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32. 1997 Economic Census

858. Partnerships--Selected Items, by Industry

[In millions of dollars, ($886,993 represents $886,993,000,000) except number of partners and partnerships in thousands. Covers active partnerships only. Includes partnerships not allocable by industry. Figures are estimates based on samples. See Appendix III]

Number of Partnerships
Industry and Year With With Number Business Total income
net net of Total re- deduc- less Net Net
Total income loss partners assets 1 ceipts href="#2">2\3 tions 3 loss 3 income 3 loss 3
     All industries:
      1983 1,542 784 758 10,589 886,993 278,347 293,929 -2,610 60,308 62,918
      1984 1,644 845 799 12,427 1,030,849 357,803 378,693 -3,500 69,697 73,197
      1985 1,714 876 838 13,245 1,269,434 349,169 376,001 -8,884 77,045 85,928
      1986 1,703 851 851 15,229 1,403,750 378,703 414,673 -17,371 80,215 97,586
      1987 1,648 865 783 16,963 1,381,297 428,106 423,499 -5,419 87,654 93,073
      1988 1,654 901 753 17,291 1,580,194 515,475 464,991 14,493 111,384 96,892
      1989 1,635 898 737 18,432 1,791,027 523,774 475,434 14,099 113,886 99,787
      1990 1,554 854 700 17,095 1,735,285 540,647 549,603 16,610 116,318 99,708
      1991 1,515 856 660 15,801 1,816,567 539,027 541,230 21,406 113,408 92,002
      1992 1,485 856 629 15,735 1,907,345 571,427 553,770 42,916 121,834 78,918
      1993 1,468 870 598 15,627 2,118,268 626,515 589,358 66,652 137,441 70,788
      1994 1,494 890 604 14,990 2,295,212 731,834 680,052 82,183 150,928 68,745
      1995 1,581 955 626 15,606 2,718,648 853,831 783,603 106,829 178,651 71,822
      1996 1,654 1,010 644 15,662 3,368,166 1,042,136 943,352 145,218 228,158 82,939
      1997 1,759 1,092 667 16,184 4,171,499 1,296,865 1,186,199 168,241 262,373 94,132
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing:
  1983 137 73 63 466 24,717 5,949 8,772 -145 2,626 2,771
  1984 139 73 66 494 26,739 5,886 9,242 -749 2,478 3,227
  1985 136 76 60 585 27,027 6,529 10,495 -1,049 2,797 3,846
  1986 148 78 69 642 24,749 6,085 9,825 -938 2,746 3,684
  1987 149 97 52 592 26,402 6,756 9,146 2,015 4,488 2,472
  1988 122 80 42 555 24,106 8,988 11,602 1,079 3,827 2,748
  1989 131 83 48 591 25,219 7,708 10,133 1,380 3,679 2,299
  1990 125 77 48 503 27,580 9,497 11,805 1,667 3,905 2,238
  1991 127 78 49 552 32,391 8,422 10,892 1,740 3,992 2,252
  1992 125 81 44 504 32,884 8,932 10,547 2,227 3,951 1,724
  1993 120 76 44 588 38,947 10,343 12,517 2,019 3,989 1,970
  1994 123 72 51 575 41,517 11,324 13,682 1,608 3,985 2,377
  1995 129 75 54 603 43,481 13,270 16,207 1,330 4,183 2,853
  1996 131 80 51 594 46,605 14,716 17,835 1,357 4,394 3,036
  1997 127 73 54 576 54,450 16,336 19,286 1,926 4,738 2,813
  1983 60 24 36 2,083 49,775 17,077 23,586 -4,110 6,369 10,479
  1984 57 31 26 2,007 52,415 16,638 21,985 69 7,857 7,788
  1985 62 33 30 2,207 66,930 19,922 21,920 1,482 7,884 6,402
  1986 53 23 30 2,351 66,969 14,749 21,290 -3,458 5,214 8,672
  1987 60 24 36 2,742 71,492 15,332 19,424 -1,360 5,698 7,058
  1988 48 31 17 2,467 65,652 15,977 18,759 934 6,641 5,707
  1989 46 26 20 3,771 62,073 19,701 20,751 1,965 7,027 5,062
  1990 41 29 14 2,149 58,246 19,967 20,869 2,183 7,009 4,825
  1991 39 26 13 1,415 53,725 18,147 19,966 780 5,285 4,505
