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114. Abortions--Number, Rate, and Abortion/Live Birth Ratio by State

[Number of abortions by state of occurrence from surveys of hospitals, clinics, andphysicians identified as providers of abortion services conducted byThe Alan Guttmacher Institute. Abortion rates are computed per 1,000women 15 to 44 years of age on July 1 of specified year; abortion ratiosare computed as the number of abortions per 1,000 live births from July1 of year shown to June 30 of following year, by State of occurrence]

Number (1,000) Rate 1 Ratio 2
State FIPS
CODE 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
United States 00000 1,557 1,529 1,500 1,431 1,364 1,366 26.3 25.9 25.4 24.1 22.9 22.9 378 379 378 364 351 351
Alabama 01000 17 17 (NA) (NA) 15 15 18.2 18.2 (NA) (NA) 15.0 15.6 280 277 (NA) (NA) 246 253
Alaska 02000 2 2 (NA) (NA) 2 2 16.9 16.5 (NA) (NA) 14.2 14.6 215 222 (NA) (NA) 200 206
Arizona 04000 20 21 (NA) (NA) 18 19 23.2 24.1 (NA) (NA) 19.1 19.8 289 295 (NA) (NA) 245 256
Arkansas 05000 7 7 (NA) (NA) 6 6 13.6 13.5 (NA) (NA) 11.1 11.4 206 213 (NA) (NA) 175 175
California 06000 321 304 (NA) (NA) 240 238 44.4 42.1 (NA) (NA) 33.4 33.0 524 519 (NA) (NA) 441 447
Colorado 08000 21 20 (NA) (NA) 16 18 25.3 23.6 (NA) (NA) 18.0 20.9 373 362 (NA) (NA) 284 323
Connecticut 09000 21 20 (NA) (NA) 17 16 26.7 26.2 (NA) (NA) 23.0 22.5 424 444 (NA) (NA) 376 372
Delaware 10000 6 6 (NA) (NA) 6 4 34.9 35.2 (NA) (NA) 34.4 24.1 494 502 (NA) (NA) 542 383
District of Columbia 11000 22 21 (NA) (NA) 21 21 136.1 138.4 (NA) (NA) 151.7 154.5 1,090 1,104 (NA) (NA) 1376 1390
Florida 12000 85 85 (NA) (NA) 88 94 29.9 30.0 (NA) (NA) 30.0 32.0 438 438 (NA) (NA) 465 489
Georgia 13000 40 40 (NA) (NA) 37