- safety renovation or or Replacement
adequate Roofs tions and doors trim ing tioning power ing features 2 replacement renovation
  All public schools 50 22 14 24 17 25 29 22 17 20 51 41 25
School instructional level:
  Elementary school 49 22 14 23 17 24 28 21 17 19 49 39 23
  High school 56 26 16 27 20 28 34 25 19 22 57 48 28
  Combined 54 18 15 31 14 25 34 20 20 29 55 37 35
School enrollment size:
  Less than 300 55 24 19 31 20 28 29 23 19 26 45 36 19
  300 to 599 50 22 12 21 16 27 32 21 17 21 52 40 26
  600 or more 49 22 14 23 18 20 26 22 16 16 53 45 27
Region: 3
  Northeast 39 16 10 18 14 19 22 14 10 11 49 38 27
  Midwest 51 20 15 28 15 25 27 19 15 19 48 39 22
  South 51 25 15 22 16 24 28 22 20 22 47 37 23
  West 57 27 16 26 25 32 40 32 22 27 62 52 30
Percent minority enrollment:
  5 percent or less 48 21 15 26 14 22 28 18 16 18 45 35 19
  6 to 20 percent 49 25 15 23 17 26 29 18 16 22 51 41 28
  21 to 50 percent 46 17 12 17 14 23 25 19 15 18 51 40 25
  More than 50 percent 59 28 14 29 24 29 34 32 23 24 58 49 30
Percent of students in school
eligible for free or reduced-
price lunch:
  Less than 20 percent 45 18 14 21 17 23 28 18 14 16 52 41 25
  20 to 39 percent 45 21 11 21 14 23 26 20 15 18 44 36 21
  40 to 69 percent 53 22 16 25 14 23 29 21 18 22 52 43 25
  70 percent or more 63 32 17 30 26 32 35 30 24 27 56 46 30

1 Based on ratings of fair, poor, and replace by school district respondent.
2 Sprinklers, fire alarms, for example.

3 Composition of regions:NORTHEAST: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.MIDWEST: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas.SOUTH: Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas.WEST: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, and Hawaii]

Source: U.S. National Center for Education Statistics, Fast Response Survey system,Condition of America's Public School Facilities, 1999, NCES 2000-032, June 2000.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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