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32. 1997 Economic Census

1132. Nuts--Supply and Use

[In millions of pounds (shelled) (172.5 represents 172,500,000).For marketing season beginning July 1 for almonds, hazelnuts, pecans;August 1 for walnuts; and September 1 for pistachios]

Year Beginning Marketable Imports Supply, Consumption Exports Ending
stocks production 1 total stocks
Total nuts: 2
  1980 172.5 567.1 101.1 840.7 409.7 262.0 169.1
  1981 169.1 736.6 92.6 998.2 443.1 279.7 275.4
  1982 275.4 654.3 123.3 1,053.0 503.7 234.3 315.0
  1983 315.0 510.0 147.0 972.0 530.3 219.3 222.4
  1984 222.4 850.4 139.9 1,212.7 563.1 318.1 331.5
  1985 331.5 761.7 151.1 1,244.3 586.2 393.0 265.1
  1986 265.1 553.5 143.0 961.6 534.8 240.6 186.2
  1987 186.2 1,000.6 132.4 1,319.2 536.3 426.1 356.8
  1988 356.8 940.6 126.7 1,424.1 563.3 456.1 404.7
  1989 404.7 794.6 169.8 1,369.1 554.7 488.2 326.2
  1990 326.2 961.5 198.4 1,486.1 609.6 522.6 354.0
  1991 354.0 848.9 171.1 1,373.9 547.7 563.7 262.5
  1992 262.5 860.3 228.1 1,350.8 569.9 544.0 237.0
  1993 237.0 947.1 214.6 1,398.7 581.1 538.2 279.4
  1994 279.7 1,061.4 218.9 1,560.1 596.8 629.2 334.1
  1995 334.1 770.1 204.0 1,308.2 512.5 543.8 251.9
  1996 251.9 816.9 212.8 1,281.6 519.3 605.8 156.4
  1997 156.4 1,214.4 241.3 1,612.2 579.9 683.6 348.7
  1998 348.7 848.7 259.6 1,457.1 622.8 620.9 213.4
  1980 79.0 305.1 0.1 384.2 95.6 186.9 101.7
  1981 101.7 383.1 0.0 484.8 115.9 207.9 161.0
  1982 161.0 330.8 0.6 492.3 137.4 178.0 176.9
  1983 176.9 221.8 0.2 398.9 136.6 171.7 90.6
  1984 90.6 563.6 0.2 654.5 160.7 266.8 227.0
  1985 227.0 444.0 0.5 671.5 195.0 332.2 144.3
  1986 144.3 235.7 0.7 380.7 127.7 174.0 79.0
  1987 79.0 634.6 0.7 714.2 143.0 343.3 227.9
  1988 227.9 564.5 0.5 792.9 158.9 364.0 270.1
  1989 270.1 457.2 0.2 727.5 153.6 370.7 203.1
  1990 203.1 615.8 0.1 819.0 185.9 391.7 241.4
  1991 241.4 463.2 0.2 704.8 155.5 401.2 148.1
  1992 148.1 521.3 0.3 669.7 152.8 385.8 131.1
  1993 131.1 470.1 0.3 601.5 128.4 370.4 102.6
  1994 102.6 696.2 0.4 799.2 152.2 442.1 204.8
  1995 204.8 351.4 0.6 556.8 125.7 338.4 92.8
  1996 92.8 486.3 1.2 580.4 130.7 401.4 48.3
  1997 48.3 726.2 0.1 774.6 139.8 462.8 172.0
  1998 172.0 496.3 0.1 668.4 148.0 420.0 100.4
  1980 47.2 85.1 1.0 133.3 97.8 4.7 30.9
  1981 30.9 149.9 0.8 181.6 104.0 4.2 73.4
  1982 73.4 102.7 1.6 177.8 113.2 7.3 57.3
  1983 57.3 122.6 5.8 185.7 112.6 3.4 69.7
  1984 69.7 108.5 1.9 180.2 127.1 2.7 50.4
  1985 50.4 111.0 14.3 175.6 113.4 2.3 60.0
  1986 60.0 125.4 10.9 196.3 130.1 2.8 63.4
  1987 63.4 121.1 13.0 197.5 131.1 3.9 62.5
  1988 62.5 135.0