  1992 36 23 13 1,389 53,697 16,706 18,230 1,009 5,271 4,263
  1993 32 21 11 1,431 51,367 17,364 18,073 2,148 6,070 3,922
  1994 27 17 10 1,010 45,532 15,902 17,323 984 5,076 4,092
  1995 26 15 11 828 55,503 17,813 19,004 1,111 5,272 4,161
  1996 25 16 9 746 68,122 23,545 21,846 4,865 8,737 3,872
  1997 28 19 9 775 84,066 34,247 31,727 6,652 10,815 4,164
  1983 64 46 18 149 14,965 21,623 20,758 2,168 3,087 919
  1984 65 47 18 173 13,783 23,198 21,655 2,193 2,966 773
  1985 57 41 16 134 15,008 21,476 20,080 2,207 2,743 536
  1986 61 41 20 137 16,556 26,823 25,123 2,498 3,206 708
  1987 62 48 14 153 17,077 26,295 24,293 2,766 3,350 584
  1988 74 60 14 179 20,070 30,978 28,712 3,284 3,929 645
  1989 62 46 16 165 21,150 30,052 28,397 2,647 3,313 666
  1990 59 45 15 162 17,989 30,716 29,672 1,908 3,020 1,112
  1991 57 42 15 152 16,730 26,625 25,766 1,494 2,563 1,069
  1992 59 42 17 158 15,663 25,946 24,501 1,906 2,648 743
  1993 62 45 17 154 13,917 26,863 25,279 2,176 2,884 708
  1994 66 48 18 159 15,171 31,140 29,065 2,654 3,127 474
  1995 71 48 22 167 16,653 35,881 33,936 2,527 3,338 810
  1996 74 51 23 179 20,592 45,117 43,055 3,114 4,036 922
  1997 72 52 20 171 25,088 53,239 50,687 3,204 4,244 1,041
Transportation and
  public utilities:
  1983 20 9 11 103 19,809 7,155 8,194 -703 1,128 1,831
  1984 21 14 7 142 21,109 10,733 13,332 -2,007 1,280 3,288
  1985 25 15 10 186 26,468 11,253 14,814 -3,066 1,360 4,426
  1986 21 7 14 223 33,567 12,599 16,276 -3,029 1,682 4,712
  1987 30 13 17 429 42,015 19,795 24,228 -3,781 2,028 5,809
  1988 20 12 8 433 45,003 21,639 25,389 -2,292 2,951 5,244
  1989 22 10 12 435 54,171 26,727 30,319 -1,977 3,695 5,671
  1990 25 14 11 503 63,334 32,800 35,989 -117 5,887 6,004
  1991 26 14 12 519 72,512 37,611 40,873 -1,431 4,710 6,142
  1992 24 12 12 527 81,070 42,081 43,127 1,054 6,585 5,531
  1993 21 11 10 652 115,596 58,852 58,198 4,119 9,319 5,200
  1994 23 12 11 635 126,351 66,407 64,863 5,627 11,118 5,491
  1995 26 14 12 656 158,869 76,796 75,538 6,750 13,209 6,459
  1996 30 16 13 647 200,208 101,127 101,891 7,051 18,121 11,070
  1997 31 19 12 621 244,181 129,698 141,323 -1,637 18,283 19,920
  1983 26 12 14 91 13,966 14,179 15,291 -744 890 1,634
  1984 30 15 15 94 19,574 18,326 20,046 -1,101 1,165 2,266
  1985 30 12 18 105 24,838 22,588 24,225 -1,085 1,228 2,314
  1986 28 17 11 108 25,299 22,227 23,187 -458 1,512 1,970
  1987 35 18 17 178 30,965 32,356 32,576 806 2,504 1,698
  1988 26 12 14 173 41,714 43,724 43,345 1,540 3,598 2,058
  1989 26 14 12 185 56,601 55,336 55,816 1,398 4,154 2,756
  1990 28 15 13 246 59,789 65,354 65,833 1,166 4,791 3,626
  1991 24 13 11 175 65,140 65,818 66,385 904 4,909 4,005
  1992 24 14 11 225 74,240 78,028 78,996 1,870 5,779 3,909
  1993 25 16 9 231 84,184 89,861 88,889 3,940 7,482 3,542
  1994 30 18 12 224 93,494 107,569 104,551 6,584 9,853 3,268
  1995 30 19 12 223 108,926 124,007 120,741 9,221 13,034 3,812
  1996 34 19 15 233 127,699 149,775 146,680 9,696 14,088 4,392
  1997 40 23 18 252 156,313 182,374 178,914 11,066 17,069 6,003
Wholesale and retail trade:
  1983 194 102 92 479 19,804 59,880 59,140 1,540 3,012 1,472
  1984 185 98 87 444 21,222 72,335 71,707 1,666 3,238 1,572
  1985 201 113 88 493 20,568 69,079 68,119 1,977 3,467 1,490
  1986 174 105 69 409 23,007 68,495 67,216 2,272 3,717 1,445
