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32. 1997 Economic Census

1047. Motor Vehicle Recalls, by Domestic and Foreign Manufacturers

[Covers manufacturers reporting to U.S. National Highway Traffic Administration under section 151 of National Traffic and MotorVehicle Safety Act of 1966, as amended]

Manufacturer Unit 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
Motor vehicles:
  Total recall
   campaigns 1 Number 217 209 246 272 274 167 156 135 140 164 173 173 199 197 237 208 220 187 221 244 266 265
Domestic Number 190 169 195 199 217 129 124 107 109 127 137 138 150 152 182 159 168 142 178 178 190 197
Foreign Number 27 40 51 73 57 38 32 28 31 37 36 35 49 45 55 49 52 45 43 66 76 68
  Total vehicles
   recalled 1,000 2,108 3,496 12,924 8,886 8,889 4,868 9,410 1,915 6,116 7,220 5,629 2,879 9,091 4,486 7,137 5,985 8,279 10,122 10,922 6,063 18,295 17,084
Domestic 1,000 1,828 3,023 10,694 7,745 6,967 3,943 7,328 1,402 3,072 6,283 4,995 1,730 7,298 3,171 6,173 4,070 6,646 6,545 7,655 4,280 9,041 15,104
  Vehicles recalled by
   four leading auto
   manufacturers 2 1,000 1,602 2,855 10,051 7,462 6,475 3,735 7,197 1,314 3,004 6,148 4,811 1,382 6,946 2,900 5,855 3,926 6,303 5,880 7,345 4,125 8,811 15,064
Foreign 1,000 280 473 2,230 1,141 1,922 925 2,082 513 3,044 937 634 1,149 1,793 1,315 964 1,915 1,633 3,577 3,267 1,784 9,259 1,980
Motor vehicle tires:
  Recall campaigns 1 Number 23 28 35 31 42 24 24 16 21 16 19 14 16 12 11 13 12 7 5 5 3 1
    Tires recalled 1,000 44 458 470 14,686 236 7,070 123 93 94 81 28 164 42 215 115 172 153 8 6 93 10 6

1 A recall campaign is the notification tothe Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Transportation and to owners,purchasers, and dealers of motor vehicles and equipment.
2 For 1988, three leading automobile manufacturers.Source: U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,Motor Vehicles Recall Campaigns, annual.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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