  1987 185 100 85 476 26,105 70,560 69,277 2,697 4,215 1,518
  1988 180 104 76 490 26,512 83,640 56,375 3,351 4,742 1,391
  1989 173 98 75 496 27,294 90,306 89,418 2,529 4,550 2,021
  1990 176 100 77 481 28,423 98,120 97,131 2,610 4,717 2,107
  1991 171 97 74 448 29,786 99,749 98,940 2,628 4,718 2,090
  1992 162 86 76 425 32,777 107,870 106,639 2,553 4,758 2,205
  1993 157 88 69 471 35,278 110,890 109,854 3,076 5,304 2,229
  1994 153 87 66 443 44,367 142,116 140,295 4,301 6,344 2,043
  1995 164 93 71 501 59,436 171,905 170,756 3,996 7,171 3,175
  1996 168 91 72 534 80,882 212,077 210,482 5,464 9,330 3,866
  1997 173 93 80 584 104,358 292,127 292,622 5,330 10,114 4,784
Finance, insurance,
  and real estate:
  1983 730 327 403 5,927 670,225 76,784 89,889 -13,105 22,542 35,647
  1984 791 350 441 7,408 770,457 94,362 113,606 -19,244 25,646 44,890
  1985 844 369 475 7,755 979,787 92,309 118,237 -25,929 30,383 56,311
  1986 853 350 503 9,459 1,068,220 112,594 145,574 -32,980 32,477 65,457
  1987 828 365 463 10,327 1,040,671 123,239 139,480 -26,777 36,061 62,837
  1988 869 398 471 10,880 1,200,673 115,415 127,356 -19,258 47,842 67,100
  1989 853 419 434 11,327 1,394,319 71,243 91,965 -20,824 47,753 68,576
  1990 822 401 422 10,846 1,329,452 64,313 87,011 -19,213 47,577 66,790
  1991 804 410 394 10,317 1,386,914 57,398 126,042 -12,786 47,595 60,381
  1992 797 427 370 10,328 1,438,303 87,773 72,853 -752 50,044 50,796
  1993 793 443 350 9,944 1,612,142 127,908 113,480 15,260 59,062 43,802
  1994 810 465 345 9,881 1,750,671 161,365 137,240 24,125 65,369 41,245
  1995 849 505 344 10,317 2,074,641 196,234 151,712 44,522 82,871 38,349
  1996 892 548 344 10,262 2,587,697 246,681 176,958 69,724 112,749 43,025
  1997 974 614 361 10,555 3,214,105 294,486 199,944 94,922 134,095 39,173
  1983 306 188 118 1,275 73,186 75,069 67,639 12,457 20,570 8,113
  1984 331 204 127 1,578 87,984 90,244 82,239 15,583 24,800 9,217
  1985 341 207 134 1,713 106,597 104,197 96,202 16,541 26,942 10,400
  1986 325 208 117 1,744 123,461 111,701 102,362 18,563 29,021 10,458
  1987 291 194 97 2,042 125,134 116,379 104,296 18,092 29,118 11,025
  1988 296 197 99 2,060 154,548 141,909 126,505 25,639 37,527 11,888
  1989 299 189 110 2,370 148,688 162,325 147,280 26,652 39,296 12,643
  1990 267 173 96 2,153 150,063 161,702 145,789 26,453 39,383 12,930
  1991 260 170 91 2,207 159,117 169,073 152,011 28,036 39,588 11,552
  1992 253 169 84 2,167 178,577 181,603 158,260 33,004 42,748 9,744
  1993 256 169 87 2,146 166,806 184,434 162,846 33,887 43,300 9,413
  1994 261 170 91 2,060 177,992 195,933 172,926 36,318 46,048 9,730
  1995 282 186 96 2,297 200,562 217,684 195,402 37,394 49,561 12,168
  1996 297 187 110 2,455 235,679 248,883 224,417 43,883 56,614 12,731
  1997 311 198 113 2,642 287,829 293,864 271,571 46,696 62,923 16,227

1 Total assets are understated because not all partnerships filecomplete balance sheets.
2 Includes investment income for partnerships in finance, insurance,and real estate.
3 Beginning 1981, only net (not gross) income from farming, rents, androyalties are included.

Source: U.S. Internal Revenue Service, Partnership Returns--1978-1997, and Statistics of Income Bulletin

